美国文化知识一本通=Get to Know American(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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美国文化知识一本通=Get to Know American

美国文化知识一本通=Get to Know American试读:



所谓文化,指的是一个社会的整个生活方式或一个民族的全部活动方式。美国历史虽然不像中国历史这样源远流长,但其文化亦十分丰富。作为目前世界上最发达的国家,美国文化对世界不同民族的巨大影响是不言而喻的。在中国文化“走出去”和“一带一路”国家战略的宏大背景下,我们不仅要向世界各民族大力推广中国的优秀传统文化,也需要对他国文化有更全面的了解。中国和美国同为当今世界具有广泛影响力的大国,两国之间的文化交流应该比历史上任何一个时期都更加重要、更加必要。在新的历史时期,我们一方面要不断提升文化自信,另一方面还要高度重视对他国文化的深入了解。就美国而言,虽然美国的电视、电影、音乐和IT技术等在中国有众多的粉丝和消费群体,但他们却未必知道其渊源和精髓。不仅如此,能够准确回答以下这些问题的人,恐怕也不会很多,诸如:自由女神(Statue of Liberty)的全称是什么?山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)为什么是美国的绰号?芭比娃娃(Barbie Doll)凭什么成为所有女孩乃至成年女性的心仪玩偶?美国人为什么又被称为“扬基人”(Yankees)?美国国旗为什么被称为“星条旗”(Stars and Stripes)?阿波罗13号(Apollo 13)到底指的是什么?人们为什么把美国的总统竞选说成是“驴象之争”(Donkey vs. Elephant)?常春藤联盟(Ivy League)指的是哪几所著名大学?等等。毋庸置疑,这些文化知识在我们与美国人的各类交流中应该成为一种常识。尤其对于国家提倡的2016“中美旅游年”来说,这些常识是必不可少的。

此外,语言是文化的组成部分和最重要的载体。要想学会并掌握一种语言,首先必须了解其赖以产生和发展的文化背景知识。英语是美国的官方语言,美国文化对英语语言的影响是多方面和多途径的。中国有目前世界上最大的英语学习者群体,对众多的中国英语学习者来说,了解美国文化自然是掌握英语这种语言的必要内容之一。譬如,一个不了解美国历史的英语学习者,很难真正理解“baby boom”的含义,一个不了解美国政治体制的英语学习者,也不可能知晓“First Lady”的称谓内涵。

为了帮助中国大学生或英语爱好者更好地了解美国文化、增强自身的跨文化意识和对中美两国文化差异的敏感性,促进英语学习效率,提高跨文化交际能力,我们特别组织长期从事中美文化交流和英语教学的教授、副教授编写了这本《美国文化知识一本通》。重点梳理美国的历史地理、政治制度、社会生活、文学艺术、教育科技五个方面的文化知识,力图全景式地扫描美国文化的不同维面,让读者在学习英语语言的同时,进一步加深对美国社会的价值观念和文化渊源的认识、判断、分辨与理解。《美国文化知识一本通》是广州大学美国文化中心集体智慧的结晶。全书的编写提纲和整体框架由肖坤学教授、陆道夫教授负责设计。彭志瑛副教授、金辉副教授、肖坤学教授、陈姝副教授、陆道夫教授、叶青老师分别承担了第1章、第2章、第3章、第4章、第5章和第6章的编写工作。附录一由金辉副教授负责,附录二、附录三由陆道夫教授负责。美国卫斯理安学院常务副校长Vivia Lawton Fowler博士担任本书学术顾问,主要负责全书英文文字和知识点的审核。全书的内容统稿和文字润色由陆道夫教授承担。参加本书知识点审校工作的还有美国卫斯理安学院的Thomas C. Ellington教授,Glenda K. Ferguson教授,Randy Heaton博士,Kara J. Kostiuk副教授,Joeseph Lease博士,Patrick Pritchard教授,Nicholas Steneck副教授等。衷心感谢广州大学国际交流合作处的资助与支持;感谢广州大学美国文化中心的学生大使(Students Ambassador)王金林、钟媚、丁婕三位研究生所做的志愿者工作。



