
发布时间:2020-06-25 22:02:08


作者:中华文化发展湖北省协同创新中心 编 江畅 戴茂堂 阿尔巴诺(G. John M. Abbarno) (美)托马斯·麦格勒尔(Thomas Magnell) 主编 徐瑾 执行主编











Searching for Ways of Peace

Thomas Menamparampil

Abstract:Human history is full of violence,and violence is on the Increase in contemporary world. It means our civilization doesn’t civilize us. Sometimes we even provide a philosopher for violence. we work on emotion,use aggressive language,cultivate the memory of historic injuries,and work on prejudice reduction to produce violence. In fact,oppressors and oppressed are just ordinary people. The mission of peace calls for a new thinking. It lays on us the compulsion of awakening a new consciousness in ourselves. It demands that we bring new themes for discussion,create a new public opinion,build up new philosophical and theological bases for peace. It is a higher motive that can Persuade people to pursue peace. In order to have peace,we have to build on the Asian concept of compassion,build our concern for humanity on the foundation of “inner group loyalty”,and tap the resource of Asian cultures by deep reflection.

Keywords:Peace;consciousness;Asian culture;ideologyViolence Is on the Increase

“Those sharp weapons are instruments of evil omen. They are not the instruments of superior men.” (Tao Te Ching 31)

Human history is full of violence. During the last century alone an estimated 130 million were killed:the World Wars,revolutions,the Cold War related conflicts,regional wars like Iran-Iraq war,the Hutu-Tutsi clash,civil wars,insurgencies of all types.

While Hitler’s and Stalin’s brutality is much held up for public attention,historian Eric Hobsbwam feels that even the “liberal states” waged the two world wars in the same spirit. He says,they recognized no limit on the suffering they were prepared to impose on the population of “the enemy”,and,even on their own armed forces. “This was part of that relapse of nineteenth-century civil progress into a renaissance of barbarism…” (Hobsbawm 392).

There have been more recent instances of violence:the Indo-Pakistani wars of 1965,1971,Israeli wars on the Palestinians in 1948,1956,1967,1973,1982;the Turkish invasion of Cyprus;revolutions in Egypt 1952,Iraq and Syria in the 1950’s and 1960’s,in South Arabia in the 1960’s and 1970’s,in Iran 1979. And further still.

We are getting used to news of violence. Milan Kundera wrote in 1982,“The bloody massacre in Bangladesh quickly covered the memory of the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia,the assassination of Allende drowned the groans of Bangaldesh,the war in the Sinai desert made people forget Allende,the Cambodian massacre made people forget Sinai,and so on and so forth until ultimately everyone lets everything be forgotten”.

Scientists point out that animals fight,but they do not wage wars. Humans are the only primate who pursue enthusiastically mass killings of their own kind in a planned way. It might even seem that war belongs to the most important of human inventions!!The oldest traditions of humanity,its myths and epic poetry,speak primarily of killings. And in our own times,hatred has mounted,and people go the furthest limits of harshness using suicide bombs and eliminating even non-combatants,including women and children.

The daily news is full of violence. It is reported under various headings:ideological conflicts,terrorism,pathological forms of nationalism,racial violence,ethnic cleansing,famine,domestic violence,workplace abuse,football hooliganism,cyberspace violence,intercultural violence. The tragedy is that we have come to accept violence as normal. In fact,that is another form of violence;for,violence is both action and lack of action that is insensitive to human suffering and oppressive of human persons.

People like Konrad Lorenz have written at length about the innate aggressiveness of man,concluding from animal behaviour that human beings are programmed to be violent in war,crime,personal quarrels and destructive and sadistic behaviour,as though there is an innate instinct to aggressiveness (Fromm 22). This point of view we are unable to accept. For,once we accept that violence is normal for human beings,that an ethnic clash or nuclear war is due to biological factors within us and beyond our control,we do nothing to prevent war or violence. But the fact is that our aggressive behaviour is created by social,political and economic circumstances of our own making.We can Prevent It

That is why it is good for us to study our inner weaknesses more carefully. For example,since “tribalism” (fierce loyalty to one’s own community including exaggerated forms nationalism and other collective self-identities) runs so deep in our nature,it looks impossible to eliminate these dispositions in us. However,when we know more about the monsters within us,we learn to cage them and tame them (Glover 7). The greater our individual and collective self-consciousness about our inner makeup,the easier it becomes for us to handle ourselves.Forms of Violence

“For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time. Hatred cases by love;this is the old rule.”(Dhammapada 5)

Violence is not about war only,but about abusing people,reducing their self-esteem and their self-confidence or self-worth,leading them to an experience of powerlessness and subjugation,e.g. due to poverty.

