
发布时间:2020-08-09 13:19:19







第一部分 历年真题及详解






31.Da Ming is a boy. _____ lives in a big city.

A. He

B. She   

C. It【答案】A【解析】句意:大明是个男孩,他住在一座大城市里。本题考查人称代词。由于“Da Ming”是男性,故应使用人称代词he。A项正确。she指代女性。it指代动物或无生命的物品。

32. There is some _____ in the fridge. It’s fresh

A. milk  

B. apples 

C. egg【答案】A【解析】句意:冰箱里有些牛奶,是新鲜的。“there be…”为倒装句型,空格处缺少主语成分。be动词为单数形式,则主语应为可数名词单数或不可数名词。排除B项。而“some(一些;若干)”用来修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。故A项正确。

33.I usually _____ at 10 o’clock at night.

A. have lunch 

B. go to school  

C. go to bed.【答案】C【解析】句意:我通常晚上10点钟上床睡觉。由时间点“10 o’clock at night”可以判断,C项go to bed(上床;睡觉)符合句子逻辑。

34.People plant more bamboo _____ pandas.


B. to help

C. helped【答案】B【解析】句意:人们种植了更多的竹子来帮助熊猫。主句已经有动词plant,故本题考查非谓语动词。不定式“to help”表示目的,符合句子逻辑。故B项正确。A项为动词原形,不属于非谓语形式。C项为动词过去分词,常用来表示被动关系(语态)或动作的完成(时态)。

35. Guilin is famous _____ its green hills and clear water.

A. with  

B. of

C. for【答案】C【解析】句意:桂林以其青山绿水而闻名。本题考查固定短语“be famous for”,意为“因……而著名;以……闻名”。正确答案为C项。

36. Hurry up, Betty! Your father _____ for you outside.

A. wait  

B. waited

C. is waiting【答案】C【解析】句意:快点,贝蒂!你爸爸正在外面等你呢。由句意可知,此处强调事情正在进行之中,故应使用现在进行时,即“be+doing”形式。故C项正确。

37. Shenzhen is a modern city and it’s as ____as Hong Kong.

A. busy  

B. busier 

C. the busiest【答案】A【解析】句意:深圳是一座现代或的城市,它和香港一样繁忙。本题考查固定搭配“as…as…”,意为“和……一样……”,用来表示同级之间的比较,故应填入形容词原级。因此,A项为正确答案。

38. You _____ watch TV, but you have to clean the room first.

A. must 

B. can   

C. can’t【答案】B【解析】句意:你可以看电视,但你必须先打扫房间。本题考查情态动词。can表允许,意为“可以;能”,符合句子逻辑。故B项正确。must必须。can’t不能;不可以。

39. If you don’t finish your homework on time, you _____ by your parents.

A. will punish 

B. are punished  

C. will be punished【答案】C【解析】句意:如果你不能按时完成作业,你将会被父母惩罚。if引导的条件状语从句中,主句为一般将来时,从句为一般现在时。故可排除B项。句中主语“you”和动词“punish”之间为被动关系,应使用被动语态,即“be+done”形式。故C项正确。

40.—Sir, do you know _____?

—I’m not very sure. Please ask the worker over there. A. when will the next train start

B. when the train will start

C. when the next train started【答案】B【解析】句意:—先生,你知道火车什么时候开吗?—我不太确定,请问问那边的工作人员吧。本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句应为陈述语序,故A项错误。根据对话语境,火车应该是还没开,故从句应使用一般将来时。B项符合对话语境。



Do you like reading stories? Maybe you will answer, “No, I am not a child anymore!” Yes, children all over the world always love stories.

Chinese children are  41   in Monkey King’s story. It 42 a popular bedtime story in China for many years. In fact, adults also love the story a lot. For them, Monkey King has become a very 43 part in the memory of their childhood. The clever and humorous monkey 44 the hearts of many Chinese people. British boys and girls all know Alice’s Adventuresin Wonderland well. As the name 45, it’s a story full of dangerous but exciting trips. Children laugh, cry and even get frightened with Alice together while reading the story. Most American kids have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by the famous writer,46. Everyone likes the brave boy who also has lots of 47. Some scenes of the story may make your heart go faster, for Tom and his friends meet some very bad men and are usually 48. Of course in the end, they beat the bad ones.

You may also ask me 49I like stories. Yes, I have liked them since I was very young. At that time, I often 50 all my pocket money on story books. For me, stories are much more delicious than chocolate! They help me learn a lot. So either young or old, let’s enjoy stories.

