
发布时间:2020-06-22 07:20:45







第16单元 译员的素质要求

16.1 复习笔记





1. 精通两种语言(源语和目的语)(1)作为一名译员,要不断学习、善于总结,努力掌握源语和目的语各自的特点和双语互译的变化规律,使目的语的表达更贴近源语。(2)明确中英两种语言在表达上的不同特点:汉语喜欢用含蓄、模糊的用语来强调客气;而英语多用清晰、明白、富有逻辑的表达。汉语是分析性语言,重意合,多话题句和无主句;英语兼有分析性和综合性,讲究形合,重语言形式,连接手段完善。

2. 优秀的听说和笔记技能(1)听力是口译活动的前提和基础,听准记牢至关重要。因此,平时多注意进行逻辑训练,培养综合理解能力,熟悉“同步笔记”,抓住大意和主题,力争做到长句能抓住要点,数字能准确记住并表达,从而提高口译质量。(2)口译笔记是为了临时应用,只需将主要内容、转折点、关键词或未弄懂的地方记下来即可,大多数内容还要靠大脑来临时记忆。做笔记时,译员切不可用速记的方式,因为在短暂的瞬间可能难以迅速而准确地解读速记内容,译员必须用直观、清楚的表达,易于自己快速辨认。做笔记用英文还是用中文,这因人而异,但通常多用母语记更合适。

3. 发音标准和语音流畅(1)语音准确明白是口译的第一要求,语调优美、语音流畅也是高质量的口译人员所应具备的素质之一,作为口译人员应力求做到发音标准,包括准确的单词重音、句子重读及升降调等。(2)好的译员表达出来的译文应如发言人一样流畅。要尽可能保持原话的风格,并在措辞、口音、语气方面尽量保持自然,不矫揉。翻译的语调也要保持适中,根据不同场合,照顾到观众的情绪,使用得体的语调。


译员应博览群书,平时一定要做准备工作,了解相关背景材料以及会谈内容,做到有备而来。同时,译员应做到:(1)了解并掌握时下常用的专用术语及基本概念,如“全球化”(globalization);(2)不同行业中常见的术语,要多查专业词典,真正明确所表达的含义,如offer(报盘、报价);(3)属于中国特色的表达,更需要平时多收集整理,如“两个一百年”奋斗目标(Two Centenary Goals);(4)注意收集时事新闻中出现的新词,如“低头族”(phubber)。




1. 保密原则,译员是谈判双方沟通的桥梁,但决不可泄露机密。

2. 对译事的态度,身为译员,必须做到:(1)不胡编乱造。没有听懂,可以询问,但不能瞎译。(2)不自以为是。故意不译、偷工减料、随意删改都违背了起码的翻译职业道德。(3)不喧宾夺主。译员是工作人员,不能把主人晾在一边,自己与外宾聊个没完。(4)要守时。译员一定要遵守会谈约定的时间。从礼貌上讲,应提前5至10分钟到达会谈间。(5)要投入。译员应该对谈判双方讨论的问题非常了解,而且十分投入。

3. 对译员的几点忠告:(1)尽量避免使用容易造成误解的字句;(2)保持口译流畅,不间断,不能让听众等待或感到别扭;(3)译文表达一定要保持语句完整,不能上句不接下句,吞吞吐吐,而且要尽量避免使用长句或语法结构复杂的句子;(4)如发现有参会人员在记笔记,译员可适当放慢速度,尤其在表达数据、专有名词的时候;(5)切忌使用过多的手势动作和过分抑扬顿挫的语音语调;(6)突然遇到译不出来的词句时,应大方地表示歉意,并请教在场人员;或者译员可试译出来,但因未必确凿,向听众略作解释;(7)译员口译所占的时间一般应为发言人讲话的3/4,不能总是超过发言人讲话的时间。

16.2 实例详解

Exercise 3

Listen to the following texts once and then start interpreting at the end of each segment.