Violence also includes condoning violence,inaction during violence,passive acceptance of violence,considering violence as useful. We all contribute to violence when we take refuge in any of these forms of escapism. For example,when governments defend their military and law-enforcing personnel and prevent international scrutiny of reported physical tortures,they condone violence. When men of the police force stand with each other in mutual defence despite their inhuman treatment of prisoners,they condone violence. The same is true of members of a gang that defend each other though they know that their companions have gone to excesses,of political leaders that overlook the violence of supporters,of ideologues that consider violence as self-defence,professionals who tolerate colleagues in their dishonest and exploitative ways.

Modern man little realizes the new forms violence he suffers from in his/her daily life. While he claims to have set himself free from every form of oppression from political and religious authorities or social conventions,he little realizes that he has become a slave to the business interests of mighty impersonal corporations. Companies in turn are in merciless competition among themselves trying to eliminate each other. Henry Ford admitted that assembly-line production was dehumanising,but he added,“A great business is really too big to be human”. Fordism was really the industrial counterpart of Nazi ideology and Nazi oppression of the worker and the consumer. Thus,violence has taken new shapes today. Not enough people are thinking of giving a “human face” to the New Economy.

Gerald Arbuckle puts the following activities on the list of violence:maligning others,calumniating,spreading negative rumours,and character-assassination. Violence takes other shapes as well:deceptive strategies used by corporate magnates,e.g. using euphemisms like “downsizing” to mean plain sacking;political manipulations,e.g. offering bribes,making unrealistic promises,using deceptive flattery,having recourse to untrue advertisements,glamorous display,boasting,being arrogant or jealous,intimidating,gossiping,hurting people with cynical humour,taunting,sneering,scorning,patriarchal or ethnic or racial jokes,ignoring conventional courtesies,being rude and ill-mannered,entering into inhuman competition,vandalism,scapegoating,projecting on to others one’s own faults,football hooliganism (greatly aggravated by commercial sports),political witch-hunting and oppression of minorities. These too are not much different:political patronage,cronyism,family-rule over society,new forms of colonialism,imbalance in trade and economic relationships,placing unbearable burdens of international debts on weaker nations…. all as forms of violence.

There is,further,the violence done to future generations when the present generation leaves debts behind,exhaust natural resources,damage nature,or inherit to others unbearable burdens. There is violence planted also into those unhelpful philosophies that educate the rising generation to collective anger,cynicism,exaggerated pragmatism,narcissism,and nihilism.

Then there are the local variations of violence:caste unfairness in India,communal clashes in South Asia,gender inequality in many parts of the world,unequal class structures in West Asia,insidious consumer and media cultures in developed countries,violence sanctioned or sponsored by government,drug deals,street gang violence in urban centres,insurgency and secessionism,ethnic hatred,militant politics;mafia in Sicily and the US.

If these are all forms of violence,the longer list of oppressors would include parents,husbands,fellow-citizens,politicians,business tycoons,trade unionists,ethnic leaders,slum lords,drug barons,arms traffickers,intellectuals,and anyone else who can hurt…. and anyone who condones violence or remains inactive…. and ourselves!!Those who suffer from violence would include:the public in general,e.g. those that are harassed both by insurgents and the police in turn;the poor and the weak who are victims of local thugs,the homeless,innocent prisoners (an estimate claimed that 40% of those in prison were innocent),the brutalised,the stigmatised,the sick,the illiterate,and bonded labour.

