
发布时间:2020-05-11 19:10:15







★Preface 卷首语★

To a Child Dancing in the Wind致在风中起舞的孩子◎ By William Butler Yeats译·赏析/辛献云Dance there upon the shore;what need have you to careFor wind or water's roar?And tumbleout your hairThat the salt drops have wet;Being young you have not knownThe fool's triumph,nor yetLove lost as soon as won,Nor the best labourer deadAnd all the sheavesto bind.What need have you to dreadThe monstrouscrying of wind!在海边尽情起舞吧,你又何须担忧风的怒吼,还得咆哮?让头发在风中飘拂吧,任咸涩的海水打湿你发梢;年幼的你,不明白愚人得志,也不知道爱刚刚收获转瞬就失掉,不知道一束束麦秆尚未捆好,艰辛的劳作者就已死掉。你又何须畏惧那狰狞的风在阵阵嘶嚎!赏 析

威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats,1865~1939),爱尔兰诗人、剧作家,1923年诺贝尔文学奖得主,“以其高度艺术化且洋溢着灵感的诗作表达了整个民族的灵魂”。他的早期作品风格华丽,体现了浪漫主义的特点,后来创作风格发生较大变化,趋近现代主义。其代表作有《心灵的欲望之田》(The Land of Heart's Desire)、《责任》(Responsibilities)、《塔》(The Tower)等。《致在风中起舞的孩子》描写了一个无忧无虑的孩子在海边嬉戏玩耍,无论是风的怒吼还是海的咆哮,都无法在没有经历过生活艰辛的他心中引起丝毫的恐惧。孩童的世界是那么纯真,那么美好,不知人生险恶,不知爱情无常,也不知劳作艰辛,和成人的世界形成鲜明对比。诗人借此表达了对逝去童真的眷恋,对成人世界的感慨。


无知者无畏。孩子,趁你还没有被世俗所染,为人生所累,尽情地起舞吧,舞出你的精彩人生。★What's Hot 特别推荐★☆詹妮弗·劳伦斯So Different,Jennifer Lawrence詹妮弗·劳伦斯:如此与众不同◎By Jonathan Van Meter 译/张晓敏


Leave it to Jennifer Lawrence to choose the Odeon,a restaurant she plucked from a list because she liked the sound of its name.It opened on a corner in Tribeca long before Lawrence was even born and defined a style: execute everything perfectly,but don't take it all so seriously—a correct description of Lawrence herself.Indeed,Odeon has lasted for 30 years because,while it cares about great service and good food,it is committed above all else to being fun.


Jennifer Lawrence—unlike,say,Jennifer Aniston or Jennifer Lopez—never looks the same.It's one of the reasons writers struggle to find words to describe her and often resort to unfortunate ones,like chameleon.David O.Russell,the man who directed Lawrence to an Oscar in Silver Linings Playbook,remembers bumping intoher during awards season,2011."I would see this tall blondeat events,and I never understood who she was," he says."She looked like an Orange County girl—or Malibu Barbie.And I was like,'Who is that?' And someone would say,'That's Jennifer Lawrence,' and I would say,'The girl cooking a squirrel on a stick in Winter's Bone?' I never recognized her! She always looks different."


So different,in fact,that even after one of her two bodyguards comes into the restaurant to tell me that her arrival is imminent,when she finally walks in the door,I still don't recognize her.To be fair,she has on pitch-blackTom Ford sunglasses,and her hair is wet;she recently had it cut off into a Karlie chop,one that is half blonde and half brown.But before she even reaches the table,I can hear that raspy voice—the deep rumble of so much nervous energy.Yup,that's her.


