
发布时间:2020-06-22 20:51:47









SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)中文名称为“学术能力评估测验”,由美国大学委员会(College Board)委托ETS举办,美国各大学将参考SAT成绩决定是否批准考生的本科入学申请。



















现行SAT分为SAT I(Reasoning Test,推理测验)和SAT II(Subject Test,专项测验)两种。

SAT I为必考项。考试内容包括批判性阅读(Critical Reading)、数学(Mathematics)和写作(Writing)三个科目,每个科目满分均为800分,总分为2400分。SAT I着重考查考生综合运用语言的能力。

SAT I考试分为10个部分(Section),时间分配如下:

Section 1至Section 7:各25分钟。

Section 8至Section 9:各20分钟。

Section 10:10分钟。






SAT II为选考项。其中包括数学、物理、化学、生物、外语等科目,满分也是2400分。由考生根据所申请学校的具体要求与其学术发展规划选择报考,SAT II旨在测试考生在某一科目上的专业学术能力。






1. SAT作文







Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.

We must seriously question the idea of majority rule. The majority grinned and jeered when Columbus said the world was round. The majority threw him into a dungeon for his discoveries. Where is the logic in the notion that the opinion held by a majority of people should have the power to influence our decisions?

Adapted from James A. Reed, "Majority Rule"

Assignment: Is the opinion of the majority—in government or in any other circumstances—a poor guide? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

2. SAT作文考查重点





3. SAT常考作文话题



1. 6分(满分)标准

◇ effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position(有力且深刻地阐明了对待问题的观点,展现了出众的批判性思维,并使用了明确且恰当的例子、推理和其他论据来支持自己的立场)

◇ is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas(论证合理,论点明确,展现出思维的明确连贯性和平滑过渡性)

◇ exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary(展现出优秀的语言运用技巧,并使用了多样化的、准确的、恰当的词汇)

◇ demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure(展现出句式的巧妙变化)

◇ is free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics(在语法、用法和结构方面几乎没有错误)

2. 5分标准

◇ effectively develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates strong critical thinking, generally using appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position (有力地阐述了对待问题的观点,展现出很强的批判性思维,基本上使用了恰当的例子、推理和论据来支持自己的立场)

◇ is well organized and focused, demonstrating coherence and progression of ideas (论证和论点合理,展现出思维的连续性和过渡性)

◇ exhibits facility in the use of language, using appropriate vocabulary(展现出语言运用的灵活性,并使用了恰当的词汇)

◇ demonstrates variety in sentence structure(展现出句式的变化)

◇ is generally free of most errors in grammar, usage and mechanics(在语法、用法和结构方面大致上没有错误)


从官方公布的评分标准可以看出,SAT写作强调思维的逻辑性与批判性(logical and critical thinking), 要求考生写出具有深刻洞察力(insightful)的文章。




1. 培养逻辑思维能力



例如:When short-term or small ones are reached, it is natural to feel dissatisfied because large goals have not yet been conquered. By contrast, if a challenging goal is finally achieved, most people, recalling the hardships they have undergone in the process, tend to be satisfied.(2)因果论证法


例如:In fact, a person's shining points are likely to instill in him/her the enthusiasm to fight persistently. They also bring a sense of pride and enough self-confidence. Therefore, it is fortunate for anyone to discover which specific aspects he/she shows special aptitude for.(3)归纳论证法


例如:A person's role could be as stingy as Grandet, a miser portrayed by Balzac, or as friendly and generous as Antonio in the Merchant of Venice, or as unrealistic as Don Quixote. Obviously, we can always find striking resemblance between created characters and typical representatives in real life.(4)演绎论证法


例如:Everything on Earth is internally connected.(一般性结论为论据) Thus, it is understandable for any creative mind to be affected by others.(个别性结论为论点)

2. 培养批判性思维能力


例如,下列SAT作文题目就要求考生运用批判性思维论证“firmly-held opinions”的合理性。

论题:Are firmly-held opinions reasonable?

断言:Some merits they possess do help testify to their reasonability.

论证:分论点一“many 'rigid' opinions are innovative”+论据

分论点二“debating over firmly-held ideas helps cultivate people's ability to reason”+论据

3. 掌握典型的写作论证手法



例如:In the scientific field, the confirmation of one theory may provoke new hypothesis, and the solution of a mystery may incur unpredictable problems. The atomic theory, for instance, states that matter is composed of discrete particles called atoms... Decades later, physicists found out that the atom is actually a conglomerate of various subatomic particles, namely, electrons, protons and neutrons... Afterwards...(2)解释论证法


例如:As for ordinary individuals, it is a must to think before leaping. That is to say, before posting any information, one has to judge whether the best conditions of privacy protection are available...

