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Part I Reading Comprehension (40%)

Directions: There are four passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Whereas George Gershwin worked in the glare of critical and commercial success, Charles Ives worked in obscurity. Though Ives created the bulk of his output before Gershwin appeared on the scene, his music was almost completely neglected until he was “rediscovered” in the 1940’s and 1950’s. He earned his livelihood, for most of his adult life, in the insurance business and created some of the most striking examples of American music in his spare time. Ives’s composing was restricted to weekends, holidays, vacations, and long evenings, Ives himself was quite philosophic about this and never considered his business career a handicap to artistic production. On the contrary, he regarded his music and the business in which he earned his livelihood as complementary activities.

His raw material for all of his work was the ordinary musical life of a small New England town. In evolving his highly individualistic musical language, Ives used popular dance hall tunes, fragments of hymns and patriotic anthems, brass band marches, country dances, and songs which he integrated into works of enormous complexity.

But Ives’s music was hardly popular with the broad public at the time it was written. The composer found it all but impossible to get his music performed. For example, Ives’s Second Symphony, which be worked on between 1897 and 1902, received its first performance in 1951 when it was played by the Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York, under Leonard Bernstein. His Third Symphony, completed in 1911, was first performed in 1945, the Fourth Symphony, written between 1910 and 1916 received its premiere in 1965 under the direction of Leopold Stokowski. Not until he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his Third Symphony, in 1947, did Charles Ives received any degree of recognition for his work.

1.Charles Ives’s success in music could be called unusual because he _____.

A. had a physical handicap

B. was trained to be a philosopher

C. did not devote his entire career to music

D. did not have much financial backing

2.According to the passage, how did Ives feel about the business and musical sides of his life?

A. They lent support to each other.

B. They each satisfied his need for recognition.

C. They represented a conflict in his nature.

D. They took too much of his time.

3.It can be inferred that all of the following were sources of inspiration for Ives in his early career EXCEPT _____.

A. church music

B. folk tunes

C. Gershwin’s compositions

D. patriotic songs

4.It can be inferred from the passage that Ives’s symphonies were not popular with the general public for many years because they were_____.

A. heard by very few people

B. different from Gershwin’s music

C. based on non-classical themes

D. composed in his spare time

5.When did Ives’s music begin to be accepted by the public?

A. In 1965

B. In 1911

C. In 1916

D. In 1947【答案与解析】

1.C  由第一段第三句He earned his livelihood, for most of his adult life, in the insurance business and created some of the most striking examples of American music in his spare time.可知,Ives成年生活的大部分时间是用在保险生意上,只是在闲暇时间创作音乐。所以C项正确,他并没有把音乐作为他的全部事业。

2.A  由第二段末句he regarded his music and the business in which he earned his livelihood as complementary activities.可知,他认为音乐和他的保险生意是相辅相成、互为补充的。lend support to给予……支持。故A项正确。

3.C  第二段第二句In evolving his highly individualistic musical language, Ives used popular dance hall tunes, fragments of hymns and patriotic anthems, brass band marches, country dances, and songs which he integrated into works of enormous complexity.表明,Ives音乐创作的来源有popular dance hall tune(热门的舞厅歌曲旋律)、hymns(基督教的赞美诗、圣歌)、patriotic anthem(爱国歌曲),它们分别对应B、A、D三项。

4.A  由最后一段可知,Ives创作的第二交响曲是50年后才由纽约一个管弦乐队演奏的,第四交响曲也是50年后在一位名指挥的指挥下演奏的。可以推断出他的音乐一直得不到大家的关注。所以很可能很少人听他的音乐。

5.D  本文最后一句Not until he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his Third Symphony, in 1947, did Charles Ives received any degree of recognition for his work.说明,1947年Ives的《第三交响曲》获普利策奖之后,他才开始获得人们的承认。所以公众开始接受他的音乐是从1947年开始的。

