
发布时间:2020-06-30 19:37:32











International Law is the textbook for one of the 14Core Subjects of Higher Legal Education in China,and among the Textbook Series for 21st Century sponsored by the Ministry of Education.The book is composed of 18chapters,presenting a systematic exposition of the rules,principles and institutions of Modern International Law and an analysis of its fundamental theoretical problems.The first chapter,the General Introduction,expounds the conception of international law,its historical development,subjects of the law,sources of the law,theories as to the basis of international law,relation between international and municiple law,and the basic principles of international law.Chapters 2,3and 4deal emphatically with States,population in international law and State territory.Chapters 5,6,7and 8introduce and discuss international law of the sea,air law,the law of outer space,and international environmental law respectively.Chapter 9deals with the United Nations and regional organizations.Chapter 10expounds diplomatic and consular immunities and the immunities of international organizations.Chapter 11introduces the legal system of the international economic relations,mainly International Monetary Fund,the World Bank Group and the World Trade Organization and their legal institutions.Chapter 12is on the International Protection of Human Rights.Chapter 13discusses the conclusion and entry into force of treaties,pacta sunt servanda,reservation,application and interpretation of treaties,invalidity of treaties and other rules and institutions of the law of treaties.Chapter 14is devoted to the institution of State responsibility,including the constituents of State responsibility,circumstances precluding wrongfullness and consequences of State responsibility.Chapter 15,Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes,besides the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes,introduces the political and legal methods of settlement,including negotiation,good offices and mediation,arbitration and the ICJ.Chapter 16,Collective Security System,discusses problems of maintenance of international peace and security,with a section on UN peace-keeping operations.Chapter 17,Arms control and disarmament is newly added in the second edition,introduces the historical development,contents and the perspective of China.Chapter 18,The Law of Armed Conflict,deals with international humanitarian law,war crimes,International Tribunals for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda,and the newly established International Criminal Court.

This book,providing fundamental knowledge and expounding basic theories of international law to law students,may also be of some use to the students of departments or colleges of foreign languages,international relations,jouralism and communication,practitioners of foreign and external affairs.



邵津 北京大学法学院教授、博士生导师,北京国际法研究会会长。代表性著作有:统编教材《国际法》(合著,法律出版社1981年版及1995年版)、《中国法学四十年》(上海人民出版社1989年版,国际公法学部分)、“国际争端的和平解决”等系列词条(《中国大百科全书》法学卷,中国大百科全书出版社1984年版)。其代表性论文有:《关于外国军舰无害通过领海的一般国际法规则》(《中国国际法年刊》1989年,此文英文本题为《外国军舰无害通过领海问题:第三次联合国海洋法会议以后》)、《中国与人权——纪念世界人权宣言通过四十周年》(《中国建设》1989年第l期)、《日内瓦人道主义四公约的解释和适用:中华人民共和国的实践》[《国际人道主义法论文集》(葡文版),澳门红十字会1997年版]。

梁淑英 中国政法大学教授,列名全国人民代表大会法制工作委员会专家数据库,北京国际法学会常务副会长长和北京市法学会常务理事。代表性著作有:《国际难民法》(知识产权出版社2009年版)、《外国人在华待遇》(主编,中国政法大学出版社1997年版)、《国际法》(主编,中国政法大学出版社2011年版)。发表了“难民入出境的保护原则”(载《中国国际法年刊》,世界知识出版社2009年版)、“难民的国际保护与中国的实践”(载《印度国际法年刊》第三卷,2003年)、“国际法关于贩运人口的定义和我国刑法规定之思考”(载《北大国际法与比较法评论》第8卷,2011年)及“浅析国家豁免与中国的主张”(载《政法论坛》1999年第2期)等数十篇主要论文。

吴慧 法学博士,国际关系学院院长助理、教授、博士生导师,中国国际法学会理事,中国海洋法学会理事、北京国际法学会副会长。代表性著作有:《当代国际法论》(合著,法律出版社1998年版)、《国际海洋法法庭研究》(海洋出版社2002年版)。代表性论文有:《论国际海洋法法庭法官的任职条件》(《中外法学》1996年第3期)、《论国家以外的实体为国际海洋法法庭的当事方》(《外国法译评》1998年第2期)、《论国际法律责任的承担》(《国际关系学院学报》1999年第4期)、《国际海洋争端解决机制对钓鱼岛争端的影响》(《国际法学》2007年第9期)、《香港的缔约权以及条约在香港的法律地位》(《政治与法律》2007年第6期)、《北极争夺战的国际法分析》(《国际法学》2008年第3期)。

