
发布时间:2020-06-05 11:21:26







前 言preface

笔者已在雅思培训业执教多年,接触积累了大量的学员案例,同时也酷爱欧美音乐,那些动听的旋律总是能帮助听者无意识地积淀很多词汇。在长期的教学中,发现很多学员的词汇是通过平时听音乐而记忆的,那些喜爱国外音乐,了解外国文化的学员早已对雅思基础类词汇熟记于心,甚至很多高分学员还掌握了很多俚语和地道表达词汇。基于此,激起了笔者对于听音乐记单词这一方向的研究兴趣。对于任何英语考试而言,词汇一直是最重要的基础,决定了最终分数的高度。以6.5分出国直录分而言,雅思所需词汇大致为7000~8000词,而大多数学员在备考前大致只有3000~5000的词汇量,因此,词汇量就成了横亘在众多雅思学子面前的大山,无数学员因为词汇量不达标,导致雅思无法到达目标分数,最终只能选择预科或语言班,费时费力,出国后继续被语言考试所“困扰和折磨” 。如何高效记忆英语词汇,一直是众多英语研究者和教学者孜孜不倦的努力方向,在此过程中,创造了许多记忆单词的方法,比如谐音记忆法(救护车的单词ambulance发音接近“俺不能死” ) ,词根词缀记忆法(前缀re表示又一次,所以单词reconnect表示再次连接) ,图形记忆法(如百词斩等软件的单词配趣图) ,拆字法(天空的单词air+场地的单词field=airfield,表示飞机场) ,同音近形辨析记忆法(将abroad和broad对比记忆) ,同义词记忆法等各类方法。这些方法都有一定的作用,可以帮助学员短时期内记忆一些单词。本书则致力于帮助学员以一种轻松愉快,但效果甚佳的方法记忆词汇,那就是听音乐记单词。在听音乐中大部分人是一种轻松的状态,而此时的记忆效果是比较理想的,同时欣赏优美动听的歌曲是我们在学习工作之余主要的放松方式,经典曲目常常会循环播放。基于此,本书精选100多首欧美金曲,涵盖雅思核心单词3500个,每个单词尽量从剑桥真题中找出例句,帮助理解。书中具体标记方式为: C5 T1 P2意思为《剑桥雅思全真试题集5》Test1 Passage2;C5 T1 S2意思为《剑桥雅思全真试题集5》Test1 Listening Section2;C8 TA S1意思为《剑桥雅思全真试题集8》Test A Section1(G类试题) ;C7 T2 W2意思为《剑桥雅思全真试题集7》Test2 Writing Task 2的Model Answer;☆表示高频词汇。特别说明:为了保留雅思真题考查词的原词性,有些歌词中出现的单词的词性和解析中真题的词性有所区别,大家记忆时以解析中的真题词性为准。笔者希望学员在繁忙的学习之余,可以通过轻松的方式记忆雅思核心真题词汇,在日复一日的歌曲循环播放中,完成雅思词汇的扩充,在真正考试时,以扎实的词汇量快速冲分,完成自己的留学梦想,考入世界级名校!

1 Pioneer



歌手:The Band Perry



1 pioneer[paɪə'nɪə] n.先锋;先驱者★

The Sonar and Radar pioneers didn’t know it then. (C7 T1 P1)当时,声呐和雷达的先驱们都不知道。

2 hymn[hɪm] n.赞美诗;圣歌

Even so, there is just one flaw in all these hymns of praise. (C11 T4 P3)即便如此,在所有这些赞美诗中仅有一个缺点。

3 carry on v.从事;继续★

Mike’s father carried on a trade in silks.麦克的父亲经营丝绸业。

4 shoulder['ʃəʊldə] n.山肩v.肩负★

Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision and speed to keep safe from predators, traverse high, open shoulders of land. (C11 T3 P2)叉角羚,依赖于视觉距离和速度来保证安全不受捕食者的侵害,穿越高而开阔的山肩。

5 heart[hɑːt] n.心脏

The true cultural heart and soul of A laska’s fisheries, however, is salmon. (C7 T4 P2)然而,阿拉斯加渔业真实的文化核心和灵魂是大马哈鱼。

