
发布时间:2020-06-20 16:36:51







Unit 1


Text I

1.sermon [5sE:mEn] n. talk or a moral or religious subject, usu. given by a clergy-man from the pulpit during a religious service 讲道(通常指教士在讲坛上做出的); vi. 布道

2.frustrated [frQ5streitid,5frQ-\] adj. discouraged; not satisfied失意的,挫败的

3.depressed [di5prest] adj. sad and without enthusiasm忧愁的;消沉的;沮丧的

4.miscalculation [5mis7kAlkju5leiFEn] n. mistake in calculation计算错误

5.considerable [kEn5sidErEbl] adj. great in amount or size相当多的,相当大的 e.g. It will cost considerable time to lacquer the old furniture. 粉刷旧家具要花相当多时间。

6.fall through—fail to be completed; come to nothing落空,成为泡影

7.prospect [5prCspekt] n. reasonable hope that sth. will happen;expectation期望,有根据的希望;vt. 勘探;勘察;找矿e.g. to prospect a mine 勘探矿藏

8.muffle [5mQfl] vt. wrap or cover sb./sth. for warmth or protection包裹或覆盖某人(某物)(为保暖或保护);e.g. Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice.布莱克用手帕遮住话筒来压低声音。 n. 裹物;覆盖物;围巾;头巾;面纱;低沉的声音

9.gnome [nEum] n. (in legends) a little old man who lives underground and guards the earth’s treasures 土地神;a small ugly person 侏儒

10.eminent [5eminEnt] adj. (of a person) famous and distinguished (指人)著名的,杰出的,卓越的e.g. He is an eminent writer of China. 他是一位杰出的中国作家。

11.invariable [in5vZEriEbl] adj. never changing; always the same; constant永不变的,始终如一的,恒定的 e.g. There are no absolute, invariable moral rules. 没有绝对的,不变的道德准则

12.indestructible [7indi5strQktEbl] adj. that cannot be destroyed不可毁灭的,牢不可破的;(比喻)身体强壮的 e.g. Love is indestructible. 爱是坚不可摧的。

13.preliminary [pri5liminEri] n. an action preceding something more important. Here, it refers to a friendly greeting such as “Hello”, etc. 寒暄; n. 准备;预赛;初步措施 adj. 初步的;开始的;预备的

14.long since—long ago很久以前

15.cease [si:s] v. come or bring (sth.) to an end; stop停止,中止

16.at some length—in some detail详细地

17.melancholy [5melEnkEli] adj. very sad; depressed悲哀的;沮丧的; n. 忧郁;悲哀;愁思(sadness , doldrums)e.g. Melancholy is the preponderant mood of the poem. 忧郁的感情是该诗的基调。

18.denominator [di5nCmineitE] n. a common trait or characteristic共同特征或共同性质; n. [数]分母;命名者(namer, nomenclator)

19.berate [bi5reit] vt. scold sharply严厉责备;痛斥e.g. Marion berated Joe for the noise he made. 乔不停吵闹,遭到玛丽恩斥责。

20.marital [5mAritl] adj. of a husband or wife; of marriage夫妇间的;婚姻的

21.spot [spCt] v. pick out(one person or thing from many); catch sight of; recognize; discover辨出;认出;发觉;e.g. Vicenzo failed to spot the error. 维森佐没能发现这个错误。 n. 地点;斑点 on the spot 立刻,当场;在危险中;处于负责地位 vt. 弄脏;e.g. His boots were spotted with mud. 他的靴子上沾有泥渍。

22.woeful [5wEuful] adj. full of woe; sad悲哀的;伤心的

23.lament [lE5ment] vt. feel or express great sorrow or regret for(sb./sth. )为某人(某事物)感到悲痛;哀悼;痛惜 n. 挽歌;恸哭;悲痛之情

24.perverse [pE(:)5vE:s] adj. Directed away from what is right or good; perverted. (行为)任性的,蛮不讲理的 e.g. She was perversely pleased to be causing trouble. 她制造麻烦,还乐在其中,真是反常。

