
发布时间:2020-09-29 08:07:58







版权信息书名:美国大学TOP100本科录取个性分析作者:韦晓亮,刘琦排版:KingStar出版社:北京语言大学出版社出版时间:2014-08-01ISBN:9787561939185本书由北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —PREFACE前言

在过去10年的几千场讲课和讲座中,我总会对家长和考生们讲一句话:“人有个性,学校也有个性,尤其是美国大学。”要想提高申请美国大学的成功概率,必须首先了解这些学校不同的个性,才有可能提高“个体个性”和“学校个性”之间的匹配度。同样,美国各个大学,尤其是美国大学本科,评审和录取全球高中生的过程,其实也就是判断哪些申请者的“个性”和他们的“学校个性”最匹配的过程。因此,在这里,我给所有的考生和家长一个建议——一定不能仅仅靠“排名列表”去申请所谓的目标学校,一定要寻找和研究“最适合”你的、与你的个性“最匹配”的学校。例如,可能哈佛适合你,但是哈佛的“邻居”MIT不适合你;可能哥伦比亚大学适合你,但是同样在纽约的NYU不适合你;可能斯坦福适合你,但是同样在加州的UC Berkeley未必适合你。这就是我常常说的“Matching and Mapping”。

我们每个人都面临选择,作出正确选择的前提应该是“了解你的选择对象”;是否作出了正确选择的判断标准应该是“是否合适和匹配” 。那么,关于美国大学的“录取个性”,他们是通过什么方式来传达这些完全不同的“录取个性信息”的呢?他们又是通过什么方式来最终判断哪些优秀的高中申请者是他们真正需要的对象的?是那些枯燥的TOEFL、SAT I、SAT II、ACT等录取参考分数吗?是那些更加枯燥的院校排名列表吗?都不是!这些数据和诸多的录取因素虽然都是一些重要的条件,但美国大学最终看重的是那些“软技能”,例如领导力、学习能力、分析能力、做事态度、批判性思维,甚至价值观。各大学其实都是通过精心设计的“申请文书题目”来考查一个高中申请者或者转学到美国读本科的大学生的。我们拿哈佛举例,一起分析一下它的个性。除了各种标准化成绩以及“硬件”条件外,哈佛还需要从申请者身上看到以下这些潜力,同时也要求申请者是能适应哈佛文化的学习者:(1)过人的领导能力。这也是人格魅力的一部分。他/她能够带领一群他/她需要的人才,不论其面临的是丰厚的利润或是重重的困难。(2)强大的自信心。在困难面前有自信解决,在机遇面前有自信利用。(3)敏感睿智。能敏感地发现问题,同时又能在繁杂无序的事物中睿智地分析出头绪,专注核心问题并解决。(4)强大的行动力。不优柔寡断,也不会在没有任何把握的情况下胡乱作出决断。(5)创新意识。敢于创造、发现或接纳新事物。比起那些枯燥的“排名”以及TOEFL、SAT分数要求,以上这些“软技能”其实才是哈佛大学最能综合评判一个申请者的综合素质的依据。而这些都体现在了哈佛的申请文书题目中,以及申请者是否能通过这些文书题目表现出自己的这些“软技能”。有时不同的学校使用同样的文书题目,但申请者一定要知道,他们可能需要的是“不同的答案”,这就是我说的“不同的个性”。

基于以上的思考,以及我近10年来指导过近12万学生和拥有近百万的读者的实践经历,我耗费了3年时间构思本书,就是希望对美国热门大学的“录取个性”进行透彻的分析,同时对那些要紧密结合Common Application的文书题目以及各个大学的补充文书题目进行总结。因此,本书的第一章首先对美国大学本科文书各个题目类型的故事设计、写作设计框架进行深入剖析,共分7种文书题目的话题类型:自我介绍型、背景影响型、选择原因型、相关经历型、个人贡献型、自由发挥型、专业问题型。美国大学所有学校的文书题目都可以与以上的模式对应。针对每一种模式,本章都详细地分析了其写作框架设计方案,让申请者掌握一套科学的方法论。其次,本书的第二章对Common Application申请系统的所有文书题目进行了深入的题目剖析,从话题类别、题目关键词、题目翻译、题目分析、范文、范文解析6大方面进行。最后,本书的第三章,也是本书篇幅最多、耗时最长、最核心的模块,从官方说法、学校录取个性、该校的经典文书题目分析入手,对美国TOP 100的学校进行个性分析,并针对其中TOP 30的学校文书题目提供范文及范文解析,力求通过最透彻的解析,让家长和考生真正了解这些学校在找寻什么样的高中生以及考生该做些什么、写些什么来提高申请这些顶级名校的成功概率。

