
发布时间:2020-05-08 23:10:20















我们在诗歌中看见水月洞天,于是,我们漂洋过海,用颤抖的翻译来轻轻叩问,花与月光。葛舒旸2015年8月16日第一章明月光,花影独酌风往尘香,往日花影依约。一款一曲,一念一动,一凝眸一垂首,往事浓愁恣意,半圃落花无绪。如一瓣寄怀,渺渺远山万里,心无归处,青葱染枯枝。1 Down by the Salley GardensWilliam Butler YeatsDown by the Salley Gardensmy love and I did meet;She passed the Salley Gardenswith little snow-white feet.She bid me take love easy,as the leaves grow on the tree;But I being young and foolish,with her would not agree.In a field by the river my love and I did stand,And on my leaning shouldershe laid her snow-white hand.She bid me take life easy,as the grass grows on the weirs;But I was young and foolish,and now am full of tears.1 游园惊泪叶芝花园深处,我与佳人相见;她穿花拂柳而来,纤足如雪。嘱我对爱一念清心,如枝上新绿泱泱;而我年幼轻狂,岂肯轻易允诺。河边曲野,我与红颜驻足,她柔荑似雪,轻依我肩。嘱我对生活淡然处之,如堤岸碧草茵茵;彼时,我年少愚顽,而今,热泪断肠。2 The Sick RoseWilliam BlakeO Rose,thou art sick!The invisible worm,That flies in the night,In the howling storm,Has found out thy bedOf crimson joy;And his dark secret loveDoes thy life destroy.2 病恹之花威廉·布莱克玫瑰,你气若游丝!隐形的虫,在夜的飞沙走石里,趁着摧枯拉朽的风暴,与你夜雨对床。他诡秘莫测的爱,将你毁于一旦。3 RosesGeorge EliotYou love the roses—so do I.I wishThe sky would rain down roses,as they rainFrom off the shaken bush.Why will it not?Then all the valley would be pink and whiteAnd soft to tread on.They would fall as lightAs feathers,smelling sweet; and it would beLike sleeping and like waking,all at once!3 玫瑰吟诵乔治·艾略特你爱玫瑰——我亦如此。多期盼空中朵朵玫瑰,落英缤纷,如那甘霖轻拂过摇曳的灌木丛。为何不呢?山谷的衣衫,或萤粉或柔白,松软若毯,可款款漫步。花瓣摇落,轻若白羽,香气清甜袭人;一刹那间,似梦,似醒!4 On a Faded VioletPercy Bysshe ShelleyThe odour from the flower is goneWhich like thy kisses breathed on me;The colour from the flower is flownWhich glowed of thee and only thee!A shriveled,lifeless,vacant form,It lies on my abandoned breast,And mocks the heart,which yet is warm,With cold and silent rest.I weep,—my tears revive it not!I sigh,—it breathes no more on me;Its mute and uncomplaining lotIs such as mine should be.4 凋逝罗兰雪莱花的氤氲已去,就如,你的吻带给我的气息;花的嫣然已去,不再,明澈着独一无二的你!空洞的壳,枯萎的躯,缠绕着我荒芜的胸腔,嘲笑着我冷热煎熬的痴心。我哭泣,却唤不回它明眸善睐!我叹息,却换不回它吐气如兰;它的命运,缄默无怨,恰如我的归宿。5 Ah!SunflowerWilliam BlakeAh,Sunflower!Weary of time,Who countest the steps of the sun;Seeking after that sweet golden clime,Where the traveller's journey is done.Where the youth pined away with desire,And the pale virgin shrouded in snow.Arise from their graves and aspire,Where my sunflower wishes to go.5 日光履者威廉·布莱克哦,向日葵!时光的疲倦者,检点羲和的历履。一路追逐金黄者,在彼处,历历行路尽头。彼处,青年耽于欲望而虺,苍白的姑娘,深埋于皑皑大雪之下。而他们都将从冥府醒来,奔往向日葵的梦想腹地。6 To the MoonPercy Bysshe ShelleyArt thou pale for wearinessOf climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,Wandering companionlessAmong the stars that have a different birth,—And ever changing,like a joyless eyeThat find no object worth its constancy?6 致月书怀雪莱你容颜苍白,定是为孤悬天阙、凝望凡尘而倦,流离于繁星之间,孑然一身,无宿无眷,如晦明不定、哀思绵延的眼,凡尘俗世,是否,已不再值得你久久惦念?7 Look Down,Fair MoonWalt WhitmanLook down,fair moon,And bathe this scene;Pour softly down night's nimbus floods,On faces ghastly,swollen,purple;On the dead,on their backs,With their arms toss'd wide,Pour down your unstinted nimbus,sacred moon.7 皓月悯怀惠特曼低头看看吧,明月,来涤荡这遍野哀鸿;把你的仙汁玉露,倾倒给,游魂般浮肿的面庞,倾倒给,断臂残躯、尸身不全的死者。