
发布时间:2020-07-02 09:12:09








主 编:刘思岳 Marie White

编委会:杨淳雅 施浩皛 毕雄逸 方晴波

    鲍虹颖 俞安妮 吴樟星 吴震汹

    吴章木 邬伟博 路 达 刘庭成

    张赵云 王金柱 玉保全 谭吉林

    阎淑兰 吕庆功 张 波 安 莉

    周智霖 谢良华 汪天蓉 陈树新

    蒋丽红 王学秀 高 健 孙福智

    燕小伟 张巧勇 程玉培 张德宝

    章国良 丁小英 楼笑艳 沈吴春前 言Preface

随着时代的发展,外语学习的功能需求也发生了变化。以往,我们仅将阅读和写作当做学习的重要目标,再加上外语学习条件的限制,听和说的能力长期得不到提高,“哑巴英语”成为我国英语学习者的通病。继广受欢迎的《Step by Step畅听VOA新闻英语》系列丛书出版之后,我们又为广大读者带来了《轻松听懂CNN新闻英语》系列丛书以及《轻松听懂BBC新闻英语》系列丛书,这些都是练习英语听说的绝佳材料。

BBC是英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation)的简称,它是英国的一家由政府资助但独立运作的公共媒体,长久以来一直被认为是全球最受尊敬的媒体之一。BBC新闻英语相比VOA新闻英语和CNN新闻英语更早应用于我国的英语教育领域,其纯正的英式发音、规范的英语语法,对于英语学习者都有教科书式的示范效应。BBC新闻英语是各类英文考试听力题的重要素材来源。



选材趣味生动:本书选材过程分为两步:首先从浩如烟海的BBC新闻素材中选择中国读者感兴趣的时政、经济、科技、社会、文化等方面的新闻作为基础素材;其次由编者将选出的新闻素材反复收听、阅读,从长短不一的原始新闻素材中节选最具学习意义、且意思独立完整的分钟~ 分钟素材作为本书内容的组成部分。选材环节的严谨,确保了全书内容的有趣、生动、可读性强。














最后还要强调一点,对于任何学习,最重要的还是自己的努力与恒心。您的努力加上本书的指导,听力水平的提高那是“必须的”!编者2012年6月Part1 Focused Problems焦点问题News Item1 挪威民众举行活动,悼念枪击和爆炸袭击案的遇难者News Background新闻背景

2011年7月22日挪威首都奥斯陆发生爆炸和枪击事件,最终造成91人死亡。这是自第二次世界大战以来发生在挪威的最恶劣暴力犯罪,也是自2004年马德里列车爆炸袭击和2005年伦敦地铁爆炸袭击后发生在欧洲的最严重暴力袭击。欧洲舆论对此普遍表示震惊,担心右翼极端势力在欧洲“回潮”。News Transcript BBC新闻现场

Norwegians have attended church services across the country to remember the nearly 00 people killed in the shootings and bomb attack on Friday.The main service attended by the royal family and political leaders took place in Oslo cathedral.

Oslo’s 17th century cathedral was filled with families of the dead and those still missing.Outside, thousands more people crowded around the church.King Harald of Norway led this first opportunity for the nation to come together and confront the scale of collective grief.Norway’s Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in his address said several times he found the horror of the past few days “incomprehensible”.

As the day drew to a close, Norwegians continued to pay their tribute to the dead, adding to the carpet of flowers outside the cathedral.

Anders Behring Breivik shot dead at least 86 people at an island camp site near Oslo, though at least five others remain missing, and a mini-submarine is searching for them.Seven people died in the car bombing in Oslo.Police, who have charged Mr.Breivik with both crimes, say he has told them he acted alone.Jon Brain reports on what the Norwegian authorities have been finding out about the gunman.

Just hours before the attack, Breivik posted a manifesto online, an often rambling ,500-page document which talks of creating the foremost conservative revolutionary movement in Western Europe.Many here believe Breivik’s actions were those of a mad man.But David Wilson, a criminologist at Birmingham University, disagrees.