Lawrence is wearing a blush-colored sleeveless top,slouchyblack pants,and a pair of slip-on mules.You can learn a lot about a person in seven hours.Little things,like the kinds of food they don't like—arugula,eggplant,goat cheese ("I have the taste buds of a five-year-old"),which TV show they're obsessed with ("Homeland"),the strange stuff they're afraid of ("I don't have nightmares about clowns or burglarsor murderers.I have nightmares about thirteen-year-olds.They terrify me").But you can also learn things that are super specific.For example,she got the nickname J.Law in seventh grade,but it was only this spring that she met J.Lo while hanging out at a party one night with Jimmy Fallon."We planned out this whole thing,where we were going to spin around and over to her and go,'Please dance with us!' But at the last minute,Jimmy pooped out,and all of a sudden I spun around by myself and said,'Dance with ...me?' And she was like,'Thanks,I'm just gonna watch.'"


And therein lies the biggest surprise about Jennifer Lawrence: she has the soul of a comedian and can riff onjust about anything that crosses her path.She did a 20-minute monologue about sponges: "I wake up earlier in the morning when I have new sponges.That counter doesn't even see it coming." She seguedinto her incomprehension at people who don't share her "faith in sponges".


The folks who know her best (which is to say,other actors and directors,as she has lived from one film set to the next for most of her adult life) all point to this playful side of Lawrence—this "giant goofball",as one person put it—as the most important thing about her.Her Hunger Games costar Woody Harrelson says she creates an atmosphere of constant game-playing on set."She is one-of-a-kind,man.She is so herself.I love how she doesn't censor herself.She says the most outrageousshit.Just incredible,the stuff she'll say."


As Russell says,"She grew up with these two older brothers,so she will do an off-color joke that will shock you and make you laugh so hard.And then she just moves on." Jodie Foster,who directed her in The Beaver a few years ago,agrees,"It's one of the things that I love about her the most—her rapid-fire teenage-boy-humor brain."

正如拉塞尔所说:“她和两个哥哥一起长大,所以会开一些不太文雅的玩笑,让你震惊的同时又捧腹大笑。然后她却跟什么都没发生似的继续说别的。”几年前曾在影片《海狸》中指导过劳伦斯的朱迪·福斯特也赞同道:“我最喜欢她的其中一点就是她头脑灵活,有十几岁男孩特有的那种幽默。”劳伦斯趣事:Cake or Kick

想要感受詹妮弗·劳伦斯的幽默和她对蛋糕的热爱,那不妨看看下面这件趣事吧。在2013年的奥斯卡颁奖礼上,詹妮弗·劳伦斯获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。她在上台领奖时被礼服的裙摆绊倒,事后接受采访时,她对此解释说:“I was at the Oscars,waiting to hear if my name was called,and I kept thinking,'Cakewalk,cakewalk,cakewalk.' I thought,Why is 'cakewalk' stuck in my head? And then,as I started to walk up the stairs and the fabric from my dress tucked under my feet,I realized my stylist (造型师) had told me,'Kick,walk,kick,walk.' You are supposed to kick the dress out while you walk,and I totally forgot because I was thinking about cake! And that's why I fell.”

Moments after Lawrence first walks into the restaurant and sits down,she takes off her shoes to show me her toes.They are blue.She has been in Montreal all summer,shooting the fifth installment of X-Men in which she plays the supervillain Mystique,a hot chick with blue skin and yellow eyes who shape-shifts into normal people in order to assassinate those involved in anti-mutant activity."They paint me blue every day," she says,"so this is what I'm dealing with." She sticks out her foot again and laughs."I'm like Blue Swan."


As if one big studio franchiseweren't enough,in the last year,Lawrence spent several months in Atlanta and Hawaii shooting the second Hunger Games film,Catching Fire,due out in November,after which she went directly to the set of American Hustle,the next David O.Russell film (scheduled for December),inspired by the late-seventies FBI sting operationknown as Abscam,a near-farcicalbribery scandal that brought down one U.S.senator and six congressmen.


More than one person I spoke with about Lawrence worried aloud that she's working too hard."Just for her sanity,I personally wish she would slow down a little bit," says Francis Lawrence who directed Catching Fire and in October will begin shooting the final two Hunger Games films in Atlanta,back-to-back."I think that going from one set to the next will eventually take a toll.I hope at some point she gets some time off."


