分情境 轻松学好易误读短语(探索英文地道表达,让你避免平铺直叙,表达更犀利!) (易人外语)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-09-21 09:33:52





分情境 轻松学好易误读短语(探索英文地道表达,让你避免平铺直叙,表达更犀利!) (易人外语)

分情境 轻松学好易误读短语(探索英文地道表达,让你避免平铺直叙,表达更犀利!) (易人外语)试读:








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学习易误读短语,探索英文犀利句! 009

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● 超大分量!英语沟通常用词汇全搜录,易误读短语、惯用说法都要学,才能迅速掌握有效表达关键!

● 真正超值!适时地搭配“易混淆用法&相似词表达&再练习一次”,让你的英语表达更丰富、更精准!


● 说话平铺直叙好无聊,想要更赞的表达?犀利说法满足你!

● 还原易误读短语真面目,了解背景让学习更有趣,记忆更持久!

超 IN 流行语专栏,用这句聊天不怕被说落伍!

● 最贴近老外的生活对话,清楚了解流行语的使用时机!

● 特搜流行语典故,看小故事轻松理解语意,学习超有趣,保证不会忘记!

老外亲录表达惯用语 & 流行语 MP3,让你用英文地道说!


各大主题之惯用语 & 补充易混淆用法、相似表达,时下年轻人爱用流行语,外教全都说给你听!亲耳体验老外最常用的口语表达,重新让脑中的英文活起来!






一般说法 an eavesdropper

a fly on the wall(原意:一只苍蝇停在墙壁上)



Don’t be an eavesdropper; otherwise you will be unpopular with others.


a fly on the wall 照字面看是一只苍蝇停在墙壁上,这是美国俚语,在 1920 年时出现在一本书上,后来逐渐在美国和英国变得流行。a fly on the wall 通常用来形容一个人躲在某个地方听到他人说的话,或看到他人做的事情,但不被别人看到,就是偷偷的意味。这句话和苍蝇习性有关,苍蝇停在墙上,对它们而言是轻而易举,而且不容易被发现,所以引申出偷听之意,但不是窃听之意,请勿误用。所以,看到 a fly on the wall,不要再一头雾水了。


一般说法 gain entry to a/an ...

get a foot in the door (of)(原意:一只脚在门内)



It is not easy to gain entry to an international business.


get a foot in the door 照字面看是一只脚在门内,这可不是临门一脚的意思。这句话通常用于某人刚踏入某一个行业,由基层做起。久而久之,就可以学到很多知识技能,并慢慢升职。虽说万事开头难,但能踏入第一步,就有收获。这句话也可以用在男女之间。例如,男生要约女生出去,也需要 get a foot in the door。


一般说法 lose control

beside oneself...(原意:在……旁边)



Amy lost control when she saw her ex.


beside oneself 照字面上的意思是在……旁边。beside 有旁边、相比之意。其实这句话的含义为情绪因……而激动,倾向于比较负面的情绪。beside oneself 出自于《圣经》。除了 beside oneself,也可以用其他的反身代词来代替。例如:beside herself。而哪方面的情绪则在 beside oneself 后面加入 with + 情绪单词。如:beside himself with anger = 他气得失去控制。


一般说法 for fun

for kicks(原意:为了踢……)



He took away her novel just for fun.


for kicks 照字面翻译是为了踢……,这样似乎不太好。其实,for kicks 是为了好玩、为了刺激之意。通常会说do something for kicks,不过这里的好玩,比较偏向不负责任的乐趣。例如,如果小朋友偷走其他小朋友的饮料,可以解读成好玩,但其实已经涉及负面的意义,不单纯只是“有趣”。因此 for kicks 本身也可用于负面的好玩,使用时请小心。


一般说法 hide out;silent

lie low(原意:躺在下方)



The man is going to hide out because he doesn’t want to meet his creditor.


lie low 照字面意思为躺在下方。lie 除了谎言,还有躺下、摆着之意。lie low 口语的用法,表示不出面或不出声之意。举例而言,如果你不想和某人碰面,你就会 lie low,不让此人找到。很多人会把 lie low 和 lay low 搞混。lay low 有衰弱或侮辱之意,意思迥然不同。和 lie low 很接近的英文就是 hide(躲藏,隐藏)。


一般说法 think confusedly

have a bee in one’s bonnet(原意:帽子内有一只蜜蜂)



He thinks confusedly about the movie.