Text 3.1Role of an Effective Logistics System in Guangdong高效快捷的物流系统在广东的作用

The double digit growth of the 80’s and early 90’s slowed due to the Asian economic crisis that occurred in 1997. However, growth is re-emerging and logistics is again high on the agenda as companies pursue market penetration and cost reduction.//【译文】由于发生在1997年的亚洲金融危机,80年代至90年代初的经济以两位数增长,且发展趋缓。但如今企业纷纷追求市场扩张和降低成本,经济又在慢慢地开始复苏,物流也由此倍受重视。//【解析】听和做笔记时,应先把握句中的逻辑关系,要特别注意due to,however,as等连词。在产出译文时,可根据汉语惯用的逻辑表达对语序做适时的调整。同时,也要注意对背景知识及一些惯用的词汇和术语的知识积累。high on the agenda重中之重,位于议程之首;market penetration在经济学中指“市场渗透”。

The introduction of modern logistics techniques to Asia generally has come from those companies manufacturing and or retailing fast moving consumer goods. These MNC’s have utilized modern logistics techniques to deal with the high growth levels and a more demanding customer base.//【译文】率先将先进的物流技术引入亚洲的是生产和销售日用品的公司,这些跨国企业利用物流科技来应对企业的快速发展,并满足客户需要。//【解析】这一段语意顺畅,可顺句驱动,在处理的过程中可使用笔译的一些技巧,如词性转换和增译等。此外,第二句中的level和base都较为抽象,口译时把握high growth和demanding customer的主要意思。

However, issues such as appropriate management, adequate technology and radical mass to justify the economics of central distribution centers have been important influences on the speed of logistics development.//【译文】但是,一些问题,诸如管理是否到位,技术是否先进,以及思想激进的大众是否认可物流中心的经济性等,均会对物流业的发展速度产生严重影响。//【解析】原文的基本结构“have influences on”较为清晰,也易于记忆,难点在于主语之后的修饰成分较长。记忆和做笔记时应先把握中心词management,technology和mass。同时,也要注意对mass的理解,此处指“大众;群众”。

While the crisis has slowed down the momentum that had built in the mid-90’s, logistics is now merging as a key tool in creating value.//【译文】纵然金融危机减缓了90年代中期建立起来的发展势头,物流目前正在成为创造价值的关键。//【解析】听和理解时,应先把握逻辑关系词while,弄清句子间的关系;此外,还要把握主要的信息词crisis,slowed down the momentum,logistics,merging,tool及creating value。

This is occurring as global companies pursue regional solutions from a manufacturing and supply chain perspective. This has led to decisions in aspect to restructuring of manufacturing locations and re-defining what products are sourced from what countries.//【译文】这种情形出现正值全球企业力图通过制造业和供应链的渠道解决区域性的问题。于是企业的决策主要表现在调整产地以及根据产品类型重新决定采购渠道等。//【解析】在理解和记忆的过程中,应先把握主要的连接词如as,from ... perspective,lead to,in aspect to等;同时可采取一些笔译的技巧,根据理解进行词性转换和语序、词序的调整及增译,重复一些中心词,使句意衔接更连贯。此外,对一些经济类词汇的翻译要多积累,如supply chain指“供应链”,restructuring多处理为“重组”。

They also are reviewing their historic distribution channels as the roles of trading companies as distributors are being reason reassessed.//【译文】由于对起分销作用的贸易公司需要重新评估,因此国际企业也开始重新审视传统的分销模式。//【解析】本句的逻辑连接词为“as”,表示原因;在产出译文时,因将其处理为因果关系,作出语序的调整。同时,要把握中心词和信息词review,historic distribution channel,the roles of trading companies,distributors及reassessed。

Distributors have generally acted in both the sale and physical distribution functions however most MNC’s now believe it is strategically important to manage sales direct and to utilize specialist logistics firms for distribution.//【译文】传统的模式是由贸易公司代理销售和配送,而今天跨国企业已体会到由自己直接控制销售,把物流交给专业的物流商具有重大战略意义。//【解析】本句的逻辑关系词为“however”,表转折。同时,要把握主要的信息词Distributors,both functions,MNC,manage sales direct及specialist logistics firms;这样就使前后两个分句互相补充,达到信息的完整与准确。