More than any other young actress in recent memory,Lawrence also seems to have an almost compulsiveneed to take full advantage of every opportunity that comes her way."I couldn't say no," she says."And then when I was on set,I was like,'This is so much more important than a vacation.It's so much better for my brain to be creatively stimulated in this way.' It reminded me: this is what I love."


One of the oddities of Jennifer Lawrence's life right now is that the character that she is most closely associated with—Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games—is on a trajectorythat is,in many ways,similar to Lawrence's own."When Winter's Bone was getting nominated," says Lawrence,"I had only done indies,and suddenly I was introduced to this brand-new world where I didn't feel like myself.I was in these weird gowns and listening to people talk about things I didn't understand.And I remember reading that in the book and being like,Oh,my God,I know exactly what this feels like.I don't know what it's like to get ready for your death,but I do know what it's like to be almost a puppet.And then when I was making the second film,I had become more acquainted with that world,and I think that's something that Katniss experiences.She is different when she comes back.She does feel more comfortable in the Capitol;she understands the people more,and it's not as eerieand scary and unfamiliar.She kind of knows how to work the system."


I was admittedly thrownat first by the presence of Lawrence's bodyguards,whom we can see outside the Odeon,leaning up against a big black SUV.I had not fully internalized that the utterly honest person sitting before me—the same rambunctiousyoung girl I had been seeing on TV,sassinginterviewers and flirting with Jack Nicholson at the Oscars while being interviewed by George Stephanopoulos after having tripped on the voluminous skirt of her Dior dress as she was heading up the stairs to receive her statuette—that that girl is the very same girl who is now stalkedby paparazzi everywhere she goes because she is young and beautiful and unpredictable and has been anointedthe most exciting,completely realized movie star to come along in decades.


Apparently,she has not fully internalized it either.Whenever the tenuouslittle bubble of privacy she has created around us—through body language,facing away from the room—gets invaded,she becomes agitated.At one point,a party of four is seated next to us,and an otherwise sophisticated-looking woman at the table spots Lawrence,digs for her phone,and then holds it straight out and starts clicking away,as if documenting her visit to the Louvre."Can you stop?" Lawrence pleads.With her head down,she grumbles to me under her breath."Yeah,that was pretty aggressive," I say."Me?" she says,looking mortified."No,her." I say."I'm just really starting to feel like a monkey in a zoo," she admits.


All throughout our lunch at Odeon,the part of Lawrence that never let up was a kind of intense engagement with the world or the person in front of her.You could practically see her brain scanning the room,sifting through the data,and then spitting out something dryly observed,perfectly timed,or oddly profound.(At one point she picked up my RadioShack tape recorder and examined it: "This thing is archaic.Are you going to write this whole thing out longhand,with,like,a pen?") If there is a downside—and I didn't experience it as such—it might be that she's so busy connecting and processing that it overwhelms her.There were many moments when she was so excited to share the seven things that just popped into her head that it would render her breathless and momentarily incomprehensible.As Jodie Foster says about directing her,"It's hard for her to be superficial,to be girly and silly and unaware.And so my direction was often stupid things,like 'Move your hands a lot' or 'Giggle',just trying to loosen her up so she wasn't as aware of her own significance."

我们在奥德昂餐厅用餐的整个过程中,劳伦斯从头到尾都没有停止一种对眼前的世界和人的密切关注。你几乎能看到她的大脑在扫描整个餐厅,筛选数据,然后适时地说出直截了当的评述,或者一些怪异深奥的言语。(谈话中的某一时刻,她拿起我的RadioShack牌磁带录音机细细观察:“这是老古董了啊。你是打算用手,比如,拿笔,写出整篇报道吗?”)如果这有什么不好的话——虽然我并不这样认为——那可能就是她太忙着获取连接和处理数据,导致她有些应接不暇。谈话中有很多时候她太过兴奋想要分享脑子里刚刚冒出来的七件事,以至于说话时有些上气不接下气,让人一时难以理解她说的话。朱迪·福斯特谈到自己在片场如何指导她时,这样说道:“要让她表现得肤浅、女孩气、傻傻的和不自知太难了,所以我的指导通常听起来都有点傻,比如‘多动动你的手’或是‘咯咯地笑一下’,好让她放松一点,尽量忘掉自己的存在。”☆饥饿游戏Catching Fire: Everything You Need to Remember Before You See It《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》观影必备◎ By Amanda Dobbins 译/Evan Chao