have/has a bee in one’s bonnet 照字面翻译为帽子内有一只蜜蜂。当一个人帽子中有蜜蜂时,应该无法平静,脑中乱哄哄的吧。a bee in one's bonnet 引申为胡思乱想,或对某议题不断思考。通常和 have/has 连用,如:has a bee in one’s bonnet。have/has a bee in one's bonnet 源自于十六世纪,出自于一位作家之手。所以,have a bee in one’s bonnet 也有难以思考之意。


一般说法 blow a kiss

give someone an air kiss(原意:空气之吻)



Molly blew Roger a kiss yesterday.


an air kiss 照字面翻译为空气之吻,不难猜出引申出来的含义。an air kiss 就是飞吻,并非真正的吻。an air kiss 源自于美国,因为美国人不像法国人用吻道别。在美国亲吻双颊来互相道别并不是种习惯。an air kiss 也常见于美国电影之中。如科学怪人因为怕伤害其未婚妻,不敢真的吻她,所以用 an air kiss。


一般说法 upset;depressed

down in the mouth(原意:嘴巴往下)



Don’t be upset. Do your best!


down in the mouth 照字面的意思为嘴巴往下。当一个人嘴巴往下,给人感觉是郁闷的、垂头丧气的。所以引申意指某人感觉郁闷,不开心的。down in the mouth 起源于十七世纪中期。其他类似的用法还有 in the dumps, dumps 本身就有忧郁之意,为口语用法,千万不要写成 dump,意思截然不同。因此 down in the mouth 也可以写成 down in the dumps。


一般说法 be free and easy

let one’s hair down(原意:把头发放下来)



Why not be free and easy at the party?


let one’s hair down 照字面翻译就是让头发放下来。当一个人头发放下来时,感觉比较轻松惬意,不受拘束。因此 let one’s hair down 引申为不受拘束,不拘礼节之意。其他的用法也有请对方不要太拘谨,或太紧绷之意。但这句话和穿着没有直接关系,所以请不要误用。譬如:当你说 let your hair down时,是希望对方在某个场合之中,稍微放松一下,自在一点。


一般说法 contact;communication;stay in contact

keep in touch(原意:保持接触)



Have a wonderful trip. Stay in contact.


keep in touch 照字面看是保持接触,但其真正意思是:保持联络。这是朋友出远门或是出国时,常会跟对方说的一句话。除了 keep in touch,也有人会用 stay in touch,也指保持联系。如果说 stay in contact,对方也会了解,但讲起来就有点生疏。所以,建议你,下次要请对方保持联络时,还是用 keep in touch 比较好。


一般说法 end the relationship

close the book on a relationship(原意:把一段关系像书一样合上)



Ted considered ending the relationship when he felt tired.


close the book 照字面看是把书合上,这句话很实用,不同场合会出现不同意思。譬如,结束某段关系,或是结束一个策划。也可以用于结束一个话题。因此,要依照说话者发表时,前后文的意思。不可讳言,这句话会比用 end 来得更灵活,可增加说话的技巧。


一般说法 give me five

high five(原意:高举五)



I won the speech contest. Give me five!


high five 照字面看是高举五,这是美国俚语,在1920 年时出现在一本书上,后来逐渐在美国和英国变得流行。当一个人用手掌和另外一个人击掌时,有以下几个意思。第一是默契,第二是欣喜,第三是恭喜对方。当你考试考好,或是比赛得奖时,都会说 High five,现在很少有人用 give me five,high five 比较常见。


一般说法 member of the noble families

blue blood(原意:蓝色的血)



Donny is a member of the noble families.


blue blood 照字面看是蓝色的血,让人联想到倪匡的小说《蓝血人》。此语源自于西班牙。相传中古世纪的欧洲,由于贵族不必和其他人一样,需要到外面工作维生,久而久之,皮肤白皙,看得见血管。所以后来蓝色的血才会衍生出贵族之意。直到十九世纪初期,blue blood 才出现在英语中。和 blue blood 有异曲同工之妙的还有 the purple,也有贵族之意。


一般说法 uncomfortable;not feel well

below par(原意:低于标准)



Sandy felt uncomfortable this morning.