6 brave [ breɪv] adj. 勇敢的n.勇士v.勇敢地面对

This winter they will brave real storms, equipped with an armoury of lasers. (C8 T3 P1)今年冬天,他们将勇敢地面对真正的风暴,装备有各种各样的激光。

7 soul[səʊl] n. 灵魂;心灵

This is healthy living for the body, heart and the soul. (C8 T4 W2)对于身体、心灵和灵魂,这是健康的生活。

8 doubt[daʊt] n/v.怀疑★

But there is no doubt that the new genetic and dental evidence provides strong backing for Greenberg’s view. (C7 T3 P2)但无须怀疑的是新的遗传的和牙齿的证据对于Greenberg的观点提供了有力的支撑。

9 orphan['ɔːf(ə)n] n.孤儿 v.使成为孤儿

orphan school孤儿院

10 adventure[əd'ventʃə] n/v.冒险;冒险经历★

It is a first-class suspense adventure. (C5 TB P1)这是一流的悬念历险记。

11wild[waɪld] n.荒野adj.野生的★

The faecal filth of salmon farming has driven wild salmon from many of the sea lochs and rivers of Scotland. (C7 T2 P2)人工鲑鱼养殖所产生出来的垃圾已经使得许多原产于苏格兰河流海湾的野生鲑鱼逃离。

12 trouble['trʌb(ə)l] n/v. 麻烦

What sort of trouble are you having? (C4 T1 S3)你现在面临什么类型的麻烦呢?

13 bullet['bʊlɪt] n.子弹

This answer does not cover the bullets well because there are no thanks for the holiday and giving the address is not logical in the context. (C7 TB W1)这个答案并不能很好地解决这些问题,因为没有对假期的感谢,而且在这个语境中给出的地址是不合逻辑的。

14 chase[tʃeɪs] n/v.追逐;追赶★

We can also chase up your tutor if you’re not getting proper feedback. (C4 T2 S2)如果你一直没有得到合适的反馈,我们也能够追寻你的老师。

15 embrace[ɪm'breɪs] n/v.拥抱;接受★

embrace the idea(C7 T2 W2)接受这个想法

16 hate[heɪt] n/v.憎恨★

I hate to think what mark I’ll get. (C5 T2 S3)我讨厌去思考我会得到多少分。

17 hush[hʌʃ] n/v.安静;肃静

Hush, my love, it’s all right.嘘,亲爱的,没事。

18 send[send] v.发送★

Could you send me a brochure?(C10 T1 S1)你能发我一个小册子吗?

19 dark[dɑːk] n.黑暗adj.深色的

Bats have a problem: how to find their way around in the dark. (C7 T1 P1)蝙蝠有一个问题,如何在黑暗中找到它们的路。

20 break[breɪk] n.破裂 v.打破★

The initiative outlined above could break that cycle of disadvantage. (C5 T3 P1)上面概述的计划可以打破这一恶性循环。

21 change[tʃeɪn(d)ʒ] n/v.改变★

How ever, the p roduc t has changed dramatically. (C8 T2 P1)然而,产品已经改变了很多。

22 replace[rɪ'pleɪs] v.替代;取代★

The existent organisms either adapt or are regularly replaced by new types. (C8 T3 P3)现存的有机体要么适应,要么经常被新类型取代。

23 sing[sɪŋ] n/v.唱歌

world- class singers, dancers and musicians (C10 TA S2)世界级的歌手、舞者和音乐家

2 E. T.


专辑:Teenage Dream

歌手:Katy Perry



1 hypnotize [ 'hɪpnətaɪz] vt. 使着迷;对……施催眠术

He’s hypnotized by that black hair and that white face.他被那乌黑的头发和白皙的脸庞迷住了。

2 devil['dev(ə)l] n.魔鬼恶棍 拓展词汇:

daredevil['deədev(ə)l] adj.铤而走险的

He has always enjoyed being a daredevil showman. (C9 TB S3)他一直喜欢做一个勇敢的表演家。

3 angel['eɪndʒ(ə)l] n.天使★

The artist usually painted his angels with multi-coloured wings.这位艺术家通常给他的天使画上多彩的翅膀。

4 touch[tʌtʃ] n.接触;触摸★

The sense of touch has sometimes been described as weak too. (C4 T1 P2)触觉有时被描述得很弱。