How about those Hunger Games,right? Quite the games! The first book was great! Jennifer Lawrence was great! You liked that moment with the girl,and that thing about the districts,and ...yeah,okay,your memory is a little rusty on this.So before you see Catching Fire,here is a quick primeron what you need to know about books one and two.《饥饿游戏》系列好看吗?非常给力!第一部超赞!詹妮弗·劳伦斯威武!你喜欢那个女孩的那一刻,那些区的那点事儿,还有……行,得,显然你对第一部电影的印象已经有点模糊了。因此在你观看《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》(编注:以下简称《星火燎原》)之前,不妨先快速过一下下列关于《饥饿游戏》前两部小说的必备入门知识。Your heroine is Katniss Everdeen女主角名叫凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩

Katniss—who is named after a plant,don't make fun—lives in District 12,the poorest of Panem's 12 regions.She is 17 years old at the start of Catching Fire;she lives with her mother and her younger sister,Prim,in a fancy house given to the winners of the Hunger Games.Katniss likes hunting with her friend Gale;she does not like faking a relationship with her co-winner,Peeta.

凯特尼斯这个名字取自某种植物,不是开玩笑,这是真的(编注:Katniss在印第安语中有“慈菇”之意,是一种伴水而生的植物,根部可食用)。她住在帕纳姆国12个辖区里最贫穷的第12区,《星火燎原》开篇交代她现年17岁,和母亲及妹妹普里姆住在一栋奖给饥饿游戏获胜者的豪宅里。凯特尼斯喜欢和好友盖尔一起打猎,不喜欢和饥饿游戏的另一赢家皮塔装情侣。The name of her country is Panem,and it is a messed upplace女主角所在的国家名叫帕纳姆,那里统治混乱

Panem as in panem et circuses,or bread and circuses,which is a governing philosophy that applies here.In some not-so-distant future,the United States is divided into 12 districts plus a ruling Capitol.The Capitol has all the wealth,food,and fun;the impoverisheddistricts work for the Capitol.After a rebellion 75 years ago,the annual Hunger Games were instituted as a way of punishing the districts and keeping the current power structure in place.The rules are as follows: each district must send a male and a female competitor between the ages of 12 and 18 (called "tributes") to the Capitol to compete in a televised battle to the death.For the Capitol,the Games are the ultimate in entertainment,like the Olympics and the Oscars rolled into one.The competition takes place in a special arena designed by the Gamemakers;the environment and threats in the arena are different each year.The people in the Capitol place bets on the Games,and they can also choose to sponsor tributes—sending them supplies,mostly—based on likability.

帕纳姆,源自拉丁语panem et circuses,即“面包和马戏”,是该国实行的一套治国理念。在不远的将来,美国被划分为12个辖区,外加一个起统治作用的凯匹特。凯匹特掌管全国所有的财富、食物和娱乐资源,而那些贫困辖区则要为凯匹特效劳。自从75年前发生一场叛乱后,帕纳姆国每年都要举办一场饥饿游戏,以此来惩罚各区,维护既有权力格局。饥饿游戏的比赛规则如下:每个区必须选派12~18岁之间的男女参赛者(称为“贡品”)各一名,到凯匹特参加一场电视直播的生死对决比赛。对凯匹特来说,饥饿游戏是最为盛大的一场娱乐活动,像是奥运会和奥斯卡的混合体。比赛在一个由游戏制定者设计的特殊竞技场进行;竞技场的陈设布局和危险设置每年都不相同。凯匹特的居民可以通过这个游戏下注赌博,还可以根据个人喜好选择资助贡品——主要形式是为贡品提供物资装备。The last Hunger Games were a little unusual上届的饥饿游戏有点不同寻常