“This was a very carefully planned attack.And crucially, unlike most spree killers, he did not take his own life.He clearly wanted to be taken alive because he still wants to send messages through the court and trial process about why he did what he did.”

Norway and the rest of the world will be watching closely.


cathedral n.


confront v.





manifesto n.


rambling adj.


conservative adj.


spree n.

放纵的行为Listening Comprehension听力理解

1.The main service attended by the ____________and political leaders took place in Oslo_______________.

2.How many people remain missing at least?

A.5 B.7  C.17  D.86

3.We can’t know from the news that _______________.

A.there are nearly 100 people being killed in the shootings and bomb attack on Friday

B.seventeen people died in the car bombing in Oslo

C.Breivik posted a manifesto online just hours before the attack

D.Breivik wants to send messages through the court and trial process about why he did what he didKey 1.royal family, cathedral2.A 3.BTranslation 新闻译文




安德西•贝林•布莱维克在奥斯陆附近一个小岛上的露营地枪杀了至少86人,目前仍然有至少5人失踪,一辆微型潜艇正在搜索失踪者。奥斯陆发生汽车爆炸袭击,造成 人死亡。警方针对这两项罪名,对布莱维克先生提出控告时表示,嫌疑人称他是单独行动的。


挪威和国际社会都在密切关注该事件。Helpful Tips 听力点拨

1.church service中service的原意是“服务”,在这里与church组成固定搭配,意思是“礼拜(仪式)”。

2.As the day drew to a close, Norwegians continued to pay their tribute to the dead, adding to the carpet of flowers outside the cathedral.本句为复合句。as the day drew to a close是一个由as引导的时间状语从句;pay tribute to是一个短语,意思是“向……表示敬意”;adding to the carpet of flowers outside the cathedral是现在分词结构作伴随状语。

3.Police, who have charged Mr.Breivik with both crimes, say he has told them he acted alone.本句为复合句。who have charged Mr.Breivik with both crimes是一个由who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰Police;he has told them he acted alone是一个省略了that的宾语从句,作say的宾语;其中he acted alone也是一个宾语从句,作told的宾语。News Item2 默多克帝国遭遇窃听丑闻危机News Background新闻背景

2002年3月的一天,英国一位名叫米莉•道勒的13岁女孩在放学路上失踪,直到2011年6月,绑架杀害道勒的凶手才刚刚认罪。而2011年7月4日,英国媒体报道,在这名女孩失踪后,英国《世界新闻报》就曾雇佣私人侦探窃听道勒的手机语音信箱,擅自删除了部分留言,干扰了警方的侦破工作。这则最新披露的丑闻让英国全国上下一片哗然。英国议会于2011 年7月6日就此事展开紧急辩论。首相卡梅伦就表示,电话窃听事件令人感到震惊和气愤,并称支持对《世界新闻报》窃听丑闻展开独立调查。News Transcript BBC新闻现场

The media tycoon Rupert Murdoch has told a British parliamentary committee that he was not responsible for the phone-hacking scandal at one of his newspapers, the now defunct News of the World.He said he may have lost sight of what was happening there but the paper had represented less than % of his worldwide business.Mr.Murdoch said he’d been shocked and ashamed when he learnt that the News of the World had hacked the phone of a murdered schoolgirl, and in his closing address, he gave this apology.

“I would like all the victims of phone-hacking to know how completely and deeply sorry I am.Apologizing cannot take back what has happened.Still, I want them to know the depth of my regret for the horrible invasions into their lives.I fully understand their ire.And I intend to work tirelessly to merit their forgiveness.”

Mr.Murdoch gave evidence alongside his son James, who is a senior executive in the media empire.