41. A. bored    B. interested  C. worried   D. surprised

42. A. can be   B. was     C. has been     D. will be

43. A. unhappy B. comfortable  C. forgettable   D. unforgettable

44. A. beats     B. wins    C. hurts    D. breaks

45. A. spells    B. smells     C. shows     D. solves

46. A. Mark Twain   B. Confucius    C. William Shakespeare D. Charles Schulz

47. A. rules     B. inventions    C. ropes   D. risks

48. A. in danger   B. in peace   C. in silence     D. in excellent condition

49. A. that   B. what    C. why    D. if

50. A. paid     B. took    C. spent      D. cost【语篇解读】作者分别介绍了在中国、英国和美国最受欢迎的儿童故事,并回忆了自己童年时期对童话故事的热爱。【答案及解析】

41.B句意:中国孩子对美猴王的故事很感兴趣。本题考查固定短语“be interested in”,意为“对……感兴趣”。故正确答案为B项。其他三项均搭配有误。bored无聊的。worried担忧的。surprised惊讶的。

42.C  句意:它是一个多年来在中国倍受欢迎的睡前故事。由后文中的“for many years”可知,主句应为现在完成时,即“have+done”形式。故正确答案为C项。






48.A句意:一些场景会让你心跳加速,因为汤姆和他的朋友遇见了一些很坏的男人,并经常处于危险之中。由“meet some very bad men”可以推测,此处应填入in danger,意为“处于危险之中”。A项符合上下文。in peace安静;祥和地。in silence沉默地。in excellent condition处于极佳的状况。


50.C句意:那时,我常常将所有的零花钱都花在故事书上。本题考查固定短语“spend money/time on sth.”,意为“将钱/时间花在……上”。故C项正确。其他三项均搭配有误。pay支付;偿还。take拿;取;耗费。cost花费。



Christmas and Spring Festival are two important festivals in the world.

Christmas is the most important festival in Western countries. It thcomes on December 25. When Christmas comes, people have a long holiday. And there is Father Christmas! He comes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and gives presents to children so they love him very much.

Spring Festival is very important in China. It usually happens in February. On the New Year’s Eve, people have a big family dinner and watch TV together. Parents usually give their children a hongbao, which means lucky money.


51. Christmas is the most important in Western countries.

52. People don’t have a long holiday at Christmas.

53. Children love Father Christmas very much.

54. Spring Festival isn’t very important in China.

55. Parents usually give a hongbao at Christmas.【语篇解读】本文分别介绍了中国春节和西方圣诞节的节日习俗。【答案及解析】

51.T本题是细节题。由第二段中的“Christmas is the most important festival in Western countries”可知,圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日。题干表述正确,故答案为T。

52.F本题是细节题。由第二段中的“When Christmas comes, people have a long holiday”可知,圣诞节期间会放长假。题干表述错误,故答案为F。

53.T本题是细节题。由第二段中的“He comes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and gives presents to children so they love him very much”可知,圣诞老人会在圣诞夜送来礼物,因此,所有的孩子都很爱他。题干表述正确,故答案为T。

54.F本题是细节题。由第三段中的“Spring Festival is very important in China”可知,春节在中国十分重要。题干表述错误,故答案为F。

55.F本题是细节题。“Parents usually give their children a hongbao(大人们会给孩子们发红包)”出现在第三段,即在介绍春节的部分中。由此可知,发红包是春节的习俗。题干表述错误确,故答案为F。



56. ______ is between the supermarket and the bookshop.

A. The bank  

B. The cinema.  

C. The museum  

D. The hospital

57. Where can you have dinner with your friend?

A. In Church Street

B. In the park 

C. In High Street. 

D. In Green Street.

58. You can’t visit the Science and Technology Museum on _____.

A. Monday 

B. Tuesday. 

C. Friday.

D. Saturday.

59. Exhibition about Space Technology is on ______.

A. the first floor

B. the second floor 

C. the third floor 

D. the ground floor

60. If you want to contact the museum, send an email to ______.

A. Information desk: 3636 7322 

B. information@ SATM.com

C. information @SATM.cn 

D. Information desk: 3636 2272【语篇解读】本文以图表形式介绍了科技馆的相关信息,如地址、开馆时间、展位布置、票价和馆内守则等。【答案及解析】

56.A  本题是细节题。由地图所示信息可知,位于超市和书店之间的是一家银行。故答案为A项。

57.D  本题是细节题。由地图所示信息可知,有一家餐馆在Green Street上。故答案为D项。

58.A  本题是细节题。由“Opening hours9:00-17:00 Tuesday -Sunday”可知,科技馆开馆时间为周二至周日的每天上午9点到下午5点。即闭馆时间为周一。故正确答案为A项。