4. 灵活掌握文法技巧(1)SAT写作用词技巧


考生一定要重视同义词,懂得灵活运用不同词汇来表达同一种意思,这也是评分标准中有所涉及的。例如,在表达“可怕的”这个概念时,切忌重复使用“terrible”一词,其实,还有其他词可以表达这个含义:fearful, frightful, frightening, dreadful, awesome, awful, horrible等等。




for instance, for example, to illustrate, such as, as for...


due to, owing to, hence, thus, since, thus, thereby, so as to, for fear of, for the sake of, as a result, as a consequence, so that, nonetheless, in spite of, whereas, conversely, in contrast, in comparison with, now that, as though, even if, after all, in addition, moreover, furthermore, likewise, that is to say, in other words...




例如:It is details that determine the nature and quality of the whole.


It is these striking differences that make them appealing and valuable.



例如:Only by implementing more effective and forceful regulations can the rights of ordinary people be better ensured.



例如:Men had better decide what is worth failing with as well as what is worth succeeding in.


He still managed to teach himself and grasp the knowledge required for his later research.



例如:On the job market, for example, candidates with unique qualities may be the first choices of the demanding employers.


5. SAT作文应试步骤









例如,在阅读“International Aid”这篇范文时,针对Assignment中的问题“Should we care just as much about people in other countries as we do about people in our own country?”应试图找出中心论点,确定作者的立场(position):all citizens need to show sympathy and concern to foreigners。同时寻找支撑该论点的分论点:① it is inevitable for any nation to be trapped in difficulties;②nations that aid each other shall be the hugest beneficiaries in the modern world;③both international organizations and ordinary people must join hands to create a better future through humanitarian causes。最后一段为结论(conclusion)。至此,整体框架便一目了然了。


例如,在标题为“Small Achievements”的文章中,针对Assignment中的问题“Is it better to aim for small accomplishments instead of great achievements? ”,第二段内容如下:

To begin with,small achievements may become the decisive factors of a huge success. For instance, a teenager who cherishes the splendid dream to be a great musician must fulfill a series of smaller tasks first, which include studying under an excellent tutor and doing well in local competitions. Neither of them can be called a "great" aim. However, they shape the bright future of a music talent. Lang Lang, a celebrated Chinese pianist, is just a perfect example. Having experienced some obstacles, he finally entered the conservatory. Thanks to this good starting point, he was able to follow the instructions of a famous professor and gain access to many precious opportunities. In 1994,he participated in the Fourth International Youth Piano Competition in Germany and won the first prize. This small victory became a cornerstone in his career. Since then, the young artist gradually made his way onto the grandest stage in the world. Even though his early achievements appear far less influential, they have played an indispensable part.

在精读时,首先找出该段的中心论点,即第一句话“small achievements may become the decisive factors of a huge success(小成就也许会成为获得巨大成功的决定性因素)”,第二句话是对论据的抽象概述,接下来的两句话是对抽象概述的分析与判断:Neither of them can be called a "great" aim. However, they shape the bright future of a music talent. 显然,这两句话之间形成了“转折”的逻辑关系。随后的几句话就是具体事例,以此作为支撑中心论点的有力论据,其中涵盖人物、时间和事件,这些细节是例证法中不可或缺的元素。该段的最后一句话是对例证的总结性论述。


4.再选取另外15道题目进行写作练习,每篇习作务必在25分钟之内完成。完成后与范文对照,寻找自己的优点与不足之处。第二章SAT精选范文76篇1. Firmly-held Opinions 固守的观点Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.There is something good to be said for holding firm opinions, whether in politics, art, business, or daily life. A person who is deeply committed to a certain position on a film, a political candidate, or an idea may have thought long and hard before reaching that position. But too often such opinions are not based on careful thought and may be so rigidly held that those who express them do not consider other viewpoints or positions.Assignment: Are firmly held opinions reasonable? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

The derogatory term "stubborn" is often quoted to describe people who stick to their viewpoints and grant no concession. Conceivably, once a strong idea has taken root, any attempt to change it may be futile. Some people wonder if firmly-held ideas are reasonable. As far as I am concerned, although not all of them are unimpeachable, some merits they possess do help testify to their reasonability.“固执”这个贬义词通常被用来描述那些坚持己见、不屑让步的人。可以想象,一旦某个强烈的想法在心里扎根,任何试图将其改变的努力都可能是徒劳的。有些人对固守观点的合理性产生了疑问。在我看来,尽管并非所有此类观点都是无懈可击的,但是这些观点具备的一些优点的确有助于证明其合理性。

First, many "rigid" opinions are innovative, having undergone profound mental activities and repeated experiments. These are also the primary demands to be met before the formation of any reasonable idea. A firm opinion developer must have completed this "preparatory" step wholeheartedly, based on rich experience. Mr. Deng Xiaoping, the immortal "general designer" of China's reform and opening-up, raised the brave thought of "One Country, Two Systems". He stuck to it with great determination and confidence, regardless of protests and interferences from others. Obviously, one major reason for his resolute attitude just lies in the good foundation on which his theory was established. After Hong Kong was handed over to China on July 1st, 1997, the SAR government has led the region into greater prosperity. Thus, Mr. Deng demonstrated to the world that his vision best fit the real conditions of the home nation and would serve for the benefits of both sides involved.