With the powerful driving force of globalization and the advent of the Internet age,the influence of the American culture can be keenly felt in China. As the Chinese culture is going global and the“One belt,One road”national strategy is adopted,the influence of American culture on China should not be overlooked. American TV shows,cinema,music and information technologies are extremely popular with those avid Chinese consumers. However,very few people are familiar with the origin and essence of the American culture. For example,what is the full name of the Statue of Liberty?Why is the United States nicknamed Uncle Sam?How did Barbie Doll become the ideal doll of all the girls?Why are Americans called Yankees?Why is the national flag of America also known as the Stars and Stripes?What is Apollo 13?What is the Ivy League referred to?When these questions are going to be asked,one's mind might temporarily go blank without cultural immerse and knowledge of the American culture. Therefore,it is of vital importance to know American cultural knowledge in terms of daily life and cross-culture communication,especially during the“U.S.-China Tourism Year 2016”,advocated by China President Xi Jinping and American President Obama.

This book,entitled Getting to Know American Cultural Knowledge,aims at helping Chinese students and English learners to better understand the United Stated as a society with diversified cultures,to broaden the horizon of the students,to cultivate their cross-cultural communication awareness and analytical skills,so they will be more aware of the cultural differences between China and America. The five key modules of this book,namely political system,social life,literature and art,history and geography as well as education,science and technology,provide a panorama of the various aspects of the American culture. As a result,readers may further enhance their knowledge,judgement,critical thinking and understanding when it comes to the cultural value and origin of the American society while learning the language.

This book has been collectively compiled by the staff of the American Cultural Center at Guangzhou University. Professor Xiao Kunxue and Professor Lu Daofu outlined the framework of the book. Associate Professor Peng Zhiying wrote Chapter One. Associate Professor Jin Hui wrote Chapter Two. Professor Xiao Kunxue wrote Chapter Three. Associate Professor Chen Shu is responsible for Chapter Four. Professor Lu Daofu wrote Chapter Five and Ye Qing wrote Chapter Six. Appendix One was compiled by Associate Professor Jin Hui,and Professor Lu Daofu compiled Appendix Two and Three. Doctor Vivia Lawton Fowler,Provost of Wesleyan College,was the academic consultant of this book,who was responsible for the proofreading and accuracy of the book. Professor Lu Daofu has also polished the manuscript of the book.

We are greatly indebted to Professor Thomas C. Ellington,Professor Glenda K. Ferguson,Doctor Randy Heaton,Associate Professor Kara J. Kostiuk,Doctor Joeseph Lease,Professor Patrick Pritchard and Associate Professor Nicholas Steneck from Wesleyan College who helped to proofread the draft of the book. Special thanks also go to Mr. Harvey Sernovitz,Miss Anita Chan,Miss Courtney Collins in U.S. Embassy Beijing. Great thanks should go to Professor Eric Wertheimer in Arizona State University,Doctor William Brashears,Miss Angela Zhao and Miss Jessica Korinek in ACCEX,thanking them very much for their always support and assistance to our center at Guangzhou University. We are also grateful to ACC students ambassadors,our post-graduate students,Miss Wang Jinlin,Miss Zhong Mei,and Miss Ding Jie,thank them for their excellent volunteer job during the past two years.