倾倒吧,圣洁的明月啊,撒下你的灵丹妙药。8 Moonlight,Summer MoonlightEmily Brontë'Tis moonlight,summer moonlight,All soft and still and fair;The solemn hour of midnightBreathes sweet thoughts everywhere,But most where trees are sendingTheir breezy boughs on high,Or stooping low are lendingA shelter from the sky.And there in those wild bowersA lovely form is laid;Green grass and dew-steeped flowersWave gently round her head.8 仲夏月光艾米莉·勃朗特月光,夏夜月光,这般柔和、宁静、恬美;中宵凝伫,暗香浮动。层层树木,向高处,送着呼吸的柔枝。或低垂纤腰,向天空借处庇所。在这无人打搅的林间,月光蜕变了自己。碧草如茵,花露澹澹,微风轻抚。9 The Road Was Lit with Moon and StarEmily DickinsonThe Road was lit with Moon and star—The Trees were bright and still—Descried I—by the distant LightA Traveller on a Hill—To magic PerpendicularsAscending,though Terrene—Unknown his shimmering ultimate—But he indorsed the sheen—9 星月之途艾米莉·狄金森前路为繁星皓月所点亮,树木明亮而静谧。邈远幽光中,我看见,山丘之上有位旅人,沿峰峦叠翠,扶摇着,翩然了尘世。虽不知逐巅峰于何处,他仍蕴蓄着熠熠之光。第二章与君书,如慕如泣与君书,叹不完浮桥三千段,数不清峰峦几万重。几时江南春又归,绿了平芜,飞了柳絮,灼灼了桃花,淙淙了流水。与君书,人在迢迢青山外,书在殷殷寸心间。与君书,几年离索,几许挂怀,凌乱不成言,歌如慕,意如泣。10 “Why Do I Love”You,Sir?Emily Dickinson“Why do I love”You,Sir?Because—The Wind does not require the GrassTo answer—Wherefore when He passShe cannot keep Her place.Because He knows—andDo not You—And We know not—Enough for UsThe Wisdom it be so—The Lightning—never asked an EyeWherefore it shut—when He was by—Because He knows it cannot speak—And reasons not contained——Of Talk—There be—preferred by Daintier Folk—The Sunrise—Sire—compelleth Me—Because He's Sunrise—and I see—Therefore—Then—I love Thee—10 与君书,我缘何爱你艾米莉·狄金森与君书,我缘何爱你?因为风并不向草索取答案清风掠过碧草便荡漾难安。因他知道——而你我所知不足探开智慧所然骤然闪电——从不过问眼睛光亮退后——他为何紧锁因为他知道,不可言。若置于言语,因缘幻化千端。若日出冉冉,惊鸿一瞥,油然,诚然,付此爱慕。11 How Do I Love Thee?Elizabeth Barrett BrowningHow do I love thee?Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and heightMy soul can reach,When feeling out of sightFor the ends of Being and ideal GraceI love thee to the levelof everyday's most quiet need,By sun and candle-light.I love thee freely,As men strive for RightI love thee purely,As they turn from PraiseI love thee with the passionput to use in my old griefs,And with my childhood's faithI love thee with a loveI seemed to lose with my lost saintsI love thee with the breath,smiles,tears,Of all my life!——And,if God choose,I shall but love thee better after death11 我如何爱你?勃朗宁夫人我如何爱你?让我逐一细数。爱得至深至宽至广,直至灵魂边界,直至存在尽头,直至典雅消弭处。我爱你,日日不可或缺,不论日光熹微,不论烛光依约。我爱你,以自由,若追寻正义;以纯洁,若笑辞嘉奖;以往日悲怀里的心潮澎湃,以咿呀童稚时的坚信不疑,以对行将逝去的圣灵的亦步亦趋。我爱你,直到一息尚存交出一生的笑与泪。若上帝允诺,在彼岸人生,我心如故。12 LinesPercy Bytsshe Shelley