希望本书能促进家长和考生对美国大学的深入了解,更重要的是,通过其中每一所学校的“录取个性分析”以及每一道“文书题目分析”,更好地“了解”自己,“整理”自己,“设计”自己。祝愿每一位考生都能申请到最适合自己的Dream School!韦晓亮第一章美国大学本科申请文书各题目类型分析及故事设计、写作设计框架剖析1自我介绍型文书题目的设计与写作框架【题型简介】



这类题目的比重较大,旨在了解学生为什么会选择某个学校、院系或专业,主要看学生对两方面的了解:第一,对所申请的学校、院系、专业、项目或具体课程的了解。这个了解越具体、越详细越好,争取能够把握这个学校相比其他同等级院校的独特之处(如:学术氛围、校园文化、学生团体背景等等)。切忌赘述各大学共有的一些属性。第二,对自己的兴趣、目标、未来的职业规划等的了解。大学需要学生对自己的学习、生活和未来职业规划有一定的目标和想法,并有针对性地选择所要学习的专业。因此,明白自己要什么的学生通常比一无所知、随便选择的学生更有竞争力。在写作时,分别指出以上两点之后,还要着重叙述为什么你和这个学校是perfect match。【写作框架】4相关经历型文书题目的设计与写作框架【题型简介】





此类题目比较少见,多出现于分专业申请的问题中。院校会针对本学科领域内的一些常见或热点问题进行提问,但不会非常具体,旨在了解学生对这些问题的知晓程度和个人见解。回答这类问题时,学生首先要了解与问题相关的信息。其次要加入自己的想法和见解,这就需要学生进行深入的思考和分析。最后还要将这个具体的问题与对应的学术领域联系起来,体现出对这个领域整体的了解和把握。【写作框架】第二章美国大学本科申请文书之Common Application题目解析及范文分析

Common Application是美国大学本科入学网上申请的一站式网站,适用于包括哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿等名校在内的500多所大学。Common Application除了要求学生填写各种基本信息,如:个人信息、教育背景、家庭背景等等之外,还有Essay Question部分。这部分要求学生以文章的形式回答相关题目。

由于Common Application系统不允许学生针对不同的申请院校提交不同版本的申请(例如:学生同时申请了哈佛和普林斯顿,其提交的Common Application必须是一模一样的),Essay部分的写作就相对具有一定的难度。申请者既要考虑到每所学校的特点和具体要求,又要注意取舍和把握侧重点,避免文章泛泛而谈、缺乏特点。在写作过程中,要尽量照顾到所申请的所有Common Application系统中学校的特点及具体要求,争取找到共性,并着重表现和突出。如果所申请的学校比较多,差异性较大,没有共性可以把握,那么申请者就应该选择自己最为突出或与众不同的正面特质(如:学术能力、领导能力、成熟稳重度、应变能力、责任心、道德品质等等)进行表达。或者,可以从申请的专业入手,通过了解本专业所需要的一些能力和条件来帮助自己选择相关的经历和要表达的个人特质。【Common Application Essay例题分析】Instructions

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps your distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don’t feel obligated to do so. (The application won’t accept a response shorter than 250 words.)1Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.【类别】相关经历型【关键词】background, story, identity【题目翻译】对于某些学生而言,经历的一些故事对他们的个性来说非常重要,重要到如果他们不呈现出这些故事,整个申请就是不完整的。如果你是这样的学生,那么请跟我们分享你的故事。【题目分析】一方面来说,这是一个比较开放的文题——讲述一个关于你自己的故事。关键词是背景、故事、个性。首先,“background”更多地是指你的成长背景,由大到小,包括社会、国家、生活的城市、学校、班级,或者是家庭;其次,故事就是在这些背景下,你的经历、见闻,大到不平凡的比赛获奖,小到平凡的生活琐事;最后也是最重要的,你选择的这些故事必须是最能体现你个性的,最具有代表性的。因此,从某种程度上说,这也是一个被关键词限定的比较不开放的文题。在选择故事和行文方式的时候都要考虑到以上各种因素。


"April is the cruellest month," not because I was as sensitive as T. S. Eliot, but the April of two years ago was when I began my weight-reducing plan and had to say goodbye to most of my favourite foods.