below par 照字面翻译为低于标准。par 当名词,指标准、健康欠佳之意。除了表示低于标准之外,还可以用来形容某人不太舒服。如果用于高尔夫球运动,则是指低于标准杆数。因此,below par 的意思有:不舒服、水准之下,或是低于标准杆数。有时候,below par 也会被用来形容一个人的表现有点乏善可陈。所以,请灵活运用。

a fly on the wall

get a foot in the door of

was beside herself with madness

for kicks

has a bee in his bonnet

lie low


down in the mouth

an air kiss

let your hair down

Keep in touch

closing the book on a relationship

High five

below par

blue blood

Part 1 “人”的话题开心聊

Chapter 1 与“心情”有关

Chapter 2 与“感受”有关

Chapter 3 与“特征、特质”有关

Chapter 4 与“态度”有关Chapter 1 与“心情”有关● erupted in anger 生气关键词 erupted Vp.t 爆发 / anger n. 生气My mom erupted in anger when she found my younger sister

had aboyfriend.我妈妈得知妹妹交了男朋友后,勃然大怒。常见用语 dare sb’s anger 不怕惹某人生气Mark dared his boss’ anger and quitted his job.马克一点都不怕惹他老板生气,并且辞职了。● take offense at 对……生气关键词 offense n. 冒犯 / at prep. 对……The music band took offense at the noisy audience.乐团对吵闹的观众感到很生气。常见用语 fume at 对……生气The ambassador fumed at the questions the journalists put

forward.大使对记者们提出的问题感到很生气。● become angry from embarrassment 恼羞成怒关键词 become v. 变得 / angry a. 生气的 /

embarrassment n. 尴尬John became angry from embarrassment as someone

pointed out the errors in his strategy.约翰听到有人指出他策略里的错误,便恼羞成怒。常见用语 angry at 因为……而生气I was angry at my mom because she read my diary.我对我妈很生气,因为她看了我的日记。● explode with rage 勃然大怒关键词 explode v. 爆炸 / rage n. 愤怒He exploded with rage after hearing such news.听到这个消息后,他勃然大怒。常见用语 hit the ceiling / roof 勃然大怒He hit the ceiling when he heard the news.他听到消息后勃然大怒。● in a blaze of passion 盛怒之下关键词 in prep. 处在…… / blaze n. 爆发 / passion n. 盛怒The teacher slapped the kid on his face in a blaze of passion.老师在盛怒之下,打了那个孩子一巴掌。常见用语 in a towering rage 怒气冲天My parents went in a towering rage when they found the

tattoo on my arm.我爸妈发现我手臂上的刺青后大发雷霆。● glow with rage 怒容满面关键词 glow v. 燃烧 / rage n. 愤怒I don’t know why he glowed with rage when he came in.我不知道他为何进来的时候怒容满面。常见用语 glowing hot 灼热的It’s so glowing hot out there at noon.正午时天气很热。● imprison one's anger 强压怒火关键词 imprison v. 限制、束缚 / anger n. 生气Her E.Q. is so high that she manages to imprison her anger

no matter how rude others are.她的情商很高,别人再怎么无礼,她都有办法不生气。常见用语 furious with anger 狂怒The coach of the runner-up player seemed furious with anger.名次第二的选手的教练怒不可遏。● fly into a fury 大怒关键词 fly v. 飞行、飞至 / fury n. 暴怒The interviewee flew into a fury when the interviewer asked

something inappropriate.受访者听到访问人不适当的问题时,勃然大怒。常见用语 fly into a rage 勃然大怒Stop talking, or he will fly into a rage.别再说了,否则他就要发飙了。● furious with anger 狂怒、大发雷霆关键词 furious a. 狂怒的 / anger n. 生气He was furious with anger because she made a big mistake.他因为她犯了一个很大的错误而大发雷霆。常见用语 at a furious pace 以最快速度The ambulance took the injured lady to the emergency room

at a furious pace.救护车以最快速度将受伤的女士送至急诊室。● glare at 怒视着……关键词 glare v. 怒目注视 / at prep. 在……I don’t know why he often glares at me.我不知道他为何老是怒视着我。常见用语 in the full glare of publicity 在众目睽睽之下、非