This issue is often impacted on by government legislation in respect to foreign investment. Such is the case in China, but this will change after accession to the World Trade Organization.//【译文】目前在一些国家,包括中国在内这种运作模式通常受到外商投资规定的限制。但随着中国加入世界贸易组织,情况将会改变。//【解析】原文的第一句为被动句,理解和记忆时应注意把握其主语和宾语,以便在译文中做适时的调整,特别是宾语成分较长,要灵活处理。第二句语意清晰流畅,则可顺句驱动。

The aftermath of the Asian economic crisis has resulted in a new wave of foreign investment as the majority foreign countries have freed up their foreign investment policy. This was our experience in Thailand as the freeing up allowed us to negotiate a majority foreign owned JV.//【译文】亚洲金融危机过后,掀起了一股新的投资高潮,绝大多数国家放宽了外商投资政策。在泰国,我们亲身体会到当地政策放宽后,梅茵公司得以磋商成立一个外资占大部分的合资公司。//【解析】原文句子较长,信息量较大,应先把握有连接作用的词,如result in与as。此外,句子的句意基本流畅,因此具体内容可顺句驱动,特别是第二句作为案例可与第一句互相印证。而且,应了解一些背景知识,如本文的公司名JV指“梅茵公司”。

This is essential to meet customer expectations and to enable our Board of Directors to have the confidence that adequate returns could be achieved in a country that we were entering for the first time.//【译文】这一重要举措不仅让梅茵公司的服务更贴近客户的要求,也使梅茵公司的董事们有信心在泰国的首次投资可有丰厚的收益。//【解析】本句的修饰成分较多,理解和记忆时应弄清条理,根据汉语的表达习惯做适时的调整,必要时可进行词性转换。只需把握好信息词meet customer expectations,confidence,achieve returns与entering for the first time。(Excerpted from the speech “Role of an Effective Logistics System in Guangdong” by Mr. David Cranwell, managing director of Mayne Nickless Limited at the International Consultative Conference on Future Economic Development of Guangdong on November 15, 2000)

Key Words

double digit growth:两位数增长


MNC (multinational corporation):跨国公司

radical mass:激进的大众



free up:解放

Text 3.2Global Competitiveness and Guangdong Future Development: FurtherOpening Up to Raise the Level of Globalization全球竞争力与广东未来发展:进一步扩大开放,提高广东经济的全球化水平

Emerson believes that with its infrastructure development, diverse and deep resources, government focus on attracting foreign investment and proximity to Hong Kong, the Guangdong province stands ready to perform as an equal to the well-recognized four small dragons of East Asia—Korea (ROK), Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. It is helpful to address the strengths of these markets as we look at future provincial direction.//【译文】艾默生相信,以广东省基础设施的发展、丰富多样的资源、政府对吸引外资的重视及与香港的地利之便,她已足以与广为人知的东亚“四小龙”(韩国、香港、新加坡和台湾)并驾齐驱。当展望广东省未来的发展方向时,我们有必要强调一下“四小龙”的市场潜力。//【解析】原文的第一句并列结构较多,信息量大,但多为常见的说法,对于记忆和笔记来说不会有较大的困难;产出译文时,基本可以顺句驱动,按原文的语序译出即可,而且译者需对背景知识和“亚洲四小龙”有所了解,这样就可以减轻记忆的负担。原文的第二句实际以“it”作形式主语,因此,口译时可适当地调整结构。

Korea (ROK) has achieved an incredible record of growth and integration into the high-tech modern world economy and has become the fifth most important trade partner of Guangdong. This success was achieved by a system of close government-business ties, including directed credit, import restrictions, sponsorship of specific industries, and a strong human resource development effort.//【译文】韩国经济增长速度惊人,并与高科技现代世界经济融合,且已成为广东省第五大重要贸易伙伴。该国经济成功的关键在于政府与商业系统的密切配合,策略包括政策指导性贷款、进口政策、政府赞助特定产业及较强的人力资源开发努力。//【解析】原文的第一句结构清晰,信息流畅,基本可以顺句驱动,因此,译员应主要记忆关键的信息词。第二句的信息量也较大,包含了一系列并列的名词,翻译时应作适当地词性转换和增译,使得句子内部的连接更流畅。