59.C  本题是细节题。由展位安排中的“Third floor: Space Technology”可知,太空科技展在3楼。故正确答案为C项。

60.B  本题是细节题。文章最后给出的邮箱地址为“Email: information @SATM.com”。对照选项可知,答案为B项。


A few years ago, Masaru Ibuka, the head of Sony, was at a company planning meeting. Suddenly he had an idea. He stopped the meeting and asked everyone what would happen if Sony took away the recording function(功能) and speakers and sold headphones with a tape player instead. Almost everyone thought he was silly. Still, Ibuka kept his idea and worked at it. The result, of course, turned out to be the successful Sony Walkman.

Good ideas often start with a really silly question. Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one day. As he stood there making cakes for his son, he asked himself what would happen if he put rubber into his mold(模具). Later, he tried it and the result was something like the bottom of most sports shoes we see today. Still, when he took this idea to several shoe companies, he was laughed at. In fact, every single company turned him down. Though rather disappointed, Bowerman went on to set up his own company, making NIKE sports shoes.

We know today that each of these ideas caused a successful thing that has changed the way many of us live. The best questions are usually open-ended and are often “silly”. Children aren’t afraid to ask such questions, but adults usually are. Think how different the world might be if people never asked “silly” questions!


61. At first, almost everyone thought Masaru’s idea was ______.

A. good 

B. easy

C. silly

D. difficult

62.Bill Bowerman got his idea _____.

A. at a meeting  

B. while he was making breakfast

C. from another company 

D. while he was making sports shoes

63. What might the underlined phrase “turn down” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

A. 拒绝 




64. Bowerman felt very disappointed because ______.

A. he didn’t make a cake for his son

B. he had to set up his own company

C. his idea was hard to come true 

D. no companies accepted his idea

65.From the passage we know ______.

A. it’s easy to make one’s idea come true

B. adults like asking open-ended questions

C. good ideas only start with a silly question

D. sometimes “silly” questions may cause successful inventions【语篇解读】一个绝妙的想法最初可能看起来十分愚蠢。本文以Masaru Ibuka和Bill Bowerman的事例鼓励读者,要勇于提出自己的想法,哪怕它看上去十分愚蠢。【答案及解析】

65.D  本题是主旨大意题。本文以Masaru Ibuka和Bill Bowerman获得成功的事例鼓励读者,要勇于提出自己的想法,哪怕它看上去十分愚蠢。A、B两项并未提及。C项过于绝对。D项最贴合文章主旨。

64.D  本题是细节题。由前一句中的“In fact, every single company turned him down”可知,他十分沮丧时因为所有公司都拒绝采纳他的创意。故答案为D项。

63.A  本题是词汇题。前文提到,他去一些公司推销这个想法时遭到了嘲笑。而后文说他于是自己开创了一家公司。由此可以推测,所有别的公司都拒绝采纳他的创意。A项符合上下文。

62.B  本题是细节题。由题干关键词Bill Bowerman可定位到第二段。由“Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one day. As he stood there making cakes for his son, he asked himself what would happen if he put rubber into his mold”可知,他是在给儿子做早饭时想到将橡胶做成模具的。故答案为B项。

61.C  本题是细节题。由题干关键词Masaru可定位到第一段。由“Almost everyone thought he was silly”可知,大家都认为他的想法十分愚蠢。故答案为C项。


As a society, we seem to turn on(攻击) the obese(肥胖).

One summer holiday, while I studied medicine in the college, I got a job clearing the garden of a retired(退休) ballet dancer to make some pocket money. When it rained, he invited me in and showed me some photos from his career at the Royal Ballet.

What surprised me was the change that happened to him. He was fit and flexible in the photos. Yet, the man sitting in front of me, although still relatively young, could not walk without a stick. His legs often ached after he retired. He became fatter and fatter. This, he said, is the cost of ballet. It’s really not his fault(过错) to have become fat.

Yet the person who surprised people last week was not a dancer but a comedienne(女喜剧演员). Dawn French was seen leaving Matthew Swan Lake at Sadler’s Wells using a stick. Her assistant later explained that it was because she got injured while getting out of a taxi but this didn’t stop the rumor(谣言) that it might be because of her size.