Barbara Jordan, the first African-American woman to be elected member of the U.S. Congress, is another representative. Famous for her original thoughts on social change and powerful public speeches, Barbara touched the hearts of numerous Americans. She cherished an unshakable belief that the poor and the blacks must receive fairer treatment and that the rights of common citizens should be extended. Her victory as an influential lawmaker and educator perfectly validated what has been stored in her mind.


Besides, debating over firmly-held ideas helps cultivate people's ability to reason. When confronted by a rigid standpoint, viewers may choose to think hard in search of evidence, either for it or against it. With the emergence of more profound thinkers, the number of reasonable ideas is likely to increase. Nowadays, the Internet has built a large platform for netizens to publicize firmly-held reviews on books, movies, music and so forth. At this moment, other people are entitled to indicate their disagreement or agreement on the basis of deeper thoughts. To be specific, Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese classic novel by Cao Xueqin, has remained a controversial topic that arouses heated discussion online. People are expressing their divergent opinions on the miserable fate of Lin Daiyu and her relationship with Jia Baoyu. Through the analysis of these vivid characters and all-round debates among readers, one's thinking ability can be enhanced to a large extent and more reasonable conclusions may be reached.


In brief, the unique qualities of "rigid" opinions allow them to be "reasonable". Meanwhile, modern society has a greater demand of firmly-held ideas than ever before. As a result, we ought to respect and encourage those who take their position steadily in spite of opposite voices, because their opinions could be both reasonable and worthwhile.

总之,“固执”观点所具有的独特品质允许其趋于“合理”。同时,与以往不同,现代社会越来越需要坚定的观点。因此,我们应当尊重并鼓励那些无畏反对意见、毅然坚守自己立场的人们,因为他们的观点既可以是合理的,也可以是有价值的。2. Inventions and Discoveries 发明与发现Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.Some people believe that very few of today's "inventions" are really new. Inventions today seem to consist primarily of improvements to things that have already been invented. Medicines, it is said, may be better, and vehicles may be faster, but they are really not new or different. In reality, we have not even begun to exhaust the supply of original ideas or new inventions. There is much more for us to invent and discover.Assignment: Is there really much more for people to invent and discover in the world today? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

But for generations of pioneers in all fields, our life may not have become so convenient and comfortable. Some people complain that the modern world lacks the real sense of originality, simply because most inventions or discoveries nowadays are too reliant on previous achievements. Even so, from my standpoint, the information age is still witnessing unprecedented breakthroughs and this tendency shall be maintained forever.


Undeniably, old creations and findings have laid a stable foundation for new ones and their influences can never be neglected. Perhaps it is nothing but a settled rule of history. Therefore, while striving for progress, people may refer back to any historic accomplishments, rather than put them aside. In fact, the further our society advances, the more references are available for us to utilize. Take the IT industry as an example. Ever since the first electronic computer was invented by John Mauchly and Presper Eckert last century, numerous relevant inventions ensued, including the Internet, software and other digital devices. The 21st century saw the biggest stride forward in this field. In addition to the prevalence of such newly-developed tools as laptops and iPods, intelligent mobile phones have taken the world by storm with their multiple functions. Naturally, they owe much to Alexander Bell, the father of telephone. The same is true in the medical field. Alexander Fleming happened to discover penicillin, the very first antibiotic, 8 decades ago. His discovery later led to the births of other types of antibiotics, which now play an important role in curing various diseases.


However, the mainstream of human society convinces me that today's inventors and discoverers are able to depend solely on their own creativity and make history. One of the most impressive proofs can be found in nanotechnology. With its continuous breakthroughs, such as the inventions of new materials, it has been widely utilized in medicine and many other areas so far. Moreover, in recent years, scientists and engineers have managed to adopt renewable energy resources for the benefits of the environment. In 2002, the world's very first solar tower was created. These successful attempts mark the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream of mankind and justify the rich potential of modern experts.


Regarding the future, I am confident that our off spring will not only carry on with what has been invented and discovered today, but will also come up with brand-new thoughts and give birth to more and more remarkable creations. Everyone is likely to become another





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