25.miracle [5mirEkl] n. good or welcome act or event which does not follow the known laws of nature and is therefore thought to be caused by some supernatural power奇迹

26.grim [^rim] adj. unpleasant; depressing冷酷的;糟糕的;残忍的

27.audible [5C:dEbl] adj. that can be heard clearly可听得见的 e.g. His voice was barely audible.他的声音几乎听不见。

28.cruise [kru:z] vt. 巡航,巡游;漫游 n. 巡航,巡游;乘船游览

29.immortality [imC:5tAlEti] n. state of being immortal不朽;永存

30.rewarding [ri5wC:diN] adj. 令人满意的; 值得的;有报酬的,报答的 e.g. Teaching is not very rewarding financially. 教书的工作报酬不太高.

31.shapeless [5Feiplis] adj. without a distinct or attractive shape. 不成形的,不好看的

32.perceptiveness洞察力,直觉insight, penetration.

33.chill [tFil] adj. moderately cold; chilly偏冷的;寒嗖嗖的; n. 寒冷;寒意;寒心; vt. 冷冻,冷藏;使寒心;使感到冷

34.cardboard [5kB:dbC:d] n. thick, stiff paper that is used, for example, to make boxes and models 硬纸板

35.bitterly [5bitEli] adj. very; violently 强烈地;非常 bitterly upset 极其难过

36.defensively [di5fensivli] adj. 防御的,防卫的,保卫的,自卫的;保护的

37.promptly [5prRmptli] adj. immediately. 立即地;迅速地 e.g. They acted promptly in the emergency. 他们在紧急情况下立即行动起来。

38.stiffly [5stifli] adj. stubbornly, obstinately 生硬地;顽固地;呆板地e.g. They greeted each other stiffly, without affection. 他们生硬地打着招呼,没有一丝爱意。

Text II

1.intent [in5tent] adj. occupied in doing sth. with great concentration. 专心的,专注的;e.g. She looked from one intent face to another. 她看着一张张专注的面孔。 adj. 坚决的;e.g. The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure.反叛分子显然决心继续施加压力。 n. 意图,目的;But it is our intent that they learn something. 但是我们的目的就是让他们学到东西。

2.curious [5kjuEriEs] adj. eager to know or learn富于好奇心的,有求知欲的,感兴趣的

3.fastidious [fAs5tidiEs] adj. selecting carefully; choosing only what is good挑剔的;苛求的,难取悦的;e.g. She is too fastidious about her food or clothing. 她爱讲究吃穿。

4.superscript [5sju:pEskript] adj. written or printed just above a word, figure, or symbol上角标的(写或印在字、数字或符号上面的);标在上方的 n. 上标

5.etymology [7eti5mClEdVi] n. study of the origin and history of words and their meanings词源学

6.contrived [kEn5traivd] adj. planned in advance rather than being spontaneous or genuine人为的;做作的;虚假的 e.g. It looks too contrived. 这看起来就很假。

7.snooty [5snu:ti] adj. showing disapproval and contempt towards others目中无人的,妄自尊大的snooty intellectuals 自大的知识分子

8.for the nonce—for the time being目前;暂时

9.haughty [5hC:ti] adj. (of a person or his manner) arrogant while despising others; proud and disdainful(指人或态度)高傲自大的 e.g. He spoke in a haughty tone.他说起话来口气傲慢。

10.supercilious [sju:pE5siliEs] adj. thinking or showing that one thinks one is better than other people; arrogant and disdainful自高自大的;目空一切的

11.broker [5brEukE] n. person who buys and sells things(e.g. shares in a business) for others; middleman经纪人(如替人买卖股票的);中间人;掮客

12.introspection [7intrEu5spekFEn] n. the action of examining or being concerned with one’s own thoughts, feelings and motives反省,内省 e.g. The organization needs introspection. 这个组织需要内省。

13.mimeograph [5mimiE^rB:f] n. apparatus for making copies of written or typed material from a stencil油印机

14.stenographer [st[5nR^rEfE(r)] n. person who can write shorthand or is employed to do this会速记的人;速记员