Passage 2

Violence in American families takes many forms. One prevalent form that we often overlook is the physical punishment of children. Perhaps 93 percent of all parents beat their children in order to discipline them. Young children receive the most punishment, but studies reveal that about 50 percent of high school seniors report experiencing or being threatened with physical punishment. Punishment of children varies from a light tap to a brutal beating, but historically we have granted parents the right to use physical force against their children. A law passed in 1696, for example, called for the death penalty for a child of “sufficient understanding” over the age of sixteen who cursed or struck a parent or who was “stubborn and rebellious” in refusing to obey a parent. From interviews with 2,143 married couples constituting a cross-section of American families, sociologists estimate that parents kick, punch, or bite some 1.7 million children a year, beat 460,000 to 750,000 more, and attack 46,000 with guns or knives.

Physical punishment of children that results in injuries requiring medical treatment is now generally considered to be abusive. Most people do not realize, however, that it is the regular use of “ordinary” physical punishment, and the cultural approval it enjoys, that lays the groundwork for child abuse. According to David Gil, “In most accidents of child abuse the care takers involved are ‘normal’ individuals exercising their rights of disciplining a child whose behavior they find in need of correction.” If one adult were to strike another, most people would regard such behavior as abusive.

Most parents use physical punishment in the belief that it will control the aggression in their children and make them obedient. In fact, violence—whether verbal or physical—sets children a poor example. An adult who yells at or slaps a child unwittingly supplies the child with a model for aggression. Studies have found that the frequent use of physical punishment for aggressive acts by a child results in a marked increase in the child’s aggression. Perhaps not surprisingly, abusive parents are themselves likely to have been abused when they were children. The pattern of abuse is unwittingly translated from parent to child and thus from generation to generation.

6.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Punishment of children was once justified in American law.

B. Most of the parents have used physical punishment to discipline disobedient children in America.

C. High school students rarely receive punishment from their parents.

D. Child abuse is rooted in American culture.

7.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a means of physical punishment?

A. Punching

B. Biting

C. Threatening

D. Beating

8.The second “it” in the second sentence of paragraph 2 refers to _____.

A. physical punishment

B. the regular use of “ordinary” physical punishment

C. the cultural approval

D. injuries requiring medical treatment

9.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. physical punishment is helpful for parents to correct children’s incident behavior.

B. Parents who use physical punishment to discipline their children should be punished by law.

C. Parents who punish children physically actually set bad examples of aggression for their children.

D. A child who is severely punished will surely revenge the abuse on his own child in later life.

10.What is the author’s attitude towards physical punishment by parents?

A. Disagreeing.

B. Understanding.

C. Supporting.

D. Severely critical.【答案与解析】

6.C  第一段第四句Young children receive the most punishment, but studies reveal that about 50 percent of high school seniors report experiencing or being threatened with physical punishment.指出,年轻孩子受到的体罚最多,但是有一半的高中生也表示曾被体罚或被威胁。所以高中生并不是很少受到父母的体罚,故C项错误。

7.C  第一段第四句中的threaten指的是父母威胁孩子说要打孩子,但并不是父母体罚孩子的方式。

8.B  句意:Most people do not realize, however, that it is the regular use of “ordinary” physical punishment, and the cultural approval it enjoys, that lays the groundwork for child abuse.大部分人没有意识到,正是由于父母频繁体罚孩子的做法以及这样的做法所得到的文化认同,导致了虐待儿童事件的发生。从句意上分析,enjoys前的 it指的就是前面紧跟的regular use of “ordinary” physical punishment。

9.C  由最后一段内容可知,研究发现,父母经常体罚孩子会导致孩子的攻击性增强,这种虐待的方式会代代延续。这说明家长体罚孩子实际上是树立了坏榜样。

10.A  在最后一段中作者表示,很多家长以为体罚孩子能够有效地遏制孩子的攻击性行为,但事实上是在为孩子树立坏榜样,孩子的攻击性不会减弱反而会增强。这种体罚模式会代代相传。所以作者显然对父母体罚孩子的做法是不赞同的。