常显眼My boyfriend said he didn’t want to kiss me in the full glare of

publicity.我男朋友说他不想在大庭广众下亲我。● walk away in resentment 忿忿地走开关键词 walk v. 走 / away ad. 离开 / resentment n. 愤怒She walked away in resentment as she found she couldn’t

persuade him.她发现说服不了他后,只好忿忿地走开。常见用语 bear a resentment against sb 怨恨某人I bear no resentment against anyone.我谁都不怨。● go mad 发疯了关键词 mad a. 发疯的She went totally mad when she found the airline was having

a big sale.得知那家航空在进行促销活动时,她乐疯了。常见用语 be mad at 对……发怒Tom was mad at me because I said he was obsessed with

video games.汤姆对我很生气,因为我说他沉迷于电子游戏。● get sore about sth 因某事而恼怒关键词 get v. 变得 / sore a. 惹人生气的His father got sore about his cheating last night.父亲对他昨晚的欺骗行为感到十分恼怒。常见用语 get steamed up about sth 因某事而恼怒She got steamed up about being stood up.她被放鸽子了,所以很生气。● be ticked off 惹恼关键词 ticked a. 被惹恼的I’m going to be ticked off if you keep treating my family like

that.你再这样对我的家人的话,我就要发飙了。常见用语 on the tick 极为准时地The professor showed up at the lab on the tick.教授准时到达了实验室。● stare at sb in irritation 气恼地看着某人关键词 stare v. 凝视着 / irritation n. 激怒He stared at her in irritation and didn’t say anything at all.他气恼地看着她,却什么也没说。常见用语 stare sb up and down 上下打量某人Don’t stare up and down at people you just met. It’s not polite.别上下打量刚认识的人。这不礼貌。● feel heavy-hearted 心情沉重关键词 feel v. 感觉 / heavy a. 沉重的Everyone in the room felt heavy-hearted when we learned

that a friend was in a plane crash.听到一个朋友遭遇空难时,整个房间的人心情都很沉重。I felt heavy-hearted when Mary told me the bad news.我听到玛莉的坏消息后,感到心情非常沉重。● sb’s heart sank 心一沉关键词 heart n. 心 / sank Vp.t 沉没When I woke up this morning and found scraps of paper all

over my bedroom floor, my heart sank. The dog ate my homework.我早上起床发现房间地上都是碎纸时,我的心一沉。狗把我

的作业吃掉了。John was hugging and kissing a girl. My heart sank.约翰跟一个女孩在拥吻,我心一沉。● be sick at heart 十分悲伤关键词 sick a. 有病的、不愉快的 / heart n. 心I was really sick at heart when my parents had a divorce

when I was nine.在我九岁时,我爸妈离婚,真的让我很悲伤。I feel sick at heart to know my professor took bribe from other

students.知道我的教授接受其他学生的贿赂时,我十分痛心。● tear sb up 使人悲伤关键词 tear v. 使满载泪水Seeing the dog being hit by the car teared me up.看到狗被车撞让我十分悲伤。The breakup this time really teared me up.这次的分手真的让我伤透了心。● agony of 痛苦关键词 agony n. 极度痛苦He suffered the agony of seeing his son die in his arms.看着自己的儿子死在自己怀里,他十分痛苦。The agony of losing her son has haunted Amy for years.失去儿子的痛苦多年来一直笼罩着艾米。● pain in the ass 令人痛苦关键词 pain n. 痛苦 / ass n. 屁股It’s pain in the ass for me to ride on a roller coaster.对我来说,坐过山车是非常痛苦的。It’s pain in the ass when I find my boyfriend betrays me.当我发现我男友背叛我时我真的很痛苦。● to one’s dismay 使人沮丧的是关键词 dismay n. 沮丧、气馁To her dismay, he would do drugs again.让她沮丧的是,他又去吸毒了。To my dismay, people didn’t seem to like my work very much.令我沮丧的是,人们似乎不喜欢我的作品。● cheese sb off 使某人厌倦、灰心关键词 off prep. 从……掉下The man is cheesed off with clubbing every night.这个人厌倦了每晚都去夜店。The result of the experiment cheesed me off.实验的结果让我很灰心。● absence of mind 心不在焉关键词 absence n. 缺席、未到 / mind n. 精神He didn’t do well on this for his absence of mind.因为他心不在焉,事情都没有做好。常见用语 change sb’s mind 改变某人的心意You'd better take the offer before he changes his mind.你最好在他改变心意前,接受那份工作。● be in no mood for sth 没心思做某事关键词 mood n. 情绪 / for prep. 为……I am in no mood for dancing today, could you ask somebody

else?我今天没有心情跳舞,你可以去邀请其他人吗?常见用语 mood disorder 情绪障碍People with depression suffer from mood disorder.忧郁症患者有情绪障碍。● scared cat 胆小鬼关键词 scared a. 易受惊害怕的 / cat n. 猫I am willing to admit that I am a scared cat for not getting on