15.ligature [5li^EtFuE] n. thread, bandage, etc. used for tying esp. in surgical operations(用作绑缚的)线,绷带;(尤指外科的)结扎线,缚线

16.ligament [5li^EmEnt] n. tough flexible tissue in a person’s or an animal’s body that connects bones and holds organs in position韧带


Text I























Text II










当然,还有很多比这个词的历史简单得多的词。例如:当你说到“surplus(剩余)”一词时,你只不过是在说sur[法语词,意为“over(超过,多)”] plus[法语词,意为“more(更加,更多)”]或surplus,即你有比你所需要的“over-more(更多)”的东西。

如果你正处于一种妄自尊大的心境,并且碰巧对待某人相当傲慢时,你的朋友可能会说你“supercilious(自高自大)”,该词来自拉丁语“supercilium”,意思是指你刚抬起的“眉头”。你非常喜欢的人,变成了你的“companion(伙伴)”的人,——cun[拉丁词,意为“with(和…在一起)”]和panis[拉丁词,意为“bread(面包)”]——也就是那个和你一起吃面包的人。就是如此,再举个例子,桥牌中的“trumps(王牌)”一词来自法语词“triomphe”,或“triumph”,纸牌戏中的一种旧时玩法。在现代的玩牌中,一个花色的牌被允许战胜或“trump(吃掉)”另一个花色的牌。又举个例子,在军队里,“lieutenant(陆军中尉)”一词从字面上看是指在陆军上尉不在时来代替他的位置的人。它来自于法语词lieu[我们在“in lieu of”(代替)这一结构中用到它]和tenir(握有,占有)。“captain(陆军上尉)”一词则由拉丁词caput(头)得来;“colonel(上校)”一词来自“columna他所带领的‘column(纵队)’]。”



让我们举个例子,拉丁词spectare(意为“看,观察”)中包含词根spec,由这一个词根已经发展出240多个英语单词。我们发现该词根隐藏在这样一些单词中,如spectacles(那些你用以“看”透事物的东西)中;隐藏在respect(你对你想再“看”到的那个人的表现出充满敬意的言行)中;在inspect(进入事物里面去“看”)中;同样也隐藏在disrespect(dis- 表示“不愿意”;re- 表示“再,又”;spec- 表示“看,观察”中,当你对某人无礼(disrespect)时,就很清楚的表现出你不想再看到他;在introspection(从内部来观察或看)中;在spectator(某个观察或“看”的人)中;在spectator(“看”东西的人)中。





我们是不是应该选择一个单词来作为展现语言那令人惊奇的生命力的例子呢?简单的三字母run,到目前的书写史为止,它在字典中已经有90多个定义。在你的长袜上有“run(因袜子掉了一针或被外物刺破而留下的一条又细又长的缝)”;在银行里有“run(挤兑)”;在棒球运动中有“run(得分)”。时针可能“run down(停止工作)”,但是你的帐单会,“run up(快速累增);色彩会“run(掉色)”;你可能会“run a race(参加赛跑)”或“run a business(经商)”,又或你对一工厂有“run(经营、支配权)”,或者从不同方向理解,当你获得对屋内事物的“run(使用权)”时你就有了对房子的“run(支配权)”。我们能向你保证,这个小小的动态词仍然未走完其多变的生命历程。





Text I

1.Nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person: 句中rewarding一词表示worth doing;satisfying. 意为“值得的,有益的”。如:Gardening is a very rewarding pastime. 园艺劳动是非常有益的消遣。句中insight一词我们总结如下:①表示the ability to gain an deep understanding of a situation.意为“深入了解,深刻见解”。如:The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the Earth’s atmosphere.该项目将使科学家们对地球大气层正在发生的情况有更新的了解。②表示to be able to understand complex situations. 意为“洞察力”。如:He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.他是个性格坚强的人,有着非凡的洞察力和交际手腕。