Poor Dawn, who as far as I know, has never tried to pass on any dieting tips to anyone, is suddenly the focus of attention and being blamed for becoming “a role model for obese”. A role model? Why? Just because she’s famous and she’s fat?

Maybe as a doctor I am expected to be supporting the anti-fat group, but I strongly believe that the job of doctors isn’t to stand in judgment over people’s lives, but to provide them with information that can help them make a choice. If people want to be overweight, it’s up to them. What’s more, some people become fat not because of what they eat, like the ballet dancer. We should not look down upon the obese. Instead, we should respect them as much as we respect those who have normal weight.


66. According to the passage, we know the ballet dancer ______.

A. became fat because he ate too much

B. gave up ballet because of being overweight

C. was fit and flexible when the writer saw him

D. was relatively young but unhealthy when the writer saw him

67. According to the assistant, Dawn French left Matthew Swan Lake because _____.

A. she was injured when she got of a taxi

B. she was deeply hurt by people’s rumor

C. she was a role model for obese

D. she was too fat to perform

68. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The ballet dancer and the comedienne are both overweight.

B. The writer used to be a supporter of the anti-fat group

C. The ballet dancer performed ballet at the cost of his health.

D. Dawn French has never given people advice on dieting.

69.We can infer(推断) from the passage that _____.

A. the obese usually walk with a stick

B. the writer has heard of Dawn French before

C. the ballet dancer should feel sorry for being fat

D. the rumor was stopped after French’ assistant explained the reason.

70. The writer most probably wants to tell us that ______.

A. the obese should join the anti-fat group

B. doctors should stop people from becoming fat

C. the obese should be respected as much as those who have normal weight

D. doctors shouldn’t help people choose their living ways【语篇解读】作者举出了一位芭蕾舞者和一个女喜剧演员的事例,以此说明肥胖者不应遭到歧视,以及大家不应该随意评断别人的生活方式。【答案及解析】

66.D  本题是细节题。由题干关键词ballet dancer可定位到第二、三两段。由“Yet, the man sitting in front of me, although still relatively young, could not walk without a stick(然而坐在我面前的这个男人,尽管相对而言还比较年轻,但必须拄着根手杖才能行走)”可知,这位芭蕾舞者尽管还算年轻,但身体不太健康。答案为A项。

67.A  本题是细节题。由题干关键词assistant可定位到第四段。由“Her assistant later explained that it was because she got injured while getting out of a taxi”可知,助手的解释是,Dawn拄着手杖是因为下出租车的时候受伤了。故答案为A项。

68.B  本题是细节题。由“It’s really not his fault to have become fat”和“Just because she’s famous and she’s fat”可知,那位芭蕾舞者和Dawn都很胖,A项正确。由“Maybe as a doctor I am expected to be supporting the anti-fat group, but I strongly believe that the job of doctors isn’t to stand in judgment over people’s lives”可知,作者实际上反对随意评论别人的生活方式,B项错误。由“He became fatter and fatter. This, he said, is the cost of ballet”可知,对于那位芭蕾舞者,跳芭蕾的代价就是失去了健康。由“Poor Dawn…has never tried to pass on any dieting tips to anyone”可知,Dawn从未给过别人饮食方面的建议。D项正确。故错误选项为B项。

69.B  本题是推断题。A项过于绝对。由“Yet the person who surprised people last week was not a dancer but a comedienne”可知,作者知道Dawn French的职业是喜剧演员。由此可以推断,作者在此之前是知道这个人的。故B项正确。由“It’s really not his faultto have become fat”可知,作者认为长胖不是芭蕾舞者的错。C项错误。由“but this didn’t stop the rumor”可知,谣言并未因此而停止。D项错误。故正确答案为B项。

70.C  本题是主旨大意题。作者通过一位芭蕾舞者和一个女喜剧演员的事例阐述了自己的论点,即:肥胖者不应遭到歧视,以及大家不应该随意评断别人的生活方式。C项最贴合文章主旨。



A: What can I do for you, Madam?

B:71  .

A: What colour does she like?


A: All right. What size does she take?

B:  73

A: Sorry, madam. We haven’t got M at the moment.  74It’s M and it is very cheap.

B: Oh, how much is it?

A: It’s 150 yuan.