5 magnetize['mægnəˌtaɪz] v. 磁化

6 float[fləʊt] n.漂浮物

Float is shaped like a cigar. (C7 T3 S3)漂浮物的形状就像雪茄。

7 glow[gləʊ] v.发热;发光

afterglow晚霞(C1 T1 P1)

8 a fraid[ə'freɪd] adj.害怕的;担心的★

I’m afraid we’re going to have to stop there because I’m afraid we’ve run out of time. (C7 T2 S3)恐怕我们得停在那里了,因为恐怕我们没时间了。

9 futuristic[fjuːtʃə'rɪstɪk] adj.未来的

futuristic studies into smell (C8 T2 P2)未来对气味的研究

10 DNA[ˌdi:ˌen'ei] n.基因;遗传物质

A ll the components which make up DNA are to be recorded and studied. (C2 T4 P3)所有组成DNA的成分都要被记录和研究。

11 dim ension[dɪ'm enʃ(ə)n; daɪ-] n.维度

Good health is a major resource for social, economic and personal development and an important dimension of quality of life.(C2 T1 P2)健康是社会、经济和个人发展的主要资源,是生活质量的重要维度。

12 infect[ɪn'fekt] v.感染★

Infect your computer system with viruses. ( C7 TB S2)用病毒感染你的电脑系统。

13 fill[fɪl] v.装满;填满★

I just have to fill this form out for you. (C7 T1 S1)我必须把这个表格给你填好。

14 poison['pɒɪz(ə)n] v.下毒 n.毒药★

£169m from food poisoning (C7 T2 P2)1.69亿英镑来自于食物中毒

15 victim['vɪktɪm] n.受害人★

A person killing in self-defense cannot be compared to a serial killer, moving from one victim to the next.(C7 T2 W2)在自卫中杀人的人不能被比作连环杀手,从一个受害者转移到另一个受害者。

16 abduction[əb'dʌkʃn] n.诱拐;绑架

17 alien['eɪlɪən] n.外星人 adj.外国的★

A lien civilisations may be able to help the human race to overcome serious problems. (C9 T1 P2)外星文明也许能够帮助人类克服严重的问题。

18 supernatural[ˌsupɚ'nætʃrəl ] adj.超自然的

19 extra-terrestrial['ekstrəˌti'restriəl] n.外星人 adj.地球外的

search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (C9 T1 P2)寻找宇宙生命智慧

20 supersonic[ˌsupɚ'sɑnɪk] adj.超音速的n.超音速

21 scare[skeə] n/v.惊吓;恐吓★

Scare off burglars. (C3 T4 S2)吓跑小偷。

22 laser['leɪzə] n.激光

striking back at lightning with lasers (C8 T3 P1)用激光回击闪电

23 cosm ic['kɒzmɪk] adj.宇宙的

The AU is a cosmic measuring rod. (C9 T2 P2)天文单位是宇宙的测量标尺。

24 magic[ 'mædʒɪk ] n.魔法 adj.有魔力的★

It’s a showcase for skills in dance and magic. (C4 T3 S2)它展示了舞蹈和魔术的技巧。

25 transcendental[ˌtrænsɛn'dɛntl] adj.超越的

26 lucky['lʌkɪ] adj.幸运的

We are very lucky to have such an experienced coach.(C5 T4 S3)我们很幸运有这样一位经验丰富的教练。

27 wave[weɪv] n/v.波动★

further genetic evidence relating to the threewave theory (C7 T3 S2)关于三波理论的进一步的遗传学证据

28 vibrate[vaɪ'breɪt] n/v.震动

3 The History Of Everything


歌手:Barenaked Ladies

流派:Modern Rock

1 universe['juːnɪvзːs ] n.宇宙★

The question of whether we are alone in the universe has haunted humanity for centuries. (C9 T1 P2)我们是宇宙中的唯一这一问题已经困扰了人类几个世纪。

2 dense[dens] adj.稠密的;浓厚的

These crystals can exist in two forms: a dense form called the alpha phase.(C5 T4 P2)这些晶体可以以两种形式存在:一种称为阿尔法阶段的致密形式。