the Ferris wheel.我愿意为了不要上摩天轮,承认我是个胆小鬼。How come you became such a scared cat? You used to be

brave.你怎么成了个胆小鬼?你曾经很勇敢的。● timid as a rabbit 胆小如鼠关键词 timid a. 害羞的 / rabbit n. 兔子If my memory serves me right, Hanson was as timid as a

rabbit when he was little.没记错的话,汉森以前胆小如鼠。常见用语 cowardly as a mouse 胆小如鼠He is as cowardly as a mouse, so he won’t do it.他胆小如鼠,是不会去做这种事的。● beam with joy 笑逐颜开关键词 beam v. 眉开眼笑 / joy n. 快乐Upon hearing the good news Joey beamed with joy.一听到这个好消息,乔伊笑逐颜开。常见用语 one’s frown fades 笑逐颜开His frown faded into a polite smile.他不再皱眉,反倒给了个礼貌性的微笑。● roar with laughter 哄堂大笑关键词 roar v. 大声呼喊 / laughter n. 笑声His joke made the customers in the bar roar with laughter.他讲的笑话让全酒吧的人哄堂大笑。常见用语 in a roar 哄笑的David burst out in a roar of laughter when he heard the news.大卫听到这则消息时哈哈大笑。“我中了大奖。”I hit the jackpot.A : What are you reading?B : I was browsing through the shelves of an old bookstore

when I hit the jackpot finding this long out of print deluxe edition of

Frankenstein.A : 你在看什么?B : 我刚在一间老书店随便看看,结果竟然被我发现这本绝

版多年的豪华版《科学怪人》。此语源自扑克牌赌博,在有人手中有一对 jack 或者更大的

牌时,才可以开局下注,pot(集合的赌注)因此变成 jackpot。

刚发牌时,手上有大牌如 jack 的机会很低,所以要几轮发牌、

集合许多赌资时,才会有人得到这类好牌,得到全部赌资。● be in heaven now 现在很开心关键词 in prep. 处在…… / heaven n. 天堂Holy cow, I got an offer from Harvard! I’m in heaven now!天啊,我被哈佛录取了!我现在好开心!My wife is pregnant! I’m in heaven now.我太太怀孕了!我现在好开心!● be in 7th heaven 快乐无比关键词 heaven n. 天堂I got asked out by a hot girl last night in the bar! I’m in 7th

heaven!昨天晚上在酒吧里,有个辣妹约我!好开心!I won a flight ticket to Bangkok! I’m in 7th heaven!我赢到一张去曼谷的机票!好开心!● happy-go-lucky 开心乐天的关键词 happy a. 开心的 / lucky a. 幸运的He goes through life in a happy-go-lucky fashion.他以乐天的态度过人生。Brandon enjoyed his happy-go-lucky lifestyle in a tropical

island.布兰登在热带小岛上享受他乐天的生活。● in great glee 非常高兴关键词 great a. 极好的 / glee n. 欢欣We will be in great glee if we have the chance to work with

you.如果我们能有机会与您合作,将会非常高兴。常见用语 on cloud nine 非常高兴I would be on cloud nine if I could get the sponsor.如果能拿到这个赞助,我就会很高兴。● on the spur of the moment 一时高兴或冲动关键词 spur n. 激励 / moment n. 时刻I bought the velvet gown on the spur of the moment.我一时冲动买了件丝质晚礼服。常见用语 spur on 鞭策……;激励……The manager’s new policies really spur us on to work harder.经理的新政策真的激励了我们更努力的工作。● cheer up 振作、使高兴关键词 cheer v. 使振奋 / up prep. 向……上Cheer up, you can defeat him next time.振作点,你下次就能赢过他了。常见用语 jolly up 使振奋The good news jollied up the whole office.这个好消息使全办公室为之振奋。Chapter 2 与“感受”有关● be hospitable to 易于接受……关键词 hospitable a. 容易接受的 / to prep. 对于……

The society now doesn’t seem to be hospitable to this idea.


常见用语 bow to 接受的

I don’t think the current trend will bow to this idea.

我认为目前的潮流不太能接受这个想法。● show tolerance towards sb / sth 容忍、宽容某人某事/某事关键词 show v. 展现 / tolerance n. 容忍、包容

They will show tolerance towards the dissenters.