Trade between Guangdong province and Korea (ROK) hit US $5.73 billion during the first six months of 2003, surging almost 39 percent on an annual basis.//【译文】广东省与韩国间的贸易额在2003年上半年已达57.3亿美元,几乎以每年39%的速度增长。//【解析】本句的难点在于一系列时间词,如US $5.73 billion,first six months of 2003,almost 39 percent,annual,因此,译员要多注意对数字口译的训练,特别是一些较大的数目涉及到英汉不同的表达法,更应多加练习,力求熟练与准确。

Hong Kong has a bustling free market economy highly dependent on international trade. Natural resources are limited, and food and raw materials must be imported.//【译文】香港则是一个高度依赖国际贸易而繁荣的自由市场经济体系。自然资源有限,且食物与原料必须依赖进口。//【解析】原文的第一句修饰成分较多,译员可根据听力过程中的理解做适时的调整,以意思的完整表达为重点。第二句则句意清晰,可顺句驱动,做灵活处理。

Indeed, imports and exports, including re-exports, each exceed GDP in dollar value. Even before reverting to Chinese administration in 1997 it had extensive trade and investment ties with Chinese mainland.//【译文】事实上,包括再出口业务在内的进出口,都超过了GDP美元净值。即使在1997年回归中国之前,香港地区与大陆之间就已经存在广泛的贸易与投资往来。//【解析】原文句意清晰,只要在理解和记忆的过程中把握主要的信息点就没有太大难度,可顺句驱动。对于有疑问的词则可根据语意和背景作出推断,如可根据上文的数字表达推断出“in dollar value”指“以美元来计算;美元净值”,而“reverting to”则可根据背景知识理解为“回归”。

Singapore, a highly developed and successful free-market economy, enjoys a remarkably open and corruption-free environment, stable prices, and one of the highest per capita GDP in the world.//【译文】新加坡则是一个高度发达的国家,拥有成功的自由市场经济体系,以开放的社会及清廉的政府享誉国际,物价稳定,是世界人均国内生产总值最高的国家之一。//【解析】原文虽多并列成分,但结构清晰,用短时记忆加笔记法来记不会有太大困难。需要注意一些词的表达:corruption-free可以理解为“廉洁的”,不用拘泥于字形译为“无腐败的”;per capita GDP为常用用法,指“人均国内生产总值”。

The economy depends heavily on exports, particularly in electronics and manufacturing. In the longer term the government hopes to establish a new growth path that will be less vulnerable to the external business cycle than the current export-led model, but is unlikely to abandon efforts to establish Singapore as Southeast Asia’s financial and high- tech hub.//【译文】该国经济大幅依赖出口,特别是电子业与制造业。就长期而言,该国政府希望建立起一个能比目前以出口为导向的经济体制更能抵抗外部商业周期影响的新发展路线。但是,将新加坡建设成为东南亚地区的金融与高科技中心还是该国当局的首要任务。//【解析】原文的第一句较为简单,可顺句驱动进行直译。第二句的难点在于句中的后置定语从句,且为比较句,口译时应根据句意,灵活处理。如vulnerable指“易受攻击的”;“less vulnerable”则可从反面处理,理解为“更能抵抗的”;export-led model通常处理为“出口拉动型的模式”或“出口导向型的体制”。

Taiwan has a dynamic capitalist economy with gradually decreasing guidance of investment and foreign trade by the authorities.//【译文】台湾拥有活跃的资本主义经济体系,当局正在逐渐减少对投资和外贸的干预。//【解析】本句在分析和产出译文时,可采用笔译的一些技巧,对词性和语序作出适度地调整,使语意更为通顺流畅。

In keeping with this trend, some large government-owned banks and industrial firms are being privatized. Real growth in GDP has averaged about 8 percent during the past three decades. Exports have provided the primary impetus for industrialization.//【译文】为顺应形势,若干由政府经营的大型银行与工业公司正在向私有化迈进。在过去30年中,台湾的GDP增长平均在8%的水平。出口是促进工业化的主要动力。//【解析】原文包含三个分句,句意清晰,可顺句驱动,无太大困难。In keeping with表示“与……相符,与……一致”。