刘楠来 中国社会科学院法学研究所研究员、博士生导师,中国国际法学会常务理事、中国海洋法学会常务理事。代表性著作有:《国际海洋法》(合著,海洋出版社1986年版)、《发展中国家与人权》(四川人民出版社1994年版)。其代表性论文有:《关于我国领海法的几个问题》(《当代海洋法的理论与实践》,法律出版社1987年版)、《国际新秩序与人权》(《当代人权》,中国社会科学出版社1992年版)、《论菲律宾侵占我国南沙群岛的非法性》(《法学研究》1992年第l期)。

任筱锋 法学博士,研究员,长期从事国际海洋法的理论研究和相关实务工作。代表性成果有:《海上军事行动法》(海潮出版社2000年版)、《圣雷莫海上武装冲突国际法手册》(合译,海潮出版社2003年版)。代表性论文有:《专属经济区军事利用的法律问题:中国的视角》(《海事政策》,英国Elswier 出版社2004年版)、《海战法的困境及其可能的发展》(《国际人道法文选》,国防大学出版社2002年版)。

刘伟民 中国民航管理干部学院法学教授,长期从事民用航空理论和务实工作,主攻航空法与航空运输政策,相关研究宏观经济形势与民用航空发展战略。代表性著作有:《航空法教程》(修订版)(主编、中国法制出版社2001年版)、《论国际航空运输的责任制度》(《中国国际法年刊》1983年)、《论国际航空法中的刑事管辖权》(《法学研究》1983年)、《国际航空运输管理体制的发展趋势》(《中国国际法年刊》、1998年)、《WTO与国际航空运输法的新发展》(《当代国际法研究21世纪的中国与国际法》、上海人民出版社2002年版)、《我国民航政府管制体制改革与航空自由化》(《中国:政府管制体制改革》、中国经济出版社2007年版)。

黄惠康 法学博士,中国国际法学会理事。代表性著作有:《国际法教程》(武汉大学出版社1989年版)、《国际法上的集体安全制度》(武汉大学出版社1990年版)、《联合国宪章诠释》(副主编,山西教育出版社1999年版)。其代表性论文有:《论联合国维持和平部队的若干法律问题》(《法学评论》1986年第3期)、《论联合国维持和平部队的法律基础》(《中国社会科学》1987年第4期)、《联合国宪章下的集体安全保障》(《中国国际法年刊》1996年)。

汪劲 法学博士,北京大学法学院教授、博士生导师,兼任中华全国律师协会环境、资源与能源法专业委员会主任。代表性著作有:《环境法律的理念与价值追求》(法律出版社2000年版)、《环境法学》(普通高等学校国家级规划教材,北京大学出版社2006年版)、《环境法治的中国路径:反思与探索》(中国环境科学出版社2011年版)等。

杨国华 北京大学法学博士,商务部条约法律司副司长,北京国际法研究会副会长。澳大利亚Bond University“全球贸易与金融中心”(Tim Fischer Centre for Global Trade &Finance)高级研究员,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁员。代表性著作有:《美国贸易法301条款研究》(法律出版社1998年版);《中美经贸关系中的法律问题》(经济科学出版社1998年版);《国际环境保护公约概述》(人民法院出版社2000年版);《中国加入WTO法律问题专论》(法律出版社2002年版);《WTO争端解决程序详解》(中国方正出版社2004年版);《WTO美国钢铁保障措施案研究》(中信出版社2004年版);WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding:A Detailed Interpretation,Kluwer Law International(2005年版),《中国与WTO争端解决机制专题研究》(中国商务出版社2005年版)。

李毅 法学博士,北京师范大学政治学与国际关系学院国际事务系副教授,北京国际法学会理事,代表性著作有:《国际贸易救济措施——反倾销、反补贴、保障措施与特保措施》(合著,对外经济贸易大学出版社2005年版)。代表性论文有:《论澳、巴海洋边界划分方法之特色及其对中日东海海域划界之借鉴意义》(《东北亚论坛》2005年第3期、《中国学术年鉴》2005年卷)、《论联合国大陆架界限委员会在外大陆架划界中的职能与作用》(《南洋问题研究》2010年第2期)等。

薛捍勤 法学博士,现任联合国国际法院法官,北京大学法学院兼职副教授、中国国际法学会副会长。代表性著作有:《国际法》(合著,法律出版社1995年版)、《联合国宪章诠释》(副主编,山西教育出版社1999年版)。代表性论文有:《“共同资源”的法律制度比较研究》(《中国国际法年刊》1986年)、《国际水道法的相对性》(《中国国际法年刊》1992年)。