常见用语 put up with sb / sth 容忍某人/某事

I have put up with your arrogance for a long time.

我已经容忍你的傲慢很久了。● be tolerant of 对……容忍关键词 tolerant a. 容忍的

You shouldn’t be too tolerant of their rude behavior.


常见用语 be tolerant and understanding with each other 互相宽容并谅解

Marriage is about being tolerant and understanding with each other.

婚姻就是关于互相宽容,并互相谅解。● exhaust one’s patience 使某人忍无可忍关键词 exhaust v. 抽干、耗尽 / patience n. 耐心

My neighbor’s baby cried all night long, which really exhausted my patience.


常见用语 feel exhausted 精疲力竭

I felt totally exhausted after cleaning up the whole condo.

在清扫完整间公寓后,我觉得精疲力竭。● accustomed to 习惯于关键词 accustomed a. 通常的

You are already accustomed to college life.


常见用语 get used to 习惯于

She gets used to having a cup of coffee every morning.

她习惯每天早上喝杯咖啡。● adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于关键词 adapt v. 使适应 / oneself pron. 某人自身

Are you able to adapt yourself to a new place easily?


常见用语 get used to 习惯于

Everything has been a bit different since I got back, but I’ll get used to it eventually.

自从我回来后,事情都变得有些不同,但我终究会习惯的。● adjust to 适应、调节关键词 adjust v. 适应于

We have to adjust to the uncertain weather here.


常见用语 adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于

I had a hard time adapting myself to the food here.

我曾经很不习惯这里的食物。● form the habit of 形成……的习惯关键词 form v. 形成、塑造 / habit n. 习惯

He formed the habit of having coffee every morning when he was young.


I formed the habit of jogging everyday when studying in San Francisco.

我在旧金山读书时,养成了每天慢跑的习惯。● get used to 习惯于关键词 used a. 习惯的 / to prep. 对于……

It will take me months to get used to the country life.


常见用语 be accustomed to 习惯于

I am not accustomed to this neighborhood yet.

我还是不习惯这个街区。● acquaint oneself with 使某人熟悉某物关键词 acquaint v. 使熟识 / oneself pron. 某人自身

I have to acquaint myself with financial knowledge to get the job.


常见用语 acquainted with 与……相识

Sally and I were acquainted with each other a few years ago.

我和莎莉几年前就相识了。● familiar with 熟悉关键词 familiar a. 熟悉的、常见的

I am not familiar with this place yet. I’m new here.


常见用语 be on familiar terms with 与……交情好

Paula is on familiar terms with me. She stays over at my place two to three times a week.

宝拉跟我的交情很好,她一个星期会在我家住两到三天。● ring a bell 听起来耳熟关键词 ring v. 摇铃 / bell n. 钟、铃

Does the name Katharine ring a bell?


常见用语 be in the ring for 参加……的竞选

Barack Obama was in the ring for the presidential election of 2012.

巴拉克·奥巴马曾参加 2012 年的总统大选。● simmer down 冷静下来关键词 simmer v. 即将爆发 / down adv. 降下……

Simmer down, you know he didn’t do it on purpose.


常见用语 calm down 冷静下来

Calm down. It’s not that serious.

冷静点,事情没那么严重。● chill out 冷静关键词 chill v. 使变冷

Could you give the child something to chill her out?


常见用语 cool down 冷静下来

I don’t know how to cool down my girlfriend when she gets angry.

在我女朋友生气时,我不知道该怎么做才能让她冷静下来。● calm down 冷静下来关键词 calm v. 使平静

He could hardly calm down when he was angry.


常见用语 keep calm 安静

It’s hard to keep calm on such a sultry day.

在这么闷热的天气里,很难冷静下来。● collect oneself 心平气和、平心静气、镇定一下关键词 collect v. 收拾、使镇定 / oneself pron. 某人自身

Please collect yourself before you become angry.


常见用语 put oneself together 振作

Put yourself together. It’s not the end of the world.

振作点。这又不是世界末日。● cool down 使平静、使冷却关键词 cool v. 使冷却

I am cooled down after staying in the air-conditioned café.


You have to cool down the hot water before you pour it into the dough.

在把水倒进面团里之前,记得先放凉。● in anticipation of 期待着、预计关键词 anticipation n. 预期、期望

We are all in anticipation of the comments from the critics.


常见用语 by anticipation 预先、事先

You should have been prepared by anticipation, so it won’t be such a rush now.