3 expansion[ ɪk'spænʃ(ə)n ] n.膨胀;扩张★

They had invested in an expansion plan.(C5 T4 S3)他们已经投资了一个扩张计划。

4 cool[kuːl] v.冷却 adj.凉爽的★

The glass cooled to 604℃or less. (C8 T2 P1)玻璃冷却到604摄氏度或更低。

5 droo l[druːl] n.口水;胡话 v.说胡话

6 Neanderthal [ ni'ændətɑ:l] adj.穴居人的;尼安德特人的

Neanderthal m an is show n making a dominant gesture to his wife.(C9 T4 P3)穴居男人向他的妻子做出了一个主要的手势。

7 tool[tuːl] n.工具 v.使用工具★

What we’re going to do now is look at a short presentation in which you’ll see all these tools. (C8 T1 S4)我们现在要做的是看一个简短的介绍,在这其中你将看到所有这些工具。

8 pyram id['pɪrəmɪd] n.金字塔

pulling stones to build pyramids (C7 T4 P1)拉着石头建造金字塔

9 unravel[ ʌn'rævl ] v.解开(绳子等) ;阐明

started to unravel into a fine thread (C9 T3 P1)开始解开变成一个细线

10 mystery[ˈmɪstri] n.秘密

It has always been a mystery how the bridge was built. (C7 TB S3)这座桥是如何建造的一直是个秘密。

11 big bang 宇宙大爆炸;创世大爆炸

12dawn[dɔːn] n.黎明;开端

The economic importance of forests has been understood since the daw n of man—wood was the first fuel. (C7 T3 P3)森林的经济重要性已经被理解了,自从人类的黎明开始——木材是最先的燃料。

13 galaxy['gæləksɪ] n.银河★

We look at the 100 billion stars in our galaxy. (C7 T2 P1)我们研究银河系中的1000亿颗恒星。

14 fraction['frækʃ(ə)n] n.部分★

Catastrophes such as fire, flood, drought or epidem ic may reduce population sizes to a small fraction of their average level. (C1 T4 P3)如火灾、洪水、干旱或传染病等灾难可能会使人口规模缩小到其平均水平的一小部分。

15 second['sek(ə)nd] n.秒;第二★

a long pendulum which could beat once a second (C8 T1 P1)一个很长的钟摆,可以一秒敲一次

16 element['elɪm(ə)nt] n.元素;成分★

Forests are one of the main elements of our natural heritage. (C7 T3 P3)森林是我们自然遗产的主要元素之一。

17 biped['baɪped] n.两足动物

18 straight[streɪt] n.直 adj.直的★

A train appears and heads straight for the camera.(C6 T3 P2)一列火车出现了,直面朝向摄影机。

19 dinosaurs['daɪnəˌsɔ:z] n.恐龙★

The dinosaurs dom inated the day tim e economy. (C7 T1 P1)恐龙统治着白昼经济。

20 fate[feɪt] n.命运

Avoid the same sinking fate. (C2 T1 P1)避免相同的下沉命运。

21 leap[liːp] n/v.跳跃★

It takes a determined leap of the imagination to grasp the impact of those first moving images. (C6 T3 P1)要想把握住第一批移动图像的冲击力,需要有一个想象力的决定性跳跃。

22 froze[frəʊz] v.冻结;凝固 ★

It is surrounded by a frozen sea. (C7 T2 S2)它被冰冻的海洋包围。

23 ocean['əʊʃ(ə)n] n.海洋

ocean research (C7 T3 S1)海洋研究

24 motion['məʊʃ(ə)n] n.动作;移动 v.运动★

To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle. (C6 T1 P2)为了展示这个运动,她在圆圈里追踪到了一条曲线。

25 outward[ 'aʊtwəd ] adv.向外 adj.向外的

Can a building be physically altered internally by knocking down walls or by extending outwards or adding extra floors? (C7 GA S3)建筑可以通过推倒墙壁或向外延伸或增加额外的楼层来进行物理上的改变吗?