商震 外交学院国际公法硕士,北京第二外国语学院英语语言文学硕士,现任中国驻联合国代表团官员。论文见于《中国社科院学报》等。

高燕平 法学博士,中国国际法学会理事。代表性著作有:《国际刑事法院》(世界知识出版社1999年版)、《联合国宪章诠释》(合著,山西教育出版社1999年版)。代表性论文有:《国际贸易中的普遍优惠制》(《中国国际法年刊》1986年)、《国际赔偿的最新理论与实践》(《中国国际法年刊》1992年)、《多边条约中的争端解决程序》(《中国国际法年刊》1994年)。

徐杰 武汉大学法学院国际法硕士、博士,现任外交部条法司处长。在《法学评论》、《外交学院学报》、《法商研究》等学术刊物上发表论文数篇,并参与《世界外交大辞典》(世界知识出版社2005年版)、《外层空间法》(青岛出版社2000年版)、《中国外交》(世界知识出版社2003—2005年版)等著作的撰写。

朱文奇 国际法博士,现为中国人民大学国际法教授、博士生导师。其近期研究成果有:《国际刑法》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版;《国际人道法》,中国人民大学出版社2007年版;《国际条约法》,中国人民大学出版社2008年版;《国际法原理与案例教程》(主编)(第二版),中国人民大学出版社2009年版;《国际刑事法院与中国》,中国人民大学出版社2009年版;《战争罪》,法律出版社2010年版。

王新建 法学博士,研究员,中国国际法学会常务理事,中国空间法学会常务理事。代表性著作有:《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法释义》(合著,解放军出版社1997年版)、《中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区驻军法释义》(合著,解放军出版社1999年版)。代表性论文有:《战争罪及其管辖》(《国际法学论丛》,当代世界出版社1999年版)、《中国主权与澳门驻军》(《法学杂志》2000年第1期)、《国际不法行为的国家责任》(《中国军法》2001年第3期)、《涉外军事行动法律研究》(《西安政治学院学报》2010年第1期)。

About the Authors

(注:About the AuthorsIn the order of number of the chapter he or she contributes.)

Shao Jin Professor of International Law,Peking University Law School;President,Beijing Society of International Law.Representative works:International Law,Law Publishing House,1981and 1995,Coauthor;Forty Years of Legal Science in China,Shanghai People’s Press,1989,the part concerning public international law.Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes and other serial entries Chinese Encyclopedia,Volume of Legal Science,China Encyclopedia Publishing House,1984.Representative articles:The Question of Innocent Passage of Warships:After UNCLOS III,Marine Policy,January 1989;China and Human Rights—On the 40th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,China Reconstructs,vol.XXXVIII,NO.1,January 1989;Interpretation and Application of the Geneva Humanitarian Convention:Practice of P.R.C.,Articles on International Humanitarian Law (in Portuguese),Red Cross,Macau,1997.

Liang Shuying Professor of China University of Political Science and Law;On the experts list of the Law Committee of the National People’s Congress,;Standing councilor,Beijing Law Society;vice standing president of Beijing International Law Society.Representative works:International Refugee Law,Intellectual Property Press,2009;Foreigners’Treatment in China,Press of China University of Political Science and Law,1997;International Law,Press of China University of Political Science and Law,2011.Representative articles:International Law Relating to the Definition of Human Trafficking and Analysis of the Problems of China Criminal Law on Trafficking in Persons,PKU International and Comparative Law Review,2011;Principle of Protection on Refugees Entering and Leaving a Country ,Chinese YearBook of International Law ,2009;International Protection of Refugees and China’s practices,YearBook of Indian Society of International Law ,2003;An Analysis of State Immunity and China’s position,Forum of Law and Politics,No.2,1999.

Wu Hui Doctor of Law;Professor and Assistant to the President,University of International Relations;Councillor,Chinese Society of International Law;Councillor,Chinese Society of the Law of the Sea,Vice president of Beijing Society of International Law.Representative works:Contemporary International Law,Law Press of China,1998,Coauthor;On the International Tribunal for the Sea,Marine Press of China,2001.Representative articles:On the Qualifications of Judges of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea,Peking University Law Journal,No.3,1996;Entities Other than States as Parties before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea,Translation and Review of Foreign Law,No.2,1998;Bearing International Legal Responsibility,College of International Relations Journal,No.4,1999;The Mechanism for Resolving International Dispute of the Law of the Sea and its Impact on Diaoyu Islands Dispute,International Law,No.9,2007,International Center for Social Sciences,URC;Right to Conclude Treaties &the Legal Status of Treaties in HK,Political Science and Law,No.6,2007;Constitutional Law &Administrative Law;On the Fight over the North Pole-A Study from the Perspective of International Law,International Law,No.3,2008,International Center for Social Sciences,URC.