I had been a member of swim team in school since Grade Four, so a large amount of practices kept calories I took in from being stored as fat. However, after I left the swim team and stopped intense training, my uncontrolled eating desire led to a chubby me and then a big fat.

As a girl in adolescence, I actually did worry about my weight problem, especially when I saw other girls who wore beautiful dresses, walking gracefully with breeze brushing past. How I wish I could be as slim and slender as them! But as soon as hunger attacked me, I would throw away all the fantasies and embrace tasty foods right away. Obviously, I need something stronger to push me into the track of losing weight, so when the doctor told me that obesity was affecting my health, I knew it was time to take an action, for my health and a more beautiful me.

After an intense family discussion, my original and lazy proposal of not eating anything at all to make everything go fast was surely crossed. We worked out the simplest and easiest plan—eat, but less, and exercise more. I only had to cut my suppers and take exercises instead, but it would be a long lasting process. Honestly, I was not sure if I could stick to the plan to the last at that time.

At first, it was really tough to bear hunger and focus on exercising at the same time.My nose became more sensitive at the smell of food than before, and if I were a cartoon character at that time, my mouth water would have formed a wild sea. Besides the cutting of suppers, I also had to keep miles away from my favourite McDonald's. My parents also found me a job, which was teaching a friend of theirs how to swim every weekend, in order to increase my amount of exercise in a different way; meanwhile I was challenged by largely stimulated appetite after swim.

I remembered once I could not help stopping at a food stand on my way home after finishing swimming class, staring at the fried chicken steaks, fried rice, barbecue and other delicious snacks. The smell and the sound of frying chickens eroded my will. I hesitated between the bus stop and food stands with hands already reaching into pocket for money. when I seized all my money in hand and took a look around so that I could make up my mind to break the "no snack" rules, I saw girls in pretty dresses talking and smiling to their companies under the warm spring night sky, while I was in loose sporty suit, struggling and looking like an idiot. "Just go home and say goodbye to those poisons!" I shouted to myself.

Struggles like this would happen a couple of times every month, but I found a way to destroy those evil desires: hanging my dream dress on the wall in my room, to remind me, no matter how hard the process would be, the beautiful result was worth waiting.

Now I am not the old me anymore. I have fulfilled my plan and managed to put myself in that gorgeous dress. I can walk like a bird, not an elephant. And do you think I have stopped my plan? No, it has already been part of my life, only not that strict and tight as before, because I know that it can make me the person who is responsible for my future and I cannot destroy what I have got from the past—my strong will power and a healthy beautiful body.(653 words)范文解析


在选好了题材和表现手法之后,行文的重点就是保持文章的逻辑性和完整性,内容上最好能生动有趣,这样更能给读者留下深刻印象。2Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?【类别】相关经历型【关键词】failure, affect, lessons【题目翻译】描述你经历挫折的一次事件或一段时间。它是怎样对你产生影响的?你从中得到什么教训?【题目分析】这是一个指向性很明确的题目——描述一次受到挫折的经历、从中受到的影响,以及学到了什么。对于申请者来说,受到的挫折无非是学习成绩的不理想、家庭矛盾、与同学之间的关系,还有外部环境带来的一些问题,比如转学之后新的环境所引发的一系列矛盾。




During one winter vacation, I got a phone call from the sister of my friend's. She asked with a worried voice if I knew where my friend was, "she got mad at our little jokes about her new hairstyle and ran away from home."

Listening to what she said, I felt a strong sense of familiarity; the same story happened before but on different person. Yes, I used to be such short-tempered and could easily hurt people who were close to me when things did not follow my will.

When I was just stepped in middle school, the closest friend I had got was my deskmate. Contrary to my quiet and serious look, she was outgoing and talkative, very popular in school. At first, we got along with each other quite well, and thanks to her, I made new friends with many other schoolmates. However, as time went on, I started to throw my manner away and lose temper at her because of some incredibly childish reasons, from "she failed to buy me the right food as I asked" to "I was cut in line"—everything that made me unhappy would trigger my dreadful silence towards her. Most of the time, she could just ignore my silence and keep talking to me to cheer me up, and I would soon recover from negative mood, acting like nothing happened.