Passage 3

It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people—particularly youngsters—continue to use drugs Psychologists claim that there are three basic motivations that influence people to take drugs: curiosity, stress and environmental factors. Sometimes, youngsters take drugs simply because they are curious. Taking drugs seems to be the “in thing” for their generation, so they want to know what drugs are like. The trouble is that they do not know that taking soft and seemingly harmless drugs can develop into cravings(渴望) for stronger stuff later on. In some cases, youngsters are depressed or frustrated because of problems related to parents, school or the opposite sex. They take drugs to escape from the stress brought on by all these problems. In other cases, the environment is conductive to taking drugs. If, for instance, a youngster belongs to a community, school, or peer group where other youngsters take drugs, he may soon be tempted to follow suit, for fear of non-acceptance.

There is a growing consensus nowadays among social workers and psychologists that the best possible approach to the problem of drug addiction among the young is for school authorities, social workers and the Police Narcotics Division to work together to provide young people with much-needed education on the effects and dangers of drug abuse. Moreover, parents can do a great job in leading children away from drugs. They should spend more time with their children, listening and talking to them. Most importantly, parents should show them attention, concern and love. Parents who always scream at their children and nag them about their failings and weaknesses are regarded as unwitting drug pushers. As far as young people are concerned, a warm and happy family, wherein members share both joys and sorrows and where children get maximum encouragement and support, is the best bulwark(堡垒) against the onslaughts(攻击) of drugs. It is no exaggeration to say that a happy home is a drug free home.

11.One reason why youngsters use soft and seemingly harmless drugs is that _____.

A. their parents allow them to use these drugs

B. they need to take these drugs to keep them strong and fit

C. they do not have access to strong drugs

D. they do not realize the addictive power of these drugs

12.Which of the following can be used as an example of environmental factors?

A. A strong urge to have a taste of drugs.

B. An intimate friend who’s on drugs.

C. Separation or divorce of one’s parents.

D. Failing an important test.

13.According to social workers and psychologists, the best way to prevent young people from taking drugs is _____.

A. to educate them about the evil consequences of drug addiction

B. to set up a Police Narcotics Division to deal with drug abuse

C. to provide special education programs for the addicted children at school

D. to require that parents abandon their own habit of drug abuse

14.We may infer from the passage that _____.

A. some parents are even buying drugs for their children

B. lack of parental guidance pushes some youngsters to drugs.

C. it’s no use screaming at youngsters once they are addicted to drugs

D. free-drugs should be provided for those youngsters who need them

15.The expression “is conductive to” in the first paragraph most probably means_____.

A. is favorable to

B. is harmful to

C. results from

D. prevents【答案与解析】

11.D  由第一段中Taking drugs seems to be the “in thing” for their generation, so they want to know what drugs are like. The trouble is that they do not know that taking soft and seemingly harmless drugs can develop into cravings(渴望) for stronger stuff later on.可知,年轻人对毒品赶到好奇,所以就去吸食一些毒性较轻的毒品,但是这会使他们更加渴望毒性更强的毒品。也就是说毒品会越来越上瘾。

12.B  根据第一段后两句,环境的影响指的就是如果你所在社区、学校或者同龄人吸食毒品的话,你就会跟风吸毒。所以B项“有个吸毒的好友”属于环境因素。

13.A  由第二段首句可知,防止年轻人吸毒最好的方法是学校、社会工作者、警方合作,教育年轻人,让他们明白吸毒的危害。

14.B  最后一段指出,为了防止孩子吸毒,家长应该多陪伴孩子,与孩子多交流,如果总是对孩子大喊大叫或者反复唠叨孩子的缺点,这都会刺激孩子吸毒。这说明如果父母不引导教育孩子,孩子容易吸毒而误入歧途。

15.A  由第一段末句可推断出In other cases, the environment is conductive to taking drugs.这句话意思是环境因素容易诱发年轻人吸毒。所以be conducive to是促进、诱发的意思。be favorable to有利于,有助于。

Passage 4

Anxiety can be defined as fearful anticipation of impending danger, the source of which is that one will not be able to master future events. The person tends to focus only on the print and unknown or unrecognized. The central feature of anxiety is intense mental discomfort, a feeling on pursuing one task at a time. Physical symptoms include muscle tension, sweaty palms, upset stomach, shortness of breath, feelings of faintness, and a pounding heart. Indeed, until the late 19th century, extreme anxiety was routinely mistaken for cardiac(心脏的) or respiratory disorders.