The bilateral trade agreement signed between Chinese mainland and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, called the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement, or CEPA, can be a driver for Guangdong.//【译文】中国大陆与香港特别行政区签署的双边贸易协议,又名“进一步加强经济合作协议”(CEPA),可以成为广东经济发展的动力。//【解析】本句句意明确,结构也较为清晰,译者需要对背景知识,也就是“更紧密经贸关系的安排”(CEPA)加强了解,这样本句就不会有任何难点了。

While Beijing, shanghai and Guangzhou enjoy the same level of preferential trade treatment under the arrangement, Guangdong has the potential to benefit most, as the advantage of location plays a big role among all the factors contributing to general economic capacity.//【译文】根据该协议,北京、上海和广州享有同样的贸易优惠待遇。鉴于位置优势在经济增长能力综合因素中占有重要地位,广东将成为该协议最大的受惠者。//【解析】原文句子较长,听和理解时应先把握主要的逻辑关系词while,as与contributing to;然后对细节进行增补,如preferential trade treatment表示“贸易优惠待遇”,此外还可根据逻辑关系词对译文的语序进行一定的调整,使其更符合汉语的表达习惯。(Excerpted from the speech “Global Competitiveness and Guangdong Future Development: Further Opening Up to Raise the Level of Globalization” by Mr. James Berges, president of Emerson at the International Consultative Conference on Future Economic Development of Guangdong on November 3, 2003)

Key Words


directed credit:指导信贷

corruption-free environment:清廉政府

per capita GDP:人均国内收入


primary impetus:基本动力

preferential trade treatment:优惠贸易待遇

Text 3.3关于中国中长期发展的几个战略问题A Few Strategic Issues in the Mid and Long-term Development of China

我国正处于城市化加速发展的阶段。但也处于存在两种可能的重要关口。//【译文】China is right in the accelerating course of urbanization, which, nevertheless, will pose two possibilities at the critical moment.//【解析】“城市化”通常处理为urbanisation。原文的逻辑关系词较为明确,译文基本可顺句驱动,直译出原文的意思即可,而且本句为主题句,有经验的译员可对下文进行预测。

一种可能是城市化健康发展,成为带动经济持续增长和社会全面进步的主流趋势;另一种可能是引导不力、政策失当、出现偏差,带来“三农”问题加剧、城乡两极分化、增长继续过于依赖投资、服务业比重难以提高、资源大跨度调动压力加大、高素质劳动者供给不足等问题。//【译文】On the one hand, the healthy development of urbanization will form the mainstream trend to boost the sustained economic growth and the overall social progress; on the other hand, the downside of the double-edged sword will entail inability to lead failure in governmental policy, deterioration of the issues of agriculture, farmers, and the countryside, which in turn will accelerate the polarization of township and countryside, over dependence of growth on investment, low ratio of tertiary industry in the economy, heavy pressure on the resource distribution, as well as inadequate supply of skilled labours, etc.//【解析】原文的并列成分较多,记忆时要注意把握主要的信息点,而且要考虑到这些并列成分词性一致的问题,以利于口译过程的顺畅进行。此外,还要注意一些用语的常用表达。“带动经济持续增长”可处理为“to boost sustained economic growth”,“三农”问题为“issues of agriculture, farmers, and the countryside”,“服务业”译为“tertiary industry”。

因此,促进城市化健康发展至关重要,关键要解决好农村人口进城、城市形态及其空间布局、政府职责三个课题。//【译文】Therefore, it is of vital importance to have a healthy development of urbanization, and be able to solve such issues as immigration into cities, urban structure and construction, and the responsibilities of the government.//【解析】原文结构清晰,可保留原文的语序和结构,顺句驱动,但相关的词汇则需多加积累。immigration较为常用,表示“人口的流动”;“城市形态及其空间布局”可译为“urban structure and construction”,较为简洁。