Obviously, this kind of friendship was too "healthy" to last long. Once, we were on our way to cafeteria with another friend whom I told that I would get mad at whoever crossed my line, including my closest friends. To prove my cool and special character, I rolled my eyes towards my deskmate with no reason and out of a sudden, when she was too noisy talking about gossips. Her face flashed unhappy at that moment, but I was thinking that she had been accustomed to my action mode, and would never take my irrational acts seriously. However, this time, she went away without a notice. What's worse, I did not feel my wrongness but being pissed off by her leaving. I looked awful that day and did not response to anyone who tried to talk to me.

As a result, I was isolated. It looked like that everything had got back to the original point where I got into middle school—did everything alone with no one's help and company. But after I had tasted the sweet of friendship, how could I get over all the loneliness and hardships all by myself?

"Haven’t you realized your moody and self-centred trouble?" That was her answer when I could not bear my isolated situation anymore and came to her to make up our friendship.

Finally, I got to realize what exactly my problem was. Her words inspired me like a wakeup call. At that night, I thought about her words many times, with pictures in my mind that how I treated her with unfriendly tone or unpleasant faces; I was even reminded of my improper manner of dealing with my family. I hurt so many people that cared for me. They treated me with patience and tolerance, and I just took it all for granted. I ignored the truth that love should be mutual and in most circumstances, how you treat other people decides the way they would treat you.

I decided to change my bad manner, learn empathy, switch from "I and my friend" to "my friend and I." I posted a letter on my personal homepage and wrote one to my parents, reflecting on my immatureness and mistakes while expressing my deep regrets. As I harbored humbleness and care, everything became smooth; even less negative feelings came to hit me. My new life began.

Now that my friend seemed to suffer from the same problem as I did before. A wakeup call was definitely needed to save her from self-torture.(650 words)范文解析



需要铭记,这是一个讲故事的过程,讲述生活是如何启发了你的过程,而不是介绍挫折的过程。3Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?【类别】相关经历型【关键词】challenged, belief, idea, prompted【题目翻译】重现一个你曾经挑战过某个信仰或想法的时刻(或事件)。是什么促使你这么做?现在你还会作同样的决定吗??【题目分析】题目中的“challenged”可以理解为“挑战”或者“质疑”。而另外两个核心词“belief”和“idea”,虽然译成“信仰和想法”,但所指的并不一定就是某种宗教信仰或者某个人的想法,而应该理解成一种在社会范围内被广泛认同的,或者说约定俗成的思想。以中国社会为例,可以是一些根深蒂固的传统思想,如,“女主内、男主外”、“高分必定高能”或者“信佛的人必定仁慈宽容”等等。同时题目还要求申请者说明促使自己这么做的原因,以及是否还会作同样的决定。除了在题目立意上的要求之外,申请者还需要注意的是,文章需要将这三个方面的内容按照合理的比例表述清楚,而不应该用大篇幅介绍事件本身。


The world is sharply divided into masculine and feminine, because that's the way people believe it should be. We hold this unwavering belief and take considerate effort to keep this division. From the time a child is born, he or she is expected to meet stereotypes —boys are portrayed as boisterous and disruptive, while girls conform to the expectations when they are sweet and docile. People become the product of their biology. Their social roles and identity are predetermined by their permanent identifying attribute "sex." Males are the producers of cool reasoning and capable of being leaders. "Emotional" is seen to be the characteristic of woman and their place is at home.

The very time when I first encountered gender distinctions is when I finished my freshman year in high school. Each student faced the decision of choosing either science class or art class. Science classes require students to do the advanced mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology while art classes include low-level of math, history, geology and politics. Besides, both of the two divisions have to do with Chinese and English, which are compulsory courses.

As for me, I was keen to stay with most of my first-year classmates and study science. However, my teachers together with some acquaintances twisted my arm to have me choose art simply because they reckon girls are more suitable for arts. I would not give it that much my thought if not as well.

