梯航百货万国商:海上丝绸之路货币与贸易 (泉州)(修订本)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2021-03-12 15:39:53





梯航百货万国商:海上丝绸之路货币与贸易 (泉州)(修订本)

梯航百货万国商:海上丝绸之路货币与贸易 (泉州)(修订本)试读:





The maritime Silk Road constitutes a major highway on the seas that played a historically significant role in enabling and promoting commercial and cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world. It first began to form during the Qin and Han dynasties,saw rapid development during Tang and Song,and underwent transformation during Ming and Qing. The maritime Silk Road is made up of two routes,one going through the East China Sea and the other the South China Sea,and is the oldest of all maritime shipping routes. It has been instrumental in developing commerce,keeping peace,spreading wealth,and promoting cultural exchange and the progress of civilizations. In it we find a powerful symbol of cooperation between the East and the West,and a cultural heritage that belongs not to any one country but to humanity as a whole.

As one of the Chinese cities from which the maritime Silk Road starts,Quanzhou enjoyed more than four centuries of robust foreign trade between 12th and 14th century,spanning Tang,Song and Yuan dynasties. Its reputation as “the Largest Port in the East” is nothing if not well-earned. One of the long-lasting legacies for the city from such rich experience is the strong spirit of mutual respect and inclusiveness that forms an integral part of its identify today as a glittering modern metropolis. Material evidence for the city’s glorious past as a key point on the maritime Silk Road is ubiquitous in Quanzhou,among which is a plethora of both Chinese and foreign coinage once used in trade on the maritime Silk Road. They speak volumes of the important historical fact that for centuries the maritime Silk Road was an international venue for not only global commerce but also monetary development. Coinage,as a form of currency,is more than a means for trade and exchange,it is also the embodiment of culture and technology,bearing witness to the interactions among different regions. As such,they are an invaluable source of information,understanding and knowledge about history.

We hope this book offers readers an opportunity to take a closer look at this history,and in doing so,be reminded of and take renewed pride in China’s remarkable contributions to international peace and shared prosperity.第一章 五铢随想海上丝绸之路的兴起与发展海上丝绸之路兴盛之前,关于海上贸易可见的最早文字是《汉书·地理志》记载的“徐闻、合浦航线”。通过海上丝路贸易,中国输出丝绸、陶瓷器、铜铁器、漆器、茶叶、中药及棉布等,换回珠宝、象牙、琥珀、玛瑙和香料、苏合油以及奇珍异兽等物品。早期海上丝绸之路贸易的方式主要是以物易物,但货币作为商品交换的媒介,不可避免地会出现在贸易过程中。考古资料表明,在朝鲜、韩国、越南以及东南亚等都出土有中国的方孔圆钱,如两汉时期的五铢,王莽时期的货泉、大泉五十等铜钱。相应的,在中国的广东英德、江苏南京等地区的南朝墓葬中也出土了萨珊、卑路斯银币。货币的使用为海上丝路贸易提供了极大的便利,促进了商品贸易的发展。到唐代,海上丝绸之路贸易兴起,中国的圆形方孔铜钱在海外贸易中得到广泛接受和认可,甚至被许多沿线国家仿制,影响深远。





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