26 cause[kɔːz] n.原因 v.引起★

I’m sure you’ve guessed—damage caused by visitors. (C7 T1 S4)我肯定你已经猜到了——损害由游客造成。

27 collapse[kə'læps] v/n.崩塌★

Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years. (C7 T2 P1)记录显示,在过去的1400年里,只有两座塔崩塌。

28 inward['ɪnwəd] adv.向内 adj.向内的

29 figure['fɪgə] n.数字;图形 v.计算★

They added up the costs of repairing the damage it caused, and came up with a total figure of £2,343m.(C7 T2 P2)他们合计了修复所造成的损失的费用,并得出了总计23.43亿英镑的数字。

30 sick[sɪk] adj.厌恶的;恶心的 n.病人v.呕吐;追击

How we get sick. (C12 T7 P2)我们如何会生病。

31debate[dɪ'beɪt] v/n.辩论;讨论★

This has ignited public debate about AI. (C6 T3 P3)这引发了公众对人工智能的争论。

32 while[waɪl] conj.然而★

In the USA, water withdrawals increased tenfold while the population quadrupled.(C7 T1 P2)在美国,取水量增加了十倍,而人口增加了四倍。

33 deer[dɪə] n.鹿

34 virus['vaɪrəs] n.病毒★

Was there a sudden change in the viruses and bacteria around? (C10 T2 P1)周围的病毒和细菌突然发生了变化吗?

35 religion[rɪ'lɪdʒ(ə)n] n.宗教

original religious purpose (C7 T2 P1)最初的宗教目的

36 astronomy[ə'strɒnəmɪ] n.天文学

the new theories of astronomy(C5 T2 P3)新的天文学理论

37 mythology[mɪ'θɒlədʒɪ] n.神话★

The myth of the ‘natural’ forest has survived. (C7 T3 P3)天然森林的神话幸存了。

38 astrology[ə'strɒlədʒɪ] n.占星术

Today, people still look to stars or genes, astrology or genetics.(C8 T3 P2)今天,人们仍在关注恒星或基因,占星术或遗传学。

4 Alphabet Aerobics




流派:Rap/Hip Hop


1 wrap[ræp] v. 包装★

wrapped in freezer paper and heat-sealed in plastic (C7 TA S3)用保鲜纸包着,用塑料热封

2 artificial[ɑːtɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l] adj. 人造的;仿造的★

the return of artificial intelligence (C5 T3 P3)人工智能的回归

3 amateur[ˈæmətə(r)] n. 爱好者;业余爱好者 adj. 业余的;外行的

military historian and am ateur diver Alexander McKee (C12 T2 P1)军事历史学家和业余潜水员亚历山大麦基

4 analytical[ænə'lɪtɪk(ə)l] adj. 分析的

This book also serves readers who simply want to sharpen their analytical skills. (C11 T3 P3)这本书也为那些只想提高分析技巧的读者服务。

5 assault[ə'sɔlt] n. 攻击;袭击 v.攻击;袭击

The m an saw us and stopped his assault. They both waved us on.那个男人停止了攻击看着我们,并朝我们挥动着拳头。

6 animate['ænɪm eɪt] v.使有生气

7 barrier['bærɪə] n. 障碍物

You weren’t too w orried about language barriers. (C8 T3 S3)你不太担心语言障碍。

8 bomb[bɒm] v.轰炸 n. 炸弹

The area was completely destroyed by bombs during the war in 1940. (C8 T3 S2)在1940年的战争中,该地区被炸弹完全摧毁。

9 bombarding['bɔm ba:diŋ] n. 炮击

10 basically['beɪsɪk(ə)lɪ] adv. 主要地;基本上

Basically because it looks like the rock pools you find on a beach. (C10 T1 S3)因为它看起来就像你在海滩上找到的岩石池。

11 casual[ 'kæʒʊəl ] adj. 随便的;非正式的★

On these days, business casual clothing is allowed. (C9 TA S2)在这些日子里,商务休闲装是允许的。

12 catastrophe[kə'tæstrəfi] n. 大灾难

Catastrophes such as fire, flood, drought or epidem ic may reduce population sizes to a small fraction of their average level. (C1 T4 P3)如火灾、洪水、干旱或传染病等灾难可能会使人口规模缩小到其平均水平的一小部分。

13 casualty['kæʒuəlti] n. 意外事故

Ironically, one major casualty of that extreme position has been the environment itself. (C3 T4 P2)具有讽刺意味的是,这种极端立场的一个主要受害者是环境本身。

14 cancel['kænsl] v. 取消;删去 n. 取消★

What to do if you need to cancel a doctor’s appointment? (C6 TA S1)如果你需要取消医生的预约,该怎么办?