B:  75【答案及解析】









How to choose your monitors? Good monitors always give lots of help to students and 76. A good class monitor should work hard at school. They get on  77 with everybody. A good PE monitor likes sports and is usually fit. They often  78 basketball or other sports for the school team. They try to get the best score in a math. A good cleaning monitor  79 good at cleaning. They make the classroom just like 80.【答案及解析】




句意:他们和所有人都相处融洽。空格处缺少一个副词做状语。根据所给词汇,应填入副词well。“get on well with…”为固定短语,意为“与……相处融洽”。


句意:他们常常为校队打篮球或进行其他运动项目。“打篮球”固定表述为“play basketball”。故此处应填入play。注意表示“进行体育运动”时,名词前不加冠词。


句意:一个优秀的卫生班长应擅长打扫卫生。本题考查固定短语“be good at…”,意为“擅长……。主语为单数形式,故此处应填入is。



81.Chinese _______(茶) is a healthy drink.

82.This is my pencil and that is _______(他的).

83.We usually _______(爬) mountains at weekends.

84.It’s not always _______(安全的) to shop online.

85.Tina has got many interesting _______(经历) since she came to China.

86.You need a passport when you go a_______.

87. Jerry is an honest boy who is t________ by everyone.

88. What a l_______ day! Let’s go to the beach to enjoy the sun.

89. It isn’t n______ for you to bring so many things. It’s only a two-day journey.

90. If you don’t often have breakfast, you’ll s_______ from a bad stomachache.【答案及解析】












句意:你出国时需要护照。此处考查固定短语“go abroad”,意为“在国外;去海外”。故此处应填入abroad。






句意:你不需要带这么多东西,这只是个两天的旅行。根据句意及首字母提示,此处应填入形容词necessary,表示“必要的;必须的”。“it is+adj.+for sb. to do sth.”为固定句型,意为“对某人来说,做某事是怎样的”。


句意:如果你不常吃早餐,你就会遭受胃痛的折磨。根据句意及首字母提示可知,本题考查固定短语“suffer from”,意为“遭受;受……之苦”。助动词will后接动词原形。故应填入suffer原形。


南丁格尔是一个心地善良、乐于助人的人,她终生奉献于护士事业,为纪念她,人们把她的生日5月12日定为世界护士日(International Nurses Day), 请你依据下面的信息,写一篇短文简要介绍她的生平。

要求:1. 文章字数在80-100词之间,可根据要点作适当发挥。  2. 文章中不得出现真实的姓名和学校等信息。【审题构思】本文为一篇记叙文,写作时应按照时间顺序叙述南丁格尔的一生。为了使上下文通顺连贯,应注意连词的使用。【参考范文】

A Famous British nurse—Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale was a famous British nurse. She was born in a rich family on May 12th, 1820. Ever since she was a child, she waskind-hearted and always ready to help others, especially the sick. In 1851, Nightingalewas trained as a nurse. Soon, as the war broke out, she went to help in the front hospitals and savedmany soldiers’ lives. When she came back after the war, she was generally considered asa national heroine. Later, Florence Nightingale opened the world’s first nursing school. She thencontributed herself to the education of medical care until she died in London in 1910. In memory of the great love and help she offered, her birthday became the International Nurses Day in 1974.【闪光词句】

①be trained as 被训练成……;作为……接受训练

②be considered as被认为是

③contribute oneself to sth.全身心投入某事

④in memory of 为了纪念

第二部分 章节题库

第一章 单项选择

⊙ 冠 词

1.Cindy is _____ amazing singer. She has lots of fans.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. 不填【答案】B【解析】不定冠词的用法。amazing的首字母发音为元音,应用不定冠词an。故选B。

2.There are sixty minutes in _____ hour.

A. a

B. an

C. the【答案】B【解析】冠词的用法。hour 为可数名词,单词中“h”不发音,根据单词中第二个发音单位/auə/为元音音素,故选B。

3. — How about _____ talent show?

— I should say it was _____ great success.

A. /; the

B. a; the

C. the; a

D. the; /【答案】C【解析】冠词的用法。第一空,指说话双方都知道的才艺表演是定冠词the的用法;第二空上,数量有一的意思,但又没有one强烈,一次巨大的成功,这是不定冠词a的用法。

4. A low-carbon (低碳) lifestyle has _____ effect on our daily life. People are paying more and more attention to saving _____ these days.

A. the;energies

B. a;energy

C. an;energy【答案】C【解析】本题考查冠词和名词的用法。第一个空是固定短语:have an effect on :对…有影响,第二个空处的energy是不可数名词,故用energy。

5. — Have you found _____ address that you wanted?

— Yes. It’s Mr. Wang 268@163.com.

A. a

B. an

C. the


6. We’d better get ready for the dinner now because _____ Greens are coming to visit us tonight.

A. a

B. an





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