This book provides both knowledge and entertainment to its target readers,who are college students,students preparing for entrance exams of vocational schools,English majors of Television Universities,English lovers,and contestants of American Cultural Knowledge Competitions. The book may also provide reference to college students preparing for CET-4,CET-6 and TEM-8 exams.Wesleyan College American Cultural Center at Guangzhou University(ACC) June 6,2016第1章地理区划(Land and Geography)1.1 内容概述(Brief Introduction)

美国位于西半球,主要包括美国本土(the contiguous United States)、阿拉斯加州(Alaska)及夏威夷州(Hawaii)三个部分。美国本土包含北美洲48个相邻的州;阿拉斯加州是位于北美洲最西北部的半岛;夏威夷州则是坐落于太平洋的群岛。此外,太平洋和加勒比海上还有关岛(Guam)、波多黎各(Puerto Rico)和美属维尔京群岛(the U.S. Virgin Islands)等美国领土。美国本土分别与加拿大和墨西哥相邻,并隔海与俄罗斯、古巴、巴哈马对望。



美国北部与加拿大相邻,南接墨西哥和墨西哥湾,西濒太平洋,东临大西洋,海岸线长22 680千米。地势东西高,中央低,主要山脉为南北走向。境内地形从东到西大致可分为大西洋沿岸平原、阿巴拉契亚山脉(the Appalachian Mountains)、内地平原、西部山系、西部山间高原等5个地理区。大西洋沿岸平原是北美东部沿海平原的主要部分,北起新英格兰,南达墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛,向西包括佛罗里达半岛(Florida);阿巴拉契亚山脉绵亘2 400千米,由几条平行山脉组成;内地平原分为东部的中央低地和西部的大平原(the Great Plains)(亦称大草原)两部分,北宽南窄,北起美、加边界,南达大西洋沿岸平原的格兰德河一带;西部山系包括落基山脉(the Rocky Mountains)、内华达山脉(Sierra Nevada)、喀斯喀特山脉及海岸山脉等;西部山间高原的主要组成部分是含有大盐湖(Great Salt Lake)的大盆地(Great Basin),地貌复杂多样,其中科罗拉多河的大峡谷(the Great Canyon)已辟为国家公园。内华达山脉的惠特尼山(Mount Whitney)是本土的最高点,海拔4 418米,该山附近的死谷(Death Valley)最低处低于海平面85米,为北美最低点。全国最高点为阿拉斯加州的麦金利山(Mount Mckinley),海拔6 193米。落基山脉为太平洋水系和大西洋水系的分水岭。太平洋水系的主要河流有科罗拉多河、哥伦比亚河、育空河。大西洋水系的主要河流有密西西比河、康涅狄格河、赫德森河。东北部的苏必利尔湖(Lake Superior)、休伦湖(Lake Huron)、密歇根湖(Lake Michigan)、伊利湖(Lake Erie)和安大略湖(Lake Ontario)等5大湖是世界最大的淡水湖群。大盆地的著名大盐湖是北美洲面积最大、盐分最高的咸水湖。

美国幅员辽阔,地形复杂,各地气候差异较大,大体可分为5个气候区。东北部沿海的温带气候区(temperate climate zone),因受拉布拉多寒流和北方冷空气的影响,冬季寒冷,一月份平均温度为-6℃,夏季温和多雨,七月份平均温度为16℃,年平均降水量为1 000毫米;东南部亚热带气候区,因受墨西哥湾暖流的影响,气候温暖湿润,一月份平均温度为9℃,七月份平均温度为24℃~27℃,年平均降水量为1 500毫米;中央平原的大陆性气候区(continental climate zone),冬季寒冷,一月份平均温度为-14℃,夏季炎热,七月份平均气温为27℃~32℃,年平均降水量为1 000~1 500毫米;西部高原干燥气候区(dry climate zone)为内陆性气候,高原上年温差较大,科罗拉多高原的年温差高达25℃,年平均降水量在500毫米以下,高原荒漠地带降水量不到250毫米;太平洋沿岸的海洋性气候区(maritime climate zone)冬暖夏凉,雨量充沛,一月份平均气温在4℃以上,七月份平均气温在20℃~22℃,年平均降水量为1 500毫米。