Should not be that the aim of education is to stimulate impulses, encourage free thinking and boldness in thought and keep alive various interests? But the school by following the simple uniform structure and prescribing a separate curriculum for boys and girls does anything but this. Instead of being provided with a rich expansion of education, students are only accessible to a segment of knowledge. In my innocent, shabby perspective, I may assume that such a form of education interferes with individual freedom and entails a loss of autonomy of self-determinism. Moreover, it kills the possibility for the vigorous youth to grow and develop into full stature. Eventually, it may lead to the fragmentation of knowledge and incompletion of individual identity. Those who choose art persuade themselves that they have no head for mechanical things, and those in science classes are determined that they can never understand "sentimentality." Both groups feel enclosed and safe. Such polarization is also dangerous in a sense that it severs a sense of community by isolating people into two groups. They have little chance to communicate and hold a distorted image of each other. Their attitudes remain hostile as if they do not belong to the same species.

Coeducation has survived as the best way to educate young people, yet it should be more than just a form of education; it should be the essence which not only bring boys and girls together, but also merge arts with science. As society moves ahead, the gender category becomes blurred. May I venture to suggest that one day male and female is a reproductive category only, but no longer central to our identity and to the understanding of ourselves and others? I will call that A GENDER FREE SOCIETY, A HEALTHY SOCIETY.(535 words)范文解析


文章首先十分严肃地提出社会有关男性和女性不同的传统认知,随后用亲身经历说明了自己对这件事情的态度,最后又将话题从生动的事件描写引申至更高层面的讨论,并提出了自己的观点,充分展现了作者善于思考并敢于基于自己的想法作出选择的勇气。同时,也表明了作者的这一次挑战并不是武断的、冲动的,而是在自己所学所感中,经过认真思考和分析而做出的理性行为。4Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?【类别】相关经历型【关键词】place, environment, content, what, why【题目翻译】描述一个带给你满足感的环境或者地方。你在那里做过什么?经历过什么?为什么这个环境或地方对你来说十分有意义?【题目分析】题目中的“a place or environment”,说明申请者既可以选择一个具体的地点,例如图书馆、咖啡厅,也可以选择一个抽象的环境,如朋友圈、某种文化圈等等来进行描述。而“content”则意为“满意、满足”。本题要申请者介绍的,其实就是一个带给他/她满足感的地方或者环境,同时表明为什么这个地方或者环境让自己满意,对自己来说有意义。



I sprinted out the door of the dorm and onto the slick, icy road on a Sunday morning, so cold that the thermometers might have stopped reading. Thoughts of impending calculus projects, poems by Robert Frost idealizing such mornings, and more importantly the impatient bleats of unfed, pregnant sheep and an equally unhappy and entirely prosaic farm manager buzzed through my head. I ran faster. I wonder what I would be doing if I were at home now—probably sleeping. A year ago I never would have cloistered myself in the Green Mountains with fifty-six farmer-students for a winter. And yet there I was living at the Mountain for a one-month winter camp combining academic and agricultural education.

Anyone who knew me before applying would never have thought that I would leave during Spring Festival for a program I knew practically nothing about. I resisted changing my toothpaste in my living space for four months. I acquired such a comfortable niche and stable groups of friends throughout the years. But then something within me agreed with this advice—how much I would regret this unique chance to explore—and my friends echoed this theme.

I finally left my little cookie-cutter suburb for the smaller and infinitely more remote town. On the first day, my anxiety about my roommate seemed fully justified by Naughty Yu. Tight, paint-stained, black jeans, dark, punk-rock jacket with iron studs around the collar, and purple lipstick complete with a tiger tattoo on the shoulder. My jaw dropped. But Yu rapidly broke the stereotype in my mind and became my closest friend, in the process teaching me lessons in tolerance and shattering my nerviness.

Food provoked another source of shock—and expansion. I had always and heedlessly eaten whatever my mother put on the table, until I learned more about the origins of the food I ate. Daily farm seminars educated me about pros and cons of organic and genetically modified foods. My food investigation culminated in an elective visit to a slaughter house to see the intermediate step between the cattle fields and the hamburger. That visit opened my eyes to the true story of every red-meat product I had ever eaten. To this visit I can vividly remember the image of the massive heifer hitting the ground. I decided to continue to eat red-meat in smaller quantities, but only after a week of vegetarianism and contemplation.

Every Mountain School student's experience includes a four-day





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