When we notice that the Olympic Games which were meant to bring nations together,have often been marred by expressions of aggressive competitiveness and nationalistic pride,we realize how deeply violence has planted itself into our public life.Civilization Has not Civilized us

“Nuclear weapons have changed everything,except our modes of thought.” (Einstein)

Eric Fromm says that,the primitive man was the least warlike,and,that it was with the growth of civilization that warlikeness grew (Fromm 206). “The history of civilization from the destruction of Carthage and Jerusalem to the destruction of Dresden,Hishima,and the people,soil,and trees in Vietnam,is a tragic record of sadism and destructiveness” (Fromm 227). Fromm sees the degree of destructiveness increasing with the development of civilization. Man is the only primate that kills and tortures members of his own species without any reason,either biological or economic,and feels satisfaction in doing so (Fromm 25)

Fromm calls man’s fascination with killing “necrophilia”. Assyria’s aggressiveness in destroying cities and poisoning soils,was a witness to necrophilia as civilization took its early steps. Then came the Babylonians,Egyptians,Greeks,Romans,colonial adventurers. The Spanish adventurer,Pizzaro,had an army of 168 soldiers,and the Inca ruler,Atahuallpa,of 89,000 and millions of Inca people in Peru. But Pizzaro won (Diamond 68). More advanced weapons decided the issue.

Technology gives the aggressor an advantage,and accentuates the impersonality of killings. One does not realise the damage one is causing. In fact,it looks as though the killer is not killing,but operating a machine. A human person comes to be doing the very opposite of what he/she is made for. Hitler,who was a student of architecture,should have been helping to build up cities. He turned out to be a destroyer of cities. He wanted to destroy Paris and Leningrad. He was a Jew-hater,also a German-hater,a hater of mankind,and of life itself. Fromm is right in saying that man is the only species that is a mass murderer (Fromm 533).

The Nazi killing of the Jews was organized as a production process. Those who could not do useful work were led into the gas chambers and gas let in. Useful objects like clothes,hair,gold teeth were sorted out and recycled. The reply of the Allies to the German-Japanese military harshness was equally terrible. The code name of the attack on Hamburg was “Operation Gomorrah”,which wiped out a city of 2 million in three nights (Glover 81). On August 6,1945 the atomic bomb “Little boy” was dropped on Hiroshima. The calculation of thdeath over 5 years were 200,000. On August 9 “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki. Over 5 years 140,000 had died (Glover 897-9). All human sensitivity had disappeared on both sides.

The same insensitivity is noticeable in our own days,even when atrocities are committed against one’s own people. We are shocked when democracies become illiberal and intolerant of minorities…they silence weaker voices,connive at and even provoke ethnic conflict,and become hard on the public through state-violence.

The impersonality of urban agglomerations,with their poverty,squalor and disorder,produces an atmosphere conducive to violence:common values and personal relationships begin to disappear;consequently,modern man is isolated and lonely;he/she becomes part of a crowd,not of a community. People become a part of the “disorganized dust of individuals”,with no convictions to share,but only slogans and ideologies that they derive from the media,though,in reality,they hunger for truth and for companionship all the while.

Psychologists tell us that the human organism needs both stimulation and rest. In industrial societies,the human person is continuously under stimuli:greed,sex,violence,narcissism through movies,TV,radio,magazines,and the market (Fromm 323). If he is an unproductive person,all the more,he becomes inwardly passive and bored;the outlet he seeks may take the form of violence. Eric Fromm considers an exaggerated love of machines,gadgets,and other lifeless objects forms of “necrophilia”—similar to a love for death;worship of speed and the machine,glorification of war,destruction of culture;drug,crime,cultural decay…all are signs of “necrophilia” (Fromm 458).

We see that man’s aggressiveness is due to those aggression-producing conditions that he himself creates:physical conditions,mental attitudes,intellectual convictions,acquired beliefs. It is up to him/her to create conditions that will contribute to peace and harmony.No Limit to Excesses

Thucidides records that when Athens and Sparta fought,Melos wanted to remain neutral. The Athenian spokesperson said,“It is a general and necessary law of nature to rule wherever one can”. The Athenians took Melos and killed all men of military age and sold women and children to slavery (Glover 18). The summary of the Athenian argument was,“might is right”.

Adolf Hitler told Alice Miller,“My pedagogy is hard. What is weak must be hammered away. In my fortress of the Teutonic Order a young generation will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want the young to be violent,domineering,undismayed,cruel. The young must be able to will these things” (Glover 337).

We notice that even wolves are not aggressive to their own kind. But our recent history tells us that “no animal could ever be so cruel as man,so artfully,so artistically cruel”,e.g. cutting babies out of women’s wombs or throwing them before their mothers to catch them on a bayonet. Torturers are told to suppress their “squeamishness”. The victims do not belong. They are of another ideology,nation,tribe,or religion (Glover 35).