2.Because of several miscalculations on my part, a project of considerable importance in my life had fallen through: 句中短语 on one’s part =as far as one is concerned. 意为“就某人而言;某人方面的”。如:I consider this a gross oversight on your part. 我认为这是你的严重疏忽。There are still some doubts on the part of the employers. 雇主方面仍心存怀疑。短语fall through = fail to be successfully completed. 意为“失败,落空”。如:The whole plan fell through because of lack of fund. 由于缺乏资金,整个计划失败了。

3.I sat there frowning at the checkered tablecloth, chewing the bitter cud of hindsight: 此处chew the cud,作者将这一现象用到人的身上,是一种暗喻的手法,指“计划失败后,作者反复地思考着此事。”该词组第一个意思是表示bring food from stomach back into the mouth and chew it again, 意为“反刍”。如:第二个意思表示reflect upon sth. already said or done;表示“深思;反复考虑;细想”。如:After retirement, he has enough time to chew the cud of his past.退休以后,他有足够的时间来回想回想过去。

4.So I proceeded to tell him, at some length, just what was bothering me : 句中proceed / with sth. = begin to do sth.如:Please proceed with your report .请继续做报告吧。Let us proceed to the next part. 让我们进行下一部分的学习吧。句中短语at some length= in some detail.如:These concepts will be discussed at some length in this book.这些概念将在本书中以一定的篇幅得到讨论。

5.He berated himself for not having worked harder, for not having looked ahead: 句中berate sb. for sth. 是固定用法,表示“因为…斥责某人”。如:He was berated for not attending the important meeting on time.他因为迟到了那个重要的会议遭到斥责。

6.The third voice belonged to a mother…was in trouble with the police: 短语be in trouble with sb. 在此指“落入某人手中,和某人有了冲突”如:He goes round in bad company and one day he’ll be in trouble with the police.他轧坏道,因而总有一天会被警察抓进去的。

7.There’s a perverse streak in all of us that makes us like to hash over old mistakes: 此时perverse streak指“固执的个性、倾向”。俚语hash over指“重新考虑;回顾”。如:hash over old days 追忆旧日

8.You’d stop saying if only, we might begin to get somewhere: 其中短语get somewhere= make progress.如:Keep trying and you are sure to get somewhere.不断尝试,肯定会有所进步。

9.I laughed and picked up the cue: 短语pick up the cue指“领会了其中的暗示”,文中指作者领会到“老人”故意使用“if only”这个词是想让他用“next time”来代替“if only”的这一暗示。

10.Change the key words and substitute a phrase that supplies lift instead of creating drag: 句中substitute一词表示“替代;更换”。起固定用法为 substitute A for B = replace B with A。如:Nothing could substitute for mother’s milk. 什么也替代不了母乳。

11.A month later, he died of a sudden heart attack, in full stride, so to speak: 句中短语 in full stride= very calmly but quickly. 关于stride的词组还有 take in one’s stride,表示“泰然自若;从容处理”。如:They took the emergency in their stride. 他们泰然的处理了紧急情况。

Text II

1.Keep them in condition: 句中短语 in condition表示fit;healthy. 即“处于某种环境中”,此处指“使词汇处于一种随时需要就能随时用的状态下”。如:He said they were not in condition to fight. 他说,他们还没有做战斗的准备。其反义词组就是out of condition.如:He knew that he was out of condition from sitting so long in the office without exercise.他知道自己不能长时间坐在办公室不运动。

2.Turn them over and over, and see the seal and superscription on each one…: seal指“图章”,superscription指“(数字、词等的) 上标”,这两个词在这里来泛指“关于词语的所有细节问题”。

3.Every word in our language is a frozen metaphor, a frozen picture: 此处frozen作“fixed”解,frozen metaphor和frozen picture是指“每个词背后所含的稳定的意义和意境”,即下文所提到的this poetry behind words所表达的意思。

4.which corresponds to our modern taximeter:词组correspond to意为“相当的,相似的”。如: The working of this machine corresponds to that of the human brain. 这种机器的作用就相当于人脑的作用。这里需要注意,correspond with sth. 意为“与…相一致,相符合”。如: Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, but sometimes our actions don’t correspond with what we desire.事实上,虽然我们都有着这种强烈的欲望,但是有时候我们的行动却并不与我们想要的相符。correspond with sb. 指“通信”。如:The prisoners are not allowed to correspond with their families at present. 嫌疑人现在不能够与家人通信联系。