15 canopy['kænəpi] n. 天篷;华盖 v. 用天蓬遮盖

16 collapse[kə'læps] v/n. 倒塌★

Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years. (C7 T2 P1)记录显示,在过去的1400年里,只有两座塔倒塌了。

17 dime[daɪm] n. 一角硬币

18 detonate['dɛtənet] v. 使爆炸

19 demonstrate['dɛmənˌstret] v. 证明;展示;论证★

Demonstrate that family members have a similar smell. (C8 T3 P2)证明了家庭成员有相似的气味。

20 editor['ɛdɪtɚ] n. 编者;编辑

These days the editor, sub-editors and journalists who put the paper together are likely tofind themselves. (C2 TB S3)如今,编辑、副主编和记者们把这篇论文放在一起很可能会发现他们自己。

21 energetic[ˌɛnɚ'dʒɛtɪk ] adj. 精力充沛的★

A fter your energetic introduction, identify yourself briefly. (C9 TB S2)在你精力充沛的介绍之后,简要地说明一下你自己。

22 episode['ɛpɪsod] n. 插曲;一段情节

with at least eight glacial episodes in the past 730,000 years (C8 T2 P2)在过去的730000年里至少有8次冰川事件

23 elevated[ 'ɛlɪvetɪd ] adj. 提高的★

The disastrous Hanshin earthquake in 1995 killed 6,400 people, toppled elevated highways. (C7 T2 P1)1995年的阪神大地震造成6400人死亡,高速公路被推倒。

24 etiquette['ɛtɪkɛt] n. 礼节;礼仪

25 furious['fjʊrɪəs] adj. 激烈的;狂怒的

26 fabulous['fæbjələs] adj. 难以置信的;极好的

If you visit a fabulous furniture store, you can have your furniture. (C7 TB S3)如果你去一家很棒的家具店,你可以买到你的家具。

27 fantastic [fæn'tæstɪk] adj. 奇异的

We can take advantage of the fantastic views. (C7 T4 S2)我们可以利用这些奇妙的观点。

28 feed[fiːd] v. 喂养★

CIBC successfully used a seed-feeding weevil. (C8 T4 P2)CIBC成功地使用了一种种子喂养的象鼻虫。

29 funk[fʌŋk] n. 恐惧;怯懦 v. 害怕

30 glorious['glɔːrɪəs] adj. 光荣的

What a glorious ride they had. (C6 TB S3)他们有多么辉煌的旅程啊。

31 historical[hɪ'stɔrɪkl] adj. 历史的★

Let me provide a historical context. (C8 T2 P2)让我提供一个历史背景。

32 hint[hɪnt] n. 暗示;线索 v. 暗示

But in fact the social lives of some members of the insect kingdom are sufficiently comp lex to suggest more than a hint of intelligence. (C7 T3 P1)但事实上,昆虫王国的一些成员的社会生活是相当复杂的,它们暗示的不仅仅是一种智力的暗示。

33 homeboy['hom bɔɪ] n. 老乡;同伙

34 imitator['ɪmɪtetɚ] n. 模仿者★

Modern water systems imitate those of the ancient Greeks and Romans. (C7 T1 P2)现代水系统模仿古希腊和古罗马的水系统。

35 intimidate[ɪn'tɪmɪdet] v. 恐吓;威胁

36 idolize[ˈaɪdəlˌaɪz] v. 极端崇拜

37 instant['ɪnstənt] adj. 立即的★

Pilkington’s first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success. (C8 T2 P1)皮尔金顿的第一个全尺寸工厂在商业上取得了巨大的成功。

38 rise[raɪz] v. 上升★

Next year this number will rise tofourteen when Indonesia joins the project. (C7 T3 S3)明年,当印尼加入这个项目时,这个数字将上升到14.