一是推进农村人口的城市化,还是推进土地的城市化。必须以促进农村人口进入城市稳定就业并定居为中心推进城市化,把扩大城市面积、拉大城市框架、增加城市数量、加强城市建设作为手段,不要本末倒置。//【译文】In the first place, the question is whether to promote the urbanization of rural population or rural land. In the course of urbanization, we must focus on the issue of stable employment and settlement of the immigrants after they moved into the city. We should start from the enlargement of urban size, stretching of urban structure, increasing of city numbers, and boosting of urban construction, not the other way round, to put the cart before the horse.//【解析】原文并列成分较多,记忆时要把握住中心的信息词“面积”“框架”“数量”“建设”,再搭配适当的动词。此外,还要加强对词汇的积累。“本末倒置”一般处理为“to put the cart before the horse”,译员也可以根据句意,进行意译。

二是城市化的道路或城市化的主流形态是什么。必须摒弃简单地以城市规模论重点的城市化方针,改变按行政区而不是按经济区推进城市化的做法,使城市群成为我国人口城市化的主体。//【译文】The second question concerns what the main idea of urbanization might be. We must refrain from the simplistic idea of viewing the scale of city as the key element of urbanization, and change our operations from urbanization by administrative regions into that by economic regions, enabling the urban networks to be the mainframe of China’s urbanization of population.//【解析】本句为典型的汉语发言,口译时应适当地增译主语和连接词,使得语意更为连贯和顺畅,也更符合英语的表达法。

三是在推进城市化进程中,政府的主要职责是什么。必须改变政府主导、拔苗助长,简单地通过“县改市”“县改区”“乡改镇”的方式推进城市化的模式,政府的主要职责是破除城乡分治的体制机制,建立有利于城市化健康发展的体制机制环境、政策环境和规划环境。//【译文】The third question is concerned with the responsibility of government in the process of urbanization. We must refrain from the old practices of government-lead over-enthusiastic measures such as “changing county into municipality”, “changing county into a city district”, “changing countryside into township”. We should be aware of the main responsibility of government in urbanization which is to break down the system of separate administration of township and countryside, and create a healthy climate in terms of system and mechanism, policy and planning conducive to urbanization.//【解析】汉译英基本不会造成听力上的问题,重点在于词汇的积累。“政府主导”译为“government-led”;“拔苗助长”可理解为“spoil things with excessive enthusiasm”;“市”译为“municipality”,“区”译为“city district”;“镇”译为“township”;“城乡分治”译为“separate administration of township and countryside”;“体制机制”译为“system and mechanism”;“有利于”可处理为形容词短语“conducive to”。(2005年5月28日中国投资环境论坛,国家发展改革委员会发展规划司杨伟民的演讲“关于中国中长期发展的几个战略问题”,节选)

Key Words

重要关口:critical moment

三农:agriculture, farmers, and the countryside

城乡两极分化:the polarization of township and countryside

本末倒置:put the cart before the horse

拔苗助长:spoil things with excessive enthusiasm

城乡分治:separate administration of township and countryside

Text 3.4为广东旅游业插上信息化的翅膀Create Wings for Tourism in Guangdong

为推动旅游业信息化的发展,我们将革新管理形式,创建电子旅游企业和机构。//【译文】To boost the development of tourism through IT application, we should upgrade our ways of management, and establish electronic tourism enterprises and institutions.//【解析】原文句子简洁,信息清晰,可顺句驱动,译员要注意的是词汇的表达。“旅游业信息化”译为“IT application to tourism”或“the development of tourism through IT application”;“电子旅游”译为“electronic tourism”。

旅游业数字化的革命性转折要求广东旅游企业必须加快经营形式的变革。传统的小作坊式的手工操作,已不能适应旅游业发展的潮流。//【译文】The shift to the digitalization of tourism calls for the transformation of management modes of tourism enterprises in Guangdong province. The old-fashioned small workshop-style operations have lagged behind the trend of times.//【解析】原文分为两个句子,语意清晰,对记忆没有太大负担,可作些微的调整,对其进行直译。其中,“数字化”指“digitalization”;“要求”可处理为“require”,“demand”或“call for”;“小作坊式”为“small workshop-style”。此外,“不能适应”可处理为“can’t keep up with”,“fall behind”或“lag behind”,译员应多加积累,便于口译活动的顺利进行。