Liu Nanlai Researcher,Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.Member of Standing Committee,Chinese Society of International Law;Member of Standing Committee,Chinese Society of the Law of the Sea.Representative works:International Law of the Sea,Marine Press,1986,Coauthor;Developing Countries and Human Rights,People’s Press of Sichuan,1994.Representative articles:Some Problems in Chinese Territorial Sea Law,in Theory and Practice of Contemporary Law of the Sea,Law Publishing House,1987;New International Order and Human Rights,in Contemporary Human Rights,Press of Chinese Social Sciences,1992;The Illegality of the Philippine Invasion of Nansha Islands,Studies in the Science of Law,No.1,1992.

Ren Xiaofeng Doctor of Law,Senior Research fellow.Representative works include:Law Appllicable to Maritime Military Operations,Haichao Press,2000;San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at sea,Chief Translator,Haichao Press,2003.Representative articles:“International Law of Naval War:application difficulties and the way to overcome”,Collective Works On International Humanitarian Law,National Defense University,2002;“The Legal Issues of Military Uses Of EEZ:A Chinese Perspective”,Marine Policy,Elswier Publishing House,2004.

Liu Weimin Professor of Law,at the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China,Beijing,PRC,His research interest focuses on aviation law and air transport policy as well as macro economic trend and civil aviation development strategy.Representative book:A Course in Air Law (2nd Edition),Legal Press of China,2001.Representative articles include:Liability System of the International Air Transport,Chinese Yearbook of International Law,1983;Criminal jurisdiction on International Air Law,Studies in the Science of Law,1983;Trends in the Developmental of the International Air Transport System,Economics and Technology in Civil Aviation,No.6—7;WTO and New Development of the International Air Transport Law,Studies on Modern International Law:International Law and China in the 21st Century,Shanghai People’s Press,2002.

Huang Huikang  Doctor of Law,Councillor,Chinese Society of International Law.Representative works:A Course in International Law,Wuhan University Press,1989;The Collective Security System in International Law,Wuhan University Press,1990;Commentary on Charter of the United Nations,Shanxi Press of Education,1999,Associate Editor in Chief.Representative articles:Some legal Problems of UN Peacekeeping Forces,Law Review,No.3,1986;The Legal Basis of UN Peacekeeping Forces,Chinese Social Sciences,No.4,1967;Collective Security Safeguard under the UN Charter,Chinese Yearbook of International Law,1996.

Wang Jin Doctor of Law,Professor,Peking University Law School;Member of the Standing Committee,Chinese Society of Environment and Resources Law.Representative works:An Introduction to Japanese Environmental Law,Wuhan University Press,1994;The Conception of Environmental Law and the Pursuit of Value—the Purpose of Environmental Legislation,Law Publishing House,2000;Principles of Chinese Environmental Law,Peking University Press,2000.Representative articles:The Convergence of Global Environmental Legislation,Peking University Law Journal,No.2,1998;The Evolution and Formation of Modern Environmental Law,Law Review,No.5,1998;Some New Ideas in Modern Western Environmental Law,Peking University Law Journal,No.24,1999.

Yang Guohua PhD.of Peking University,Department of Commerce Deputy Director of Treaty and Law,Vice Chairman of Beijing International Law Society;Senior Fellow of the Tim Fischer Centre for Global Trade &Finance,Bond University,Australia;Arbitrator at China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission;Representative works:A Study on Section 301of the United States Trade Act,Law Press of China,1998;Legal Problems of the Sino-US Economic Relations,Economic Science Press,1998;Introduction to International Environmental Conventions,People’s Court Press,2000;Legal Problems on China’s Accession to the WTO,Law Press of China,2002;WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding:A Detailed Interpretation,China Fangzheng Press,2004;A Study on the WTO Case of US-Safeguard Measures on Steel,Citic Publishing House,2004;China and WTO Dispute Settlement,China Commerce and Trade Press,2005;WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding:A Detailed Interpretation,Kluwer Law International,2005.

Li Yi Doctor of Law,International Affairs Department;Associate Professor,School of Political Science and International Studies,Beijing Normal University;Councillor,Beijing International Law Society.Representative works:International Trade Remedies:Anti-dumping,Countervailing Measures Safeguard Measures and Specific Safeguard Measures.,Press of International Business and Economic University,2005,Coauthor;Representative articles:Analysis and Selection of the Proposals on the delimitation of the maritime boundary of the East China Sea-between China and Japan:on the Characteristics,Significance and Reference of the Method Used in the delimitation of the maritime boundary between Australia and Papua New Guinea,Northeast A sia Forum,No.3,2005;On The Function of Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS)in the delimitation of the outer Continental Shelf,Southeast Asian Affairs,No.2,2010.