39 jam[dʒæm] n. 果酱;拥挤 v. 使堵塞

traffic jams (C8 T4 S2)交通拥堵

40 curl[kɝl] v. 卷曲;盘绕 n. 卷曲

They curled the bark into the ‘ stick ’ shape still associated with the spice today. (C13 T3 P2)他们把树皮卷成今天仍与香料相联系的木棍形状。

41 journa l['dʒɝnl] n. 日报;杂志

And presumably the college library stocks newspapers and journals, as well as books. (C6 T1 S3)据推测,大学图书馆会储存报纸和期刊,还有书籍。

42 ink[ɪŋk] n. 墨水

43 marvelous['mɑrvələs] adj. 了不起的

44 mock[mɑk] v. 愚弄 adj.虚拟的

There’s a mock camp site where you can see inside an Antarctic tent and imagine yourself sleeping there. (C7 T2 S3)这里有一个模拟营地,你可以看到一个南极的帐篷,想象自己在那里睡觉。

45 nap[næp] n. 小睡

46 noise[nɔɪz] n. 噪音★

Apparently, unpredictable noise produces more fatigue than predictable noise. (C7 T4 P2)显然,不可预测的噪音比可预测的噪音更容易产生疲劳。

47 operation[ˌɑpə'reʃən] n. 操作;经营★

This system is already in operation. (C11 T1 P1)这个系统已经在运行了。

48 opposition[ 'ɑpə'zɪʃən ] n. 反对;反对派★

It comes with strong opposition from some established water organizations. (C7 T1 P2)它遭到了一些老牌水组织的强烈反对。

49 beam[biːm] n. 光线;电波 v. 发送

Time signals beam ed down from Global Positioning System satellites calibrate the functions of precision navigation equipment. (C8 T1 P1)从全球定位系统卫星传送的时间信号可以校准精确导航设备的功能。

50 optical['ɑptɪkl] adj. 光学的

Float plants today make glass of near optical quality. (C8 T2 P1)今天的浮法玻璃制造了近光学质量的玻璃。

51 poem['poəm] n. 诗

Similarly, novels and poems are read in a prescribed temporal sequence. (C10 T2 P3)类似地,小说和诗歌是按照规定的时间顺序来阅读的。

52 quote [kwot] v. 报价;引述 n. 引用

I’m getting a couple of quotes coming up on the computer now. (C7 T2 S1)我现在在电脑上得到了一些引语。

53 radioactivity[ˌredɪoæk'tɪvəti] n. 放射性

Marie later called‘radioactivity’ . (C9 T4 P1)玛丽后来称其为“放射性” 。

54 soft[sɔft] adj. 软的★

Others heard soft bursts. (C7 T4 P3)另一些人听到了轻柔的爆响声。

55 talented['tæləntɪd] adj. 有才能的;多才的★

Truly gifted people are talented in all areas. (C8 T3 P2)真正有天赋的人在各个方面都很有天赋。

56 unique[jʊ'nik] adj. 独特的★

The unique design is based on the concept of the Global Village. (C10 T2 S2)独特的设计是基于地球村的概念。

57 raw[rɔ] adj. 生的;原始的★

Forests provide raw materials for human activities. (C7 T3 P2)森林为人类活动提供原材料。

58 valid['vælɪd] adj. 有效的★

His theory about methods of learning is valid. (C7 T1 P3)他的关于学习方法的理论是有效的。

59 violate['vaɪəlet] v. 违反;侵略

60 vanish['vænɪʃ] v. 消失★

Many of our best-loved farm land birds have vanished from huge stretches of countryside. (C7 T2 P2)许多我们最喜爱的农田鸟已经从大片的乡村消失了。

61 weave[w iv] v. 编织;编排 n. 织物

62 radiation[ˌredɪ'eʃən] n. 辐射;放射物

Pierre Curie devoted himself chiefly to the physical study of the new radiations. (C9 T4 P1)皮埃尔居里主要致力于对新辐射物的物理研究。

63 yawn [jɔn] n. 哈欠;裂口 v. 打哈欠;裂开

the secret of yawning (机经文章)打哈欠的秘密

64 zombie['zɑm bi] n. 行尸走肉

65 rhyme[raɪm] n. 韵律 v. 使押韵★

5 The Saltwater Room

(经典歌曲,有两个版本:2008年(早期版) 、2009年(增强版) )

专辑:Ocean Eyes

歌手:Ow l City



1 saltwater['sɔːlt'wɔːtə] adj.盐水的

Most importantly variations in salinity, that’s salt levels. (C7 T3 S3)最重要的是盐度的变化,就是盐的水平。

2 underground[ʌndə'graʊnd] adj/n.地下(的)★

developing and maintaining underground cities of specialised chambers and tunnels (C7 T3 P1)发展和维护具有特殊洞穴和隧道的地下城市