At that time Sigmund Freud identified anxiety neurosis (神经官能症) as a distinct diagnosis. He believed that anxiety arises when instinctual aggressive or sexual drives threaten to lead a person to behave unacceptably and that it acts as a signal that triggers defensive action to repress or redirect these drives. When the unconscious defensive maneuvers are unsuccessful, a neurotic anxiety reaction occurs.

Learning theorists see anxiety differently. Some believe that anxiety is learned when innate fears occur together with previously neutral objects or events; for example, an infant often startled by a loud noise while playing with a toy may become anxious just at the sight of the toy. Others stress the importance of initiative behavior and the development of particular thought patterns.

Psychiatrists recognize several conditions in which anxiety is the main disturbance, including panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Panic attacks occur intermittently, whereas generalized anxiety is more chronic. In phobias(恐惧症) and obsessive-compulsive disorders, fear is experienced when an individual tries to master other symptoms. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in the United States, affecting 2 to 4 percent of the population. Evidence suggests that such disorders run in families. Drugs, psychotherapy, behavior modification, and relaxation training, alone or in combination, are used in treating anxiety.

16.According to the definition given at the beginning of the passage, anxiety occurs when a person_____.

A. feels uncomfortable physically

B. realizes that it is impossible for him to overcome the difficulties before him

C. found himself in great danger

D. is uncertain of what lies ahead of him.

17.The word triggers in the first paragraph means _____.

A. initiates

B. encourages

C. assists

D. twists

18.According to Freud, neurotic anxiety occur when a person_____.

A. fails to suppress inappropriate desires

B. tries to defend himself against sonic danger

C. is aware of some threats from other people

D. is unable to find the source of his happiness

19.Some learning theorists believes that an infant may become anxious just at the sight of a toy because _____.

A. the infant has been brought up in a very noisy environment

B. the toy has been used as an instrument to teach him appropriate behavior

C. the infant does not like the toy at all

D. the toy was associated with something terrible

20.What is the main topic of this passage?

A. Sigmund Freud’s contribution to psychology

B. Different ways to overcome anxiety

C. An explanation of what “anxiety” is

D. The extent of anxiety orders【答案与解析】

16.D  由第一段第一句Anxiety can be defined as fearful anticipation of impending danger, the source of which is that one will not be able to master future events.可知,当一个人对未来感到不确定的时候会产生焦虑。

17.B  trigger所在句子意思是He believed that anxiety arises when instinctual aggressive or sexual drives threaten to lead a person to behave unacceptably and that it acts as a signal that triggers defensive action to repress or redirect these drives. 他认为,当本能的攻击欲望或性欲导致一个人行为反常时,焦虑就会产生,这种焦虑就像一个信号,使得人采取攻击行为来压制或调整这些欲望。推断trigger是引起的意思。故选encourage表示刺激、助长。

18.A  由第一段最后一句When the unconscious defensive maneuvers are unsuccessful, a neurotic anxiety reaction occurs.可知,当没能成功压抑这些不合适的欲望时,就会产生神经性焦虑。

19.D  由第二段第二句可知,恐惧感是可以习得的,也就是说恐惧感会与某些事物和事情联系起来。然后又举出了一个婴儿看见玩具听见巨响的例子,说明婴儿把玩具和巨响(恐怖的事情)联系了起来。

20.C  整篇文章都围绕着“焦虑”而展开,文章向读者介绍了人们在何种情况下会焦虑以及焦虑的原因。

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

21.It is of the utmost importance that you _____ here on time.