1That time is dead for ever,child!Drowned,frozen,dead for ever!We look on the pastAnd stare aghastAt the specters wailing,Pale and ghast,Of hopes which thou and I beguiledTo death on life's dark river.

2The stream we gazed on then rolled by;Its waves are unreturning;But we yet standIn a lone land,Like tombs to mark the memoryOf hopes and fears,Which fade and fleeIn the light of life's dim morning.12 光阴已逝雪莱


2我们仍脉脉凝视的流水,汹涌若斯;波浪一去不返;我们却仍伫立一隅孤地,若累累墓碑,铭住希望与恐惧的记忆,在生命中某一个晦暗之晨,目送他们褪色,悄然逝去。13 Love and FriendshipEmily BrontëLove is like the wild rose-briarFriendship like the holly-tree—The holly is dark when the rose-briar bloomsBut which will bloom most constantly?The wild-rose briar is sweet in the springIts summer blossoms scent the air;Yet wait till winter comes againAnd who will call the wild-briar fair?Then scorn the silly rose-wreath nowAnd deck thee with the holly's sheen,That when December blights thy browHe may still leave thy garland green.13 情与莫逆艾米莉·勃朗特怦然心动的爱慕,如野玫瑰的荆棘,莫逆之交的友谊,如冬青树。刺玫瑰嫣然之时,冬青树仍苍色蒙尘。然,谁能沁香久远?孟春,刺玫馥郁,仲夏,芬芳四溢;而寒冬复至,玫瑰何能傲霜斗雪?笑弃那玫瑰花环吧,簪上冬青光泽。当十二月枯萎了你的眉目,他仍留有,常青浣碧。14 Love and LawVachel LindsayTrue Love is founded in rocks of RemembranceIn stones of Forbearance and mortar of pain.The workman lays wearily granite on granite,And bleeds for his castle,'mid sunshine and rain.Love is not velvet,not all of it velvet,Not all of it banners,not gold-leaf alone.'Tis stern as the ages and old as Religion.With Patience its watchwordand Law for its throne.14 爱与律令林赛真爱可见于记忆的巨石苍磊中,在坚忍的石,与苦痛的臼里。劳人筋疲力尽,于花岗岩上奄奄,为他的城堡,鲜血淋漓,无论烈日骄阳,无论骤雨骄风。爱不是丝绒柔滑,也不尽是丝帛纤软;爱不是标语,也不尽是金叶灿然。爱,清俊如流年,亘古如宗教。以耐心为暗语,以律令为冠。15 Love's SecretWilliam BlakeNever seek to tell thy loveLove that never told can be;For the gentle wind doth moveSilently,invisiblyI told my love,I told my loveI told her all my heart,Trembling,cold,in ghastly fearsAh!She did depart;Soon after she was gone from meA traveler came by,Silently,invisibly;He took her with a sigh.





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