3 subway['sʌbweɪ] n.地铁

4 sound[saʊnd] n.声音 adj.合理的★

uses radio echoes rather than sound echoes (C7 T1 P1)使用无线电回声而不是声音回声

5 fatigue[fə'tiːg] n.疲劳 ★

Apparently, unpredictable noise produces more fatigue than predictable noise. (C7 T4 P2)显然,不可预测的噪音比可预测的噪音更容易产生疲劳。

6 farewell[feə'wel] n.告别

7 seashell['siːʃel] n.贝壳

8 wave[weɪv] n/v.波动★

three major waves of m igration across the Bering Strait (C7 T3 P2)横跨白令海峡的三大波移民潮

9 cave[keɪv] n.洞穴

Remember that climbing on rocks and in caves can destroy in a mom ent what has lasted for centuries. (C7 T1 S4)记住,在岩石和洞穴中攀登可以在一段时间内毁掉持续了几个世纪的东西。

10 enough[ɪ'nʌf] adj.足够的★

enough food at last (C8 T2 P1)最后足够的食物

11 alone[ə'ləʊn] adj/adv.独自的(地)★

The question of whether we are alone in the universe has haunted humanity for centuries. (C9 T1 P2)我们是否在宇宙中是唯一的问题已经困扰了人类几个世纪。

12 hint[hɪnt] n/v.暗示

But in fact the social lives of some members of the insect kingdom are sufficiently complex to suggest more than a hint of intelligence. (C7 T3 P1)但事实上,昆虫王国的某些成员的社会生活是非常复杂的,它暗示的不仅仅是一种智力的暗示。

13 crew[kruː] n.全体船员;队员

crew members of multipilot aircraft (C10 T1 P3)多组员飞机机组成员

14 sign[saɪn] n/v.标记;符号★

A ‘ keep clear ’ sign will be erected at the junction of Evelyn Street and Hill Street.(C8 T4 S2)在伊芙琳街和希尔街的交界处,将竖立一个“保持干净”的标牌。

15 sink[sɪŋk] v.下沉

Then the float immediately sinks about 2,000 metres.(C7 T3 S3)然后,浮舟立即下沉约2000米。

16 relax[rɪ'læks] v.放松

That’s a good place to relax. (C10 T1 S1)那是个放松的好地方。

17 oversleep[əʊvə'sliːp] v.睡过头

18 shoreline['ʃɔːlaɪn] n. 海岸线

Actually it’s at the primary school on Shore Lane. (C9 T4 S1)实际上是在海滨小路上的小学。

19 sparrow['spærəʊ] n.麻雀

Two of the group mentioned that they had seen yet more sparrow-hawks. (C9 T4 S3)其中的两名成员提到,他们已经看到了更多的“雀鹰”

20 ballroom['bɔlrʊm] n.舞厅

21 aglow[ə'gləʊ] adj.发红的 n.发红光

6 Roses And Gold


专辑:Dust Diaries

歌手:Robin Jackson



1 sentimental[sɛntə'mɛntl] adj. 伤感的;多愁善感的

2 wine[waɪn] n. 酒★

Among the goods com ing upstream were luxuries such as sugar, tea, coffee and wine. (C7 TB S3)上游的商品包括糖、茶叶、咖啡和葡萄酒等奢侈品。

3 kite[kaɪt] n. 风筝

The kite lifted the column clean off the ground. (C7 T4 P1)风筝把柱子从地上抬起来。

4 spin[spɪn] v/n. 旋转 ★

The first successful method for making clear, flat glass involved spinning. (C8 T2 P1)第一个成功的制造透明玻璃的方法是旋转。

5 limb[lɪm] n. 肢;臂;分支★

like the referred pain in a phantom limb (C7 T1 P1)就像幻肢中提到的疼痛

6 pray[pre] v. 祈祷

7 engine['ɛndʒɪn] n. 引擎;发动机★

The advent of the jet engine suddenly resulted in a large number of very fast planes. (C8 T1 P2)喷气发动机的出现突然导致了大量的非常快的飞机出现。

8 thunder['θʌndɚ] n. 雷 v. 打雷

A laser thunder factory could shake the moisture out of clouds.





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