Hitler called the enemy “subhumans”. The British referred to the Germans as Huns. The enemy becomes non-persons. They are less than dirt. As a Soviet soldier confessed,“The Afghans weren’t people to us”. They were less than human,just animals (Glover 49). They are an inferior race,killing them was like killing cockroaches (Glover 50). Unfortunately sensitivity towards destructiveness—cruelty is rapidly diminishing,and “necrophilia”,the attraction towards what is dead,decaying,lifeless and purely mechanical in increasing. The Falangist motto was “Long live death” (Fromm 32-33).

The Soviet motto in Afghanistan was,“The army must keep healthy and we must banish pity from our minds” (Glover 51). Ex-Vietnam sergeants would boast of the atrocities they had committed (Glover 51). A Vietnam returnee admits that he misses the war “because I loved it,loved it in strange and troubling ways” (Glover 56). Another,“The hardest part—the part that’s hard is to kill,but once you kill,that becomes easier,to kill the next person and the next one and the next one. Because I had no feelings or emotions or nothing. No direction. I just killed. It can happen to anyone” (Glover 62).Providing a Philosophy for Violence

“…whoever is devoid of the heart of compassion is not human…whoever is devoid of the heart of courtesy and modesty is not human,whoever is devoid of the heart of right and wrong is not human.” (Mencius)

Many modern ideologies have justified violence. Darwin taught that the fittest would eliminate the rest. Young people for a few generations have been fed on the thoughts of thinkers like Camus,Marcuse,Sartre,Che Guevara,Fanon,Arendt and Gramsci. For them,struggle is the sole path towards progress. They look at every human being as a wolf to every other human being.

But a more careful study of human history will reveal that every struggle was in the larger context of “Collaboration”,and that those who reconcile and motivate others for collaboration make the greatest contribution to human growth. The choice is not between “either us or them”,but between “both us and them” making a big WE. Indeed,Collaboration is the Law of Human History,not Conflict taken in its isolation.

According to Nietzsche,every higher culture began with the conquest by barbarians who had an “unbroken strength and lust for power”. The nobles came from the barbarians. Their superiority lay in psychical strength,which also meant “more complete beasts”. Nietzsche saw in Christian compassion the triumph of Judeo-Christian slave morality. He lamented that the Jewish ideology (morality) developed in Egypt where the Jews were slaves,and was further developed by Christians when they were also slaves in the Roman Empire. He was alarmed at the spread of this kind of morality in the world (Glover 12). In his thinking,the concept of struggle predominates (Glover 13). He says,half the world is weak,sick,and inconstant;that is the half that glories in being weak,compassionate,and humble. And that is the conspiracy of women and priests against men,against the “strong”. Nietzsche despised altruism. Loving your neighbour is a disguise for mediocrity (Glover 14). Egoism is essential to the noble soul,the belief that others are subordinate by nature to us (Glover 15). In advocating hardness,he rejects pity as unmanly. “To see others suffer does one good,to make others suffer even more…. Without cruelty there is no festival” (Glover 16).

It is this type of conviction that makes leaders brainwash their people about the need to fight. In Plato’s “The Republic” Thrasymmachus argues that it is the interests of the strong that is generally considered just and right (Glover 18). What surprises us is the ease with which people go for philosophies of violence and fall under the spell of irrational doctrines,political or religious. The reason,however,is simple:human beings need a cohesive frame of orientation. The more an ideology pretends to give answers to all questions,the more attractive it is (Fromm 311). Ultimately it becomes,as Albert Camus said of Communism,a metaphysical justification for organized murder.

The Nazi ideology of wanting to preserve the unmixed Aryan identity of the German people led to the excesses of World War II. Since war was proposed as the only solution,war had to come. For example,Helmuth von Moltke considered a war between the Teutons and the Slavs necessary. He exhorted the Germans to hold high their spiritual culture (Glover 186). “War is the only remedy to cure existing illnesses”,he said,“War is beautiful. Its noble grandeur raises man high above earthly,daily things”. Dr. Schmidt-Gibichenfels said,“We Teutons must no longer look upon war as our destroyer…at last we must see it once more as the saviour,the physician” (Glover 196). Many Germans thought Nazism gave their lives meaning and purpose (Glover 362). People became “monocerebral”,whose feelings had withered. For them,the only form of sin was failing to take advantage of others when opportunities offered themselves.

Even today,theories of violence are propagated continuously on the TV and through cartoon strips:the belief that violence solves





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