A. be

B. shall be

C. are to be

D. must be【答案】A【解析】句意:你必须按时到,这是最重要的一点。在表达惊异、惋惜、遗憾、理应如此等意义的主语从句中常使用虚拟语气,结构为:should(可以省略)+动词原形。

22.Julie is one of the women who always_____ the latest fashions.

A. put up with

B. come up with

C. get on with

D. keep up with【答案】D【解析】句意:朱丽叶是一个紧跟时尚潮流的女人。keep up with跟上……的步伐。put up with忍受。come up with想出。get on with与……相处。

23.No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything _____ going on in the world.

A. it is

B. what is

C. there is

D. as is【答案】C【解析】句意:there is可引导限定性定语从句,置于被修饰的名词后面,作该从句主语的关系代词that常常省略。如:Jack was the only person (who) there was to see the accident.

24.As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.

A. flexible

B. sophisticated

C. versatile

D. productive【答案】C【解析】句意:作为一位多才多艺的演员,他会表演、唱歌、跳舞,还会弹好几种乐器。versatile多才多艺的。flexible灵活的。sophisticated精密复杂的。productive多产的。

25.In the first several steps of our economic reform, many military factories have been _____ into civil ones in order to meet the needs of the country.

A. changed

B. transformed

C. altered

D. varied【答案】B【解析】句意:在我们经济改革的头几年,为了适应国家的需要,我们把很多军用工厂转变成了民用工厂。transform指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。alter只是表面或局部的变化,而没有变成另一种事物。vary指不断地变化,由于变化而产生一系列的差别。shift指位置的改变。军事工厂变为民用工厂,生产的产品不一样了,性质发生了变化,是彻底的改变,故用transform。

26.All flights_____ because of the storm, they decided to take the train.

A. having canceled

B. having been canceled

C. were canceled

D. have been canceled【答案】B【解析】句意:因为暴雨天气,所有航班都被取消了,所以他们决定坐火车。分词cancel动作发生在主句decide之前,所以用现在完成时,而have been cancelled与all flights是主动关系,所以用ing形式。所以选择having been cancelled。

27.When confronted with such questions, my mind goes_____ , and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

A. dim

B. vain

C. faint

D. blank【答案】D【解析】句意:一被问到这些问题,我的大脑就会一片空白,我几乎记不得自己的生日。go blank大脑变成一片空白。

28.This is the woman_____ artists said posed as a model for the painting.

A. whose

B. who

C. which

D. whom【答案】B【解析】句意:她就是画家作那幅画时合作的模特。artists said posed as a model for the painting是修饰woman的定语从句,从句中又包含了一个宾语从句,宾语从句中缺主语,且指人,所以用who。

29.Your grandfather is rather tired, so do not_____ your visit.

A. lengthen

B. delay

C. prolong

D. extend【答案】C【解析】句意:爷爷很累了,你尽快回去吧(不要延长看望的时间了)。prolong指延长时间或某项活动,而lengthen 则偏重于实物,如衣服等东西的延长。delay指拖延,含有使不能按正常速度进行的意思。extend使伸长,扩大,没有延长时间的意思。

30.But for the flood, the ship _____ its destination on time.

A. will have reached

B. had reached

C. would have reached

D. would reach【答案】C【解析】句意:要不是下了暴雨,船只应该已经准时到达目的地了。but for要不是,表示对过去的虚拟,主句用would have done形式。

31.The lecture was rather boring, but the _____ discussion proved fruitful.

A. subsequent

B. latter

C. consequent

D. successive【答案】A【解析】句意:演讲相当枯燥,但随后的讨论是有成果的。subsequent之后的,后来的。latter后者。consequent作为结果的。successive接连的,相继的。

32._____, I will marry him all the same.

A. Were he rich or poor

B. Whether rich or poor

C. Being rich or poor

D. Be he rich or poor【答案】D【解析】句意:无论富裕还是贫穷,我都会嫁给他。Be he rich





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