Each district's tributes are decided by lottery,but the rules allow for another child to volunteer in the tribute's place.This is how Katniss wound upin the 74th Hunger Games—her little sister,Prim,was chosen,and Katniss loves nothing more than she loves Prim.The Games got weirder from there: Katniss's male partner from District 12 was Peeta Mellark,a nice guy who turned out to have the world's largest crush on Katniss.As a strategy to win more sponsors and distract their competitors,Peeta and Katniss faked a full-blownromance.At the very end,when Peeta and Katniss were the only two tributes left,they refused to kill each other,and decided to eat poisonous berries instead.The Gamemakers stopped them just in time and named them co-winners—something that had never happened before in the history of the Games.

各区的贡品通过抽签选出,不过游戏规则也允许别的孩子自告奋勇来充当贡品。正因为如此,凯特尼斯才会被卷入第74届饥饿游戏——原本是她的妹妹普里姆被抽中,但凯特尼斯爱妹妹胜过一切,于是决定代妹参赛。游戏由此又添离奇之处:凯特尼斯的男搭档是来自第12区的皮塔·麦拉克,这个心地善良的男孩原来藏着一份对凯特尼斯的旷世爱恋。为赢得更多的赞助者,同时迷惑竞争对手,皮塔和凯特尼斯假装成一对情深似海的恋人。游戏最后,皮塔和凯特尼斯成为仅存的两个贡品,但他们不愿杀死对方,决定吃毒果自杀。游戏制定者及时拦住他们,宣布他们同为获胜者——这可是饥饿游戏历史上前所未有的事情。This year's Hunger Games are going to be even weirder!今年的饥饿游戏将更加离奇!

Every 25 years,the Capitol holds a Quarter Quell,a super-duperspecial version of the Hunger Games,with especially screwed-up rules.So the rules for Catching Fire are that old tributes have to go back into the arena! Which means: Katniss,the only female victor in District 12's history,is definitely going back.

每隔25年,凯匹特都要举办一场盛大的、拥有极具毁灭性规则的饥饿游戏特别赛事——世纪极限赛。《星火燎原》呈现的这场世纪极限赛的比赛规则是,往届比赛的贡品必须重返竞技场参加决斗!这就意味着,第12区史上唯一的女赢家凯特尼斯确定无疑将会重返赛场。Good news,though,some people are getting pretty fed upwith this whole situation这是个好消息,不过有些人却对整个形势越来越不满

Citizens of Panem cannot leave their own district,and they have no idea what is going on in neighboring regions ...which is why Katniss is surprised to learn that demonstrations have started in District 8,and maybe elsewhere.The first Hunger Games movie hinted at these stirrings of revolution,but President Snow informs us pretty early on in Catching Fire that an uprising is forming—inspired largely by Katniss's decision to eat the berries,which was seen as an act of defiance.Bad news for Snow (and Katniss,whom he blames);hopeful news for everyone else.

帕纳姆国的公民不能离开各自的辖区,也就不知道邻近辖区在上演着什么。因此,当得知第8区或许还有别的区出现示威抗议这个消息时,凯特尼斯惊讶不已。电影《饥饿游戏》第一部只是对反叛的苗头有所暗示,但在第二部《星火燎原》开始没多久,帕纳姆国的总统斯诺就告诉我们起义正在酝酿之中,而起义的导火索多半源自凯特尼斯决定吃浆果自杀,因为这被视为了一种反抗行为。对斯诺(也包括被其视为罪人的凯特尼斯)来说,这是个坏消息,但对其他人而言,却是个充满希望的消息。Everyone in the Capitol dresses like a Fashion Clown凯匹特的居民个个打扮得像个恶俗的小丑

Everyone in the Capitol looks totally crazy—technicolorbody paint,strange asymmetricalrobes,bad wigs.This is why Katniss is called "The Girl on Fire".Because she wore a fancy flame dress to one of the pre-Games pageants."Catching Fire" refers to Katniss's name and to the fact that everyone in the districts is beginning to embrace the revolution.






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