美国的农业、矿产和森林资源丰富。农业用地(耕地和牧地)约为4.3亿公顷,占地球全部农业用地的10%左右。由于机械化程度高,粮食总产量约占世界的20%。主要农畜品有玉米、小麦、大麦、燕麦、蔗糖、土豆、大豆、水果、牛肉、猪肉等。主要农畜产品如小麦、玉米、大豆、棉花、肉类等产量均居世界第一位。矿产方面,煤、石油、天然气、铁矿石、钾盐、磷酸盐、硫黄等矿物储量均居世界前列。其他矿物还有铜、铅、钼、铀、铝矾土、金、汞、镍、碳酸钾、银、钨、锌、铝、铋等。钛、锰、钴、铬等战略物资主要靠进口。煤炭的总储量为35 996亿吨,石油总储量为240多亿吨,天然气储量为56 034亿立方米。美国拥有18亿公顷的森林,占全国土地总面积的31.5%左右,主要树种有美洲松、黄松、白松和橡树类。



美国共分成十大地区:新英格兰地区、中央地区、中大西洋地区、西南地区、阿巴拉契亚山地区、高山地区、东南地区、太平洋沿岸地区、大湖地区和阿拉斯加与夏威夷。美国包括50个州和首都所在地华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington,D.C.),总共有3 042个县。联邦领地包括波多黎各自由联邦和北马里亚纳;海外领地包括关岛、美属萨摩亚群岛、美属维尔京群岛等。




1. [美]布林克利、詹金斯著,尚晋等译:《美国国家地理125年》,北京:北京美术摄影出版社2015年版。

2. [美]查尔斯·B.亨特著,北京师范学院《美国自然地理》翻译小组译:《美国自然地理》,北京:北京出版社1980年版。

3. [美]拉尔夫·布朗著,秦土勉译:《美国历史地理》,北京:商务印书馆1973年版。

4. 严维明:《当代美国概况》,上海:上海译文出版社1989年版。

5. [美]美国国家地理学会:《超越视觉:美国〈国家地理〉典藏图片集》,北京:中国旅游出版社2009年版。

6. https://en.wikipedia.org.

7. http://www.ushistory.org.1.2 知识应用(Use of Knowledge)1.2.1 选择题(Multiple Choice)

Make the best choice for the following questions or unfinished statements.

1. The United States consists of____states in all.

a. 51 b. 50 c. 48 d. 30

2. The total area of the United States is about____square kilometers.

a. 3,800,000 b. 9,300,000 c. 9,600,000 d. 2,260,000

3. To the east of the United States lies the____Ocean,and to the west of it the____Ocean.

a. Atlantic…Pacific b. Indian…Pacific c. Pacific…Atlantic d. Pacific…Arctic

4. Of the two states of the United States off the mainland,____lies in the Pacific Ocean.

a. Alaska b. Hawaii c. Florida d. Rhode Island

5. The Appalachian Range begins from____in the north and reaches____in the south.

a. California…Texas b. Colorado…Arizona c. Canadian border…Wyoming d. South Quebec…Alabama

6. The world-famous Yellowstone National Park is situated in____.

a. the Rocky mountains b. the Appalachian Mountains c. the Central Plain d. the Great Lakes

7. Located near the border of California and Nevada,in the Great Basin,east of the Sierra Nevada mountains,lies in____,which is the driest part of the country.

a. Gulf Plain b. Death Valley c. Sunset Valley d. New England

8. Death Valley,____meters below the sea level,is the lowest point in North America.

a. 85 b. 58 c. 98 d. 185

9. The____is the most important agricultural area in the United States.

a. Great Plains b. eastern part of the Central Plain c. District of Columbia d. Great Basin

10. The Missouri River,the longest river in the United States,is about____miles long.

a. 5,380 b. 6,230 c. 9,300 d. 2,340

11. The largest river city in the United States is____.

a. St. Louis b. Philadelphia c. Detroit d. Pittsburgh

12. The largest freshwater lake in the world is____.

a. Lake Ontario b. Lake Erie c. Lake Superior d. Lake Michigan

13. ____in the state of____is the largest saltwater lake in North America.