Xue Hanqin Doctor of Law,The United Nations International Court Judge Professor,Peking University Law School.Vice-President,Chinese Society of International Law.Representative works:International Law,Law Publishing House,1995,Coauthor;Commentary on Charter of the United Nations,Shanxi Press of Education,1999,Associate Editor in Chief.Representative articles:A Comparative Study on the Legal Regime of “Common Resources”,Chinese Yearbook of International Law,1986;The Relativity of the Law of International Waterways,Chinese Yearbook of International Law,1992.

Shang Zhen Master of Public International Law in China Foreign Affairs University,Master of English Literature in Beijing International Studies University.Officer of the Permanent Mission of the P.R.China to the UN.Articles published in Chinese Academy of Social Science,etc.

Gao Yanping Doctor of Law,Councillor,Chinese Society of International Law.Representative works:International Criminal Court,World Affairs Press,1999.Representative articles:The Generalized System of Preferences in International Trade,Chinese Yearbook of International Law,1986;Latest Theory and Practice concerning International Compensation,Chinese Yearbook of International Law,1992;Procedure for the Settlement of Disputes in Multilateral Treaties,Chinese Yearbook of International Law,1994.

Xu Jie LL.M,PH.D,Law School of Wuhan University .Director of Treaty and Law Department,Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.Articles published in the core Chinese Journals,such as Law Review,Wuhan University,China;Journal of China Foreign Affairs University and Studies in Law and Business,etc.Also as a coauthor of several books,namely,Dictionary on World’s Diplomacy,World Affairs Press,2005;Law of the Outer Space,Qingdao Press,2000;China’s Foreign Affairs,World Affairs Press,2003—2005,etc.

Zhu Wenqi Doctor of International Law,Professor and Director of the Ph.D Candidates in the Law School of Renmin University of China.His recent representatives works are as follows:International Criminal Law,by Press of Renmin University of China,Beijing,China,2007;International Humanitarian Law,by Press of Renmin University of China,Beijing,China,2007;International Treaty Law,by Press of Renmin University of China,Beijing,China,2008;and Doctrines and Cases of International Law,by Press of Renmin University of China,Beijing,China,2009;International Criminal Court and China,by Press of Renmin University of China,Beijing,China,2009;War Crimes,by Law Press of China,2010.

Wang Xinjian Doctor of Law,Research,Member of Standing Committee,Chinese Society of International Law;Member of Standing Committee,Chinese Society of Space Law.Representative works:Commentary on Law of the people’s Republic of China on the Garrisoning of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Liberation Army Press,1997,Coauthor;Commentary on Law of the people’s Republic of China on the Garrisoning of the Macau Special Administrative Region,Liberation Army Press,1999,Coauthor.Representative articles:War Crames and Jurisdiction,Articles on International Law,Contemporary world Press,1999;Chinese Sovereignty and Macau Garrisoning,Law Science Magazine,NO.1,2000;State Responsibility of the Internationally Wrongful Acts,The China Military Law Journal,No.5,2001;On the Legal Safeguard in Foreign Related Military Actions,Journal of Xi’an Politics Institute of PLA,No.1,2010.第一章导论第一节 国际法的概念一、国际法的概念

国际法(international law),或称国际公法(public international law),是指调整国际法主体之间、主要是国家之间关系的,有法律拘束力的原则、规则和制度的总体。这个国际法概念与当前世界其他国家一些国际法学者给国际法所下的定义基本一致。例如,1991年联合国教科文组织主持下由别乔伊(Bedjaoui)主编的一部国际法教科书认为,国际法是“旨在调整(regulate)国家相互间关系的,成文的或不成文的规范的总体……它主要规范国家的行为”(注:〔阿尔及利亚〕别乔伊主编:《国际法:成就与展望》(Bedjaoui.Mohammed,International Law:Achievement and Prospects)(英文本),联合国教科文组织,1991年,第2页。)。《奥本海国际法》也认为,“国际法是对国家在它们彼此往来中有法律拘束力的规则的总体”,“这些规则主要是支配国家的关系”(注:〔英〕詹宁斯、瓦茨修订:《奥本海国际法》(第1卷第1分册),王铁崖等译,中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第3页。)。下面对这里提出的国际法概念作几点说明。











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