
发布时间:2020-03-26 07:56:20

作者:查尔斯·金斯利 格式: AZW3, DOCX, EPUB, MOBI, PDF, TXT水孩子(pdf+txt+epub+azw3+mobi电子书在线阅读下载)


《水孩子》为英国十九世纪著名作家查尔斯·金斯利的一部儿童文学经典名著,亦为其儿童文学创作的代表作。《水孩子》书中从头到尾充满着春风般轻快的情调。作者始终感觉在为自己的孩子写书,语调轻松而幽默,读来亲切。另外,由于金斯利平时爱好自然,同时也是个博物学家,所以《水孩子》中关于自然界的描写都极其真实而生动。可以说,《水孩子》这是一本根据19世纪中叶的科学成就写成的童话。《水孩子》中有不少讽喻和劝诫的成分,但那些劝诫寓于故事中,幽默风趣,寄托了作者对所有孩子的希望。       《水孩子》为英文原版,同时提供配套朗读免费下载,扫描图书封底二维码即可直接进入收听页面。让读者在阅读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英文阅读水平。     The Water-Babies is a novel published in 1863 by English author and reverend Charles Kingsley. This novel is his most famous work and it is a children’s fable, a moral story and a response to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. The book is also a satire of Victorian England and the issues of child labour and poverty at that time. The Water-Babies is the story of Tom the chimney sweep who falls underwater and becomes a water baby. Tom has many adventures and meets other water babies while he undergoes a moral evolution and, eventually, travels to the end of the world.    The Water-Babies is a classic of British children’s literature, and it influenced legal reform to limit child labour in England throughout the 1860s and 1870s. It has been said that the book influenced Lewis Carroll’s writing of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, which was published two years after The Water-Babies . The book’s popularity has endured and it has been adapted into a musical, a play, a radio series on BBC and an animated film.    The novel remains a classic tale of moral redemption that teaches children across the world the golden rule: to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.






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