a. Lake Ontario…New Hampshire b. The Neagh Lake…Wyoming c. The Great Salt Lake…Utah d. The Great Salt Lake…Washington

14. Which of the following statements about the climate in the United States is NOT true?

a. Most of the United States territory stands in the northern temperate zone. b. Through the middle of the United States,north and south,runs a well-known 50 centimeter Rainfall Line,to the east of which there is less rainfall and to the west of which there is more rainfall. c. Taking the United States as a whole,its climate may be classified as one of the continental or one of the mild subtropical one. d. The southern part of Florida enjoys a tropical climate.

15. The state of____has the biggest population in the United States.

a. New York b. Arizona c. Oklahoma d. California

16. Four of the Pacific states—Washington,California,____and____are famous for their production of fruit.

a. Florida…Maine b. Alabama…Georgia c. Virginia…Alaska d. Oregon…Hawaii

17. The major producers of petroleum in the United States are____and California.

a. Texas b. South Carolina c. Nevada d. Rhode Island

18. The United States is now the____largest trading partner of China.

a. second b. first c. fifth d. fourth

19. ____,which is in the city of____,is America's oldest university.

a. Yale University…Boston b. Massachusetts University…Boston c. Harvard University…Cambridge d. Harvard University…Chicago

20. The phrase“Cradle of American Liberty”is used to refer to____.

a. San Francisco b. Philadelphia c. New Orleans d. Boston

21. In New York,all streets running from south to north are called____,and those running from east to west are called____.

a. streets…avenues b. avenues…streets c. roads…avenues d. streets…roads

22. Broadway in New York is____.

a. a shopping center b. a fashion center c. a financial center d. a center of theaters

23. The Statue of Liberty,given as a gift by____,stands on the Liberty Island in____.

a. France…Boston b. Italy…Washington c. Spain…Chicago d. France…New York

24. Because of the availability of rich iron ore from its surrounding country and the Lake Superior region,____has become the largest producer of iron and steel in the United States.

a. Detroit b. Miami c. Pittsburgh d. Chicago

25. As the____largest city in the United States,Chicago is most famous for its____.

a. second…chemical industry b. fifth…iron and steel industry c. third…food processing industry d. fourth…automobile industry

26. ____is a famous automotive town bordering on Lake Erie and has one of the highest crime rates in the United States.

a. Pittsburgh b. Detroit c. Birmingham d. Houston

27. Miami,a sub-tropical city in Florida,is best known for its____industry.

a. tourism b. chemical c. food-processing d. package

28. The U.S. National Aeronautic and Space Administration is in____while the Kennedy Space Center is in____.

a. Seattle…Los Angeles b. San Francisco…New York c. Birmingham…Boston d. Washington D.C. … Florida

29. The Boeing Company,the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined,has its headquarters in____.

a. Chicago b. Houston c. Philadelphia d. Los Angeles

30. The United States is known as a“Melting Pot”for its mixture of____.

a. religions b. nationalities c. climates d. states

31. The ethnic and racial diversity of the United States resulted mostly from____.

a. too much aggression b. the fast development of its industry c. immigration from various parts of the world and importation of slaves from Africa d. its bit population

32. Which of the following statements is NOT true of U.S. industry?

a. The United States is a leader in the production of energy and manufacturing. b. Main industries include petroleum,steel,automobiles,electronics and food processing,and consumer goods. c. The United States can be divided into eight industrial sections. d. The industries in the United States are distributed evenly throughout the country.

33. Of all American crops,____is the most important.

a. rice b. barley c. corn d. wheat

34. American agriculture is commercial in nature and organized in the form of____.

a. farms b. communities c. working groups d. farming teams

35. Which of the following statements about U.S. agriculture is NOT true?





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