
发布时间:2020-05-28 16:03:44









I Being an Adult长大

By Sophie Zhang

∷闫春蕾 注


They say enjoy it while it lasts. Of course, children never listen.

But as I type this at my grown-up desk at my grown-up job in my grown-up office, I think about that statement regretfully and wish I could have sincerely appreciated the truth of that statement just a few months ago, when I was still a soon-to-be college graduate.

I don't feel any different than I did a few months ago. A few months ago, I sat in a familiar classroom, slumped downin my chair, staring at the clock, waiting for class to end. Today, the Friday before Labor Dayweekend, I am, once again, slumped in my chair, staring at the clock, waiting for the work day to end so I can jump in my car and begin my long weekend.

Having a job doesn't mean that I've grown up. But perhaps there is an extra level of caution and wistfulness I have now.The excitement I got at receiving my first paycheck slowly disappeared as I saw it quickly melt away in the form of my monthly rent payment, my credit card bill, and more than occasional meals out.The excitement I had at moving into my first apartment also dwindledas I dealt with buying furniture, cleaning up the mess from an overflowing toilet, and broken lightbulbs. I am young enough to feel like I am still playing adult, going through the motions of what my parents do on the daily basis. But I am afraid that after a certain point, the game will no longer be one of pretend. It will have gone for long enough that is no longer rationalto deny that, yes, I am an adult, and yes: this is my life.

A few days ago, I visited my boyfriend's college campus. I watched the incoming class of freshmen eagerly walk around, consultingtheir maps and wondering out loud how they would ever get used to such a large campus. High school is so small! College is so big. I thought about how I had never truly appreciated my own beautiful college campus. As a student, I looked at the academic buildings with hate. I saw my dorm room through the tired eyes of stress and exhaustion, with the memories of final papers, midterms, exams, and the constant pursuit of a full-time job.

I don't have those things anymore. Tests. Grade Point Averages. Classes. I have a full-time job. I have my own money, my own place, my own independence. And yet, I almost wish I could feel the exhaustion of being a student and knowing that there was something bigger waiting for me after I received my diploma. I almost feel let down—that I chased this dream and finally obtained it, only to realize that perhaps my past was better. I miss the feeling of thinking that life was going to be better. Now there is no excitement, no risk. It is a constant exercise in stability and ungratefulness. The feeling of wishing you were anywhere but here, but barely having time to do so.

Only a few months into my job, I rarely find myself dreaming the way I used to. It's not that I don't have time. It's that it doesn't occur tome. From childhood, the future always entailedsome sort of dream career, a dream job, a dream company. Now I have it and I don't know what's next. Raising a family and having even more obligations. Travel? When? With the handful ofvacation days I get a year? Probably not.

I know this is a pessimisticpiece. But there is still a very small glimmer of hopeinside of me. That somewhere down the line, there is still something bigger waiting for me. Bigger than just a job or going to happy hour after work. I can't tell you what it is yet. And it is a real effort to remain starry-eyed in the face of Excel spreadsheets at work.But all I can tell you is that I will continue to try.C Finding Your "Daily Bread" (I)“果腹”之食

By Aaron Anthony Vessup

∷张健 注


I hurriedly slide open my brown paper-sack lunch bag, and break off a piece from the contents inside and shove this into my mouth.My teeth crunch, and food crackles,exploding inside my head with delicious sounds. I hope no one around can hear these joyful sounds. Quickly, while everyone else was still engrossed unwrapping their tuna fish, mayonnaise and cheese, sliced beef, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I took another bite and again the delightful tastes and affirming loud crunching sounds unite.The warming joy that slowly edges down was spreading happiness inside my empty belly. It was lunch-time at Mark Twain Elementary school. Five minutes ago, most school bells across Los Angeles county simultaneously peeled the news declaring lunch break.A long play-time recess will follow. Like clockwork, kids either sprinted home for a quick lunch, jammed the cafeteria lines loudly complaining about the daily menu, or gracefully opened their stylish, colorful metal lunch boxes to reveal edible treasures from home.

"What are you eating, and why are you eating so fast?"

"What's in that old greasy-lookingbag?"

"You're going to eat that?!"

"JeeZ! You must be poor or something!"

"Is that all your mother gave you to eat?"

"Somebody sure is mean."

Curious ears had heard my loud teeth crunching sounds. I am now smackingmy greasy lips. All eyes around the lunch table outside the cafeteria walls, beneath the open screened windows, were on my brown lunch sack. I had been careful, or so I thought, to keep this small regular sandwich size bag flat, crisp, with no creases.It looked almost new. Saved just for the occasion of having to line up my lunch from home on the closet shelf at the rear of the classroom, my lonely sad sack stood along side metal Roy Rogers, Superman, and Walt Disney's Tinker Belle, and Daffy Duck.Some food carriers are all shiny and new, against the other dinged-up lunch pails belonging to my classmates.I had never had a lunch box. Usually, when the bell rang for this long lunch period break, I would chargeout the door, and through the partially open school gates and run, run, run like the Dickensalmost all the way home. Once inside I could survey the eating options. But if my mother was home, either dozing or praying,





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