5.If, by any chance, you would like to twit your friend…: 短语by any chance意为“万一;也许”。如:You have to rein in your temper if by any chance she refuses you.万一她拒绝了你,你可不许发火。请注意区分与by chance两者的不同含义,by chance,意为“偶然地,意外地”。如:Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.没有事情是偶然出现或运气使然。

6.Middle English: 意思是“中古英语”。是公元约1150-1470年间的英语。

7.We have in our language a host of roots such as these: 其中a host of= a large number of .意为“许多;大量”。如:Plants offer a host of health benefits. 植物对健康有很大的好处。




I. B







In the first few lines Gordon has already made it clear to the reader that what he is going to do is to tell how “the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person — not only changed, but changed for the better — ... Sometimes from a friend.”

In the first three paragraphs, which serve as a kind of introduction to the narration, we learn something about the physical circumstances for the meeting, i.e. the time — one rainy win- try afternoon, and the place — a French restaurant in Manhattan; the author’s somber mood caused by his failure to complete an important project; and also something about the Old Man — his age, his profession, and perhaps more importantly, his positive attitude towards life.

... whenever I find myself thinking “if only”, I change it to “next time”.


The Romance of Words

Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis


I. Answer the following multiple-choice questions.





II. Discuss the following questions.

1.The authors’ purpose of writing is to call upon the readers to pay more attention to words, which they tend to take for granted. This is made clear at the very beginning of the article by the sentence “From now on we want you to look at words intently, to be inordinately curious about them and to examine them syllable by syllable, letter by letter.” This is echoed by the sentence in the last paragraph: “From this time on, as we enter our word studies, try to become self-conscious about words.”

2.The two analogies the authors have made are “human beings” and “living trees”. But in the article they concentrate on the analogy of “living trees”.

3.Their explanations can be found in paras. 6, 12, and 16 respectively:

The story of the root of a word is the story of its origin.

The branches of the language tree are those many groups of words that have grown out from one original root.

The leaves of this language tree would be the words themselves and their meanings.

5.Open to discussion.



Two Words to Avoid, Two to Remember

Arthur Gordon

I. Answer the following questions.

1.The old man was an eminent psychiatrist and the author was a client of his.

2.Refer to para.1. To him, the session was just like “a flash of insight that leaves him a changed person — not only changed, but changed for the better.”

3.The three speakers on the tape were all unhappy, and the two words they all used frequently in what they said were “if only”. What the old man wanted to point out to the author was that to keep saying “if only” would not change anything; on the contrary, it only kept the person facing the wrong way — backward instead of forward. Thus it did more harm than good to the person who kept saying them. (See para.15)

4.Shift the focus; substitute “next time” for “if only”. (para. 20)

5.They point to entirely different mental directions; one is backward and negative, and the other forward and positive.

6.It is instructive and inspirational.

II. Use your own words to rephrase or explain each of the following without changing its original meaning.

1.It will be an extremely wonderful experience in life when one has suddenly and unexpectedly realized something that causes a change in him, a change that moves him towards the better.

2.Eventually, he showed up and began to walk across the street, wearing a dated overcoat that wrapped heavily around his body and an unattractive felt hat that rested low on his bald head, who would impress people only as a little stout old man rather than a distinguished psychiatrist.

3.The next speaker on the tape was a woman, who had remained unmarried because she thought she must take care of her mother, who was a widow. She still remembered and told others sadly/sorrowfully about all the chances of marriage she had missed.

4.Finally, if you keep saying to yourself “if only”, consciously or unconsciously, as a bad habit, you will find yourself stay where you are and you can hardly expect to progress any further.

5.…you were never able to dismiss the thought of what you had ever done before, and never tried to ask what you are supposed to do from now on.

III. Translation

1.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets.





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