广东虽然拥有广之旅、国旅假期、省中旅、广铁青等一批有影响的旅行社,但90%的旅行社还是中小型企业,基本上都在考虑本企业的生存问题。//【译文】In the province, there are quite a few celebrated travel agencies such as Guangzhou Travel Agency, China Holiday Travel Agency, China Travel Agency (Guangdong), and Guangdong Railway Travel Agency, but the rest 90 percent of the tourism industry are composed of just small and medium enterprises which are still on the verge of survival.//【解析】本句的难点在于并列的一些旅行社的名称,这些就需要提前准备及平时多加积累了。“广之旅”可译为“Guangzhou Travel Agency”;“国旅假期”译为“China Holiday Travel Agency”;“省中旅”译为“China Travel Agency (Guangdong)”;“广铁青”译为“Guangdong Railway Travel Agency”。

由于企业的客户经理制使旅游业务的黑箱操作流行,新技术的推广更加艰难。对于比例越来越高的散客浪潮,旅行社传统经营方式也应对乏力,有必要加快网络的运用。//【译文】Because of the Customer-manager Management System of the firms, operations under the counter are rather wide-spread, and it is hard for them to apply new technologies. Facing the increasing number of individual travelers, the traditional operational mode of travel agencies seems to be incapable, and thus needs to be web-based for further development.//【解析】本句需注意词汇的英译方法。“客户经理制”译为“Customer-manager Management System”;“黑箱操作”译为“operations under the counter”;“散客”译为“individual travelers”;“加快网络的运用”可处理为“accelerate the application of internet”或“be wed-based”。

网络的运用不是简单地上网,而是走向电子旅行社:网上卖线路、网上订路线、网上多家银行信用卡支付,实现电子结算。//【译文】The application of webs does not simply mean getting access to the Internet, instead, it means the establishment of web-based travel agency, i.e., on-line route purchasing, on-line route reserving, payment by on-line credit, as well as on-line settlement.//【解析】本句需注意词汇的英译方法。“上网”可从旅行社的角度理解为“getting access to the Internet”,而不是常用的“surf the internet”;“电子旅行社”应处理为“web-based travel agency”,而不是“electronic”;“网上卖线路、网上订路线”可从顾客的角度处理为“on-line route purchasing, on-line route reserving”;“网上支付”译为“on-line payment”;“电子结算”指“on-line settlement”。

广州岭南旅行社通过互联网操作,实现旅游线路信息实时报送、更新,后台线路订单查询、订单跟踪、支付结算监控等业务流程操作,已经创造了一定的先进经验。//【译文】Guangzhou Lingnan Travel Agency, as a successful example, has accumulated some experiences in putting its operations on line, such as the real-time sending and upgrading of tourist information, the on-line order searching, tracking, as well as the supervision of payment and settlement online.//【解析】本句需注意词汇的英译方法。“信息实时报送”译为“real-time sending of tourist information”;“订单查询”译为“order searching”;“订单跟踪”译为“order tracking”;“支付结算监控”译为“supervision of payment and settlement”。

目前广东的500家旅行社有352家在互联网上建立了自己的网页,但其中只有21家有独立域名,因此网络化建设还任重道远。//【译文】At present, 352 of all the 500 travel agencies in Guangdong have built their own web pages, but only 21 of them own their independent domain names, thus still a long way from tourism digitalization.//【解析】本句需注意词汇的英译方法。“独立域名”译为“independent domain names”;“任重道远”译为“remain a daunting task”或“has a long way to go”。

目前制约广东旅游业数字化的因素除了主观方面的认识和重视程度之外,主要是客观方面的网上支付问题。//【译文】Currently, what restrict the development of tourism digitalization in the province are not only subjective ideas and attitudes of the enterprises, but also the objective issues of on-line payment.//【解析】原文的修饰成分较多,听和做笔记的过程中应作适当地整理,使其连接更为连贯。“除了”可处理为“besides”“apart from”“in addition to”或“not only ... but also”,译员可作具体选择,选择具体的搭配。

网站的供应商无法为网站消费者及时地提供业务信息和在线交易确认。目前银行业也在积极探索和发展,一些银行已提出解决方案并付诸应用。//【译文】Web suppliers cannot provide their clients with punctual business information or on-line identification. At the moment, banks





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