你应该事先准备好,现在才不会这么急。● revolt against 厌恶、反感关键词 revolt v. 厌恶、反感 / against prep. 对抗……

We revolt against the way those companies treated the workers.


常见用语 in revolt against 反抗

The workers get in revolt against the unreasonably low wages.

工人们起身反抗不合理的低薪资。● be sick of 对……感到厌恶关键词 sick a. 恶心的、厌恶的

I am sick of always waiting for you.


常见用语 be fed up with 感到厌烦

If you guys are fed up with clubbing, we can just call it a night.

如果你们对上夜店感到厌烦,我们可以解散。● bore the pants off 使某人极为厌烦关键词 bore v. 使无聊 / off prep. 从……脱离

His speech would bore the pants off all his students.


The repetitive tasks are boring my pants off.

这样重复的工作真让我厌烦。● pace up and down 来回踱步关键词 pace v. 踱步

My father paced up and down in the room.


常见用语 back and forth 来来往往地

You need to move the vacuum machine back and forth to get the floor cleaned.

你得来回移动吸尘器,才能把地板清干净。● to one’s disgust 令人扫兴关键词 disgust n. 厌恶

To my disgust, I didn’t see anyone I knew at the party.


常见用语 in disgust 厌恶地

The man in posh suit took a look at the bagger in disgust.

那位身穿高级西装的男子,嫌恶地瞧了乞丐一眼。“不要烦。” Stop yanking my chain.

A : How about going to another mall tonight?

B : Stop yanking my chain! We are in the third mall today. Can we just take a rest at home tonight?

A : 我们今天晚上再去另外一家购物中心如何?

B : 不要再烦我了!我们今天已经在逛第三家购物中心了。今晚可以在家休息吗?

yank 指“猛拉”的意思,chain 则指“链条”。请想象一条被链子绑住的狗,如果有人一直猛拉它的狗链,一定会令狗非常不爽;人也是一样。此语指别人一直烦你,让你觉得不耐烦。● marvel at 感到惊讶关键词 marvel v. 感到惊异 / at prep. 对于……

All the people there marveled at his bravery.


常见用语 a marvel of (sth) (某一事物的)奇特的例子

Desert Sahara is absolutely a marvel of nature.

撒哈拉沙漠绝对是大自然的奇景。● to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是关键词 surprise n. 惊奇、惊讶

To my surprise, Betty lost ten kilos and became a stewardess.


常见用语 in surprise 惊奇地

I didn’t expect my mom would visit, so I looked at her in surprise when I saw her.

我没想到我妈会来访,所以我看到她时很惊讶。● wonder at 对……感到惊奇关键词 wonder v. 感到惊奇

Everyone wonders at the boy’s wit.


常见用语 be surprised at 感到惊奇

The doctor is surprised at the news that the patient recovered from cancer so soon.

医生对于病人这么快就能战胜癌症感到惊奇。● stunned by 被……吓呆关键词 stunned a. 被吓到的

I was stunned by his sudden appearance. I didn’t know he was invited.


When I saw Olive in the red dress, I was stunned by her beauty.

当我看到奥莉芙穿着那身红色连衣裙时,我因她的美貌看呆了。● at one’s wits’ end 智穷力竭、不知所措关键词 wit n. 智力、智慧 / end n. 尽头

Do you think he is really at his wits’ end?


常见用语 be in a maze 不知所措

Taxi drivers find people who are new and in a maze to rip them off.

出租车司机会找初来乍到、不知所措的人来敲竹杠。● at a loss 茫然不知所措关键词 at prep. 处于…… / loss n. 丧失、损失

Looking at a loss, Mike stood still when his girlfriend broke up with him.


常见用语 all at sea 不知所措

I didn’t know how to answer the professor’s question, so I stood there all at sea.

我不知道怎么回答教授提出的问题,所以我就在那里不知所措地站着。● be nervous about 因……忐忑不安关键词 nervous a. 紧张的 / about prep. 对于……

I am nervous about asking her for a dance.


The man is nervous about the interview.

那个男人对于面试感到很紧张。● be in awe of 对……望而生畏、对……感到害怕关键词 awe n. 敬畏 / of prep. 之于……的

When making investments, you must be in awe of the risk.


常见用语 to be in dread 感到害怕

The kids are in dread of their abusive father.

小孩们很怕他们那有暴力倾向的父亲。● quake with 发抖关键词 quake v. 颤动





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