The Murdochs’ evidence to MPs on the Culture, Media and Sport Committee had its moments of drama but few moments of revelation.There were elements of both when James Murdoch, the chairman of News International, confirmed that his company has been continuing to pay the legal expenses of Glenn Mulcaire, the private detective hired by the News of the World to illegally hack the phones of individuals.There are News Corporation investors who believe that at the age of 80, it might now be time for Rupert Murdoch to hand over the executive reins of the global media empire he created, and his performance today probably won’t dissuade them that the moment may have come.Although Mr.Murdoch himself insisted he’s the right man to correct the News of the World’s sins of the past-sins that went on for years, but which Mr.Murdoch didn’t notice in their enormity till the revelations a fortnight ago that the most vulnerable individuals’ phones had been hacked.

The parliamentary hearing had to be suspended for a time when a member of the public threw what appeared to be a plate of shaving foam at Mr.Murdoch.Police arrested the man, and when the hearing resumed, members of the public were excluded.A member of parliament, Chris Bryant, was there.He described what he saw.

“Somebody suddenly appeared round from the left and had some kind of plastic plate with some shaving foam on it, and shoved it in Rupert Murdoch’s face.I think it’s just despicable.You know, there’s a really serious set of questions that people are answering and the whole country wanted to hear answers.”


tycoon n.


defunct adj.


represent v.


invasion n.


merit v.


revelation n.


rein n.


dissuade v.


vulnerable adj.


suspend v.


foam n.


resume v.


despicable adj.

卑劣的Listening Comprehension听力理解

1.The media tycoon Rupert Murdoch has told a British_________________ that he was not responsible for the ______________________at one of his newspapers, the now defunct News of the World.

2.There were elements of both when James Murdoch, the chairman of News International, confirmed that his company has been continuing to pay the __________________of Glenn Mulcaire, the______________________ hired by the News of the World to illegally hack the phones of individuals.

3.Which statement is not true?

A.Murdoch may have lost sight of what was happening there but the paper had represented less than 1% of his worldwide business.

B.Murdoch had been shocked and ashamed when he learnt the news.

C.Murdoch is at the age of 80.

D.Murdoch didn’t insist he’s the right man to correct the News of the World’s sins of the past.Key 1.parliamentary committee, phone-hacking scandal2.legal expenses, private detective 3.DTranslation 新闻译文

世界传媒大亨鲁伯特•默多克曾向英国议会委员会表示,他对于《世界新闻报》的电话窃听丑闻不负有责任。《世界新闻报》是他旗下众多报纸之一,现已倒闭。他说他对于所发生的事情并不是很清楚,而这份报纸所占的分量还不足他全世界经营业务范围的 %。默多克先生称,当他得知《世界新闻报》窃听了一位被谋杀的女孩的手机时,他十分震惊,也十分惭愧,并且他在讲话快结束时作了道歉。“我要向电话窃听事件的所有受害者表达我最诚挚的、深深的歉意。道歉不能挽回发生的一切,但是我仍然想让他们知道,我对侵犯他们的生活表示深深的遗憾。我完全能够理解他们的愤怒,我也将不遗余力地采取措施以获得他们的原谅。”



一名民众将一个盛放着剃须膏的盘子扔向默多克,听证会一度暂时休会。警察逮捕了这名袭击者。当听证会恢复时,不再准许公众入场。一位名叫克里斯•布莱恩特的议员当时在场。他描述了他所见到的情景。“突然有人拿着一个盛放着剃须膏的塑料盘子从左边出现,并将盘子掷向鲁伯特・默多克的脸。我认为这种行为很卑劣。他们回答的是很严肃的问题,而且全国的人都想知道他们的答案。”Helpful Tips 听力点拨

1.The media tycoon Rupert Murdoch has told a British parliamentary committee that he was not responsible for the phone-hacking scandal at one of his newspapers, the now defunct News of the World.本句为复合句。that he was not responsible for the phone-hacking scandal at one of his newspapers, the now defunct News of the World是一个that引导的宾语从句,作told的宾语;其中the now defunct News of the World是one of his newspapers的同位语。

2.MPs 是缩略语,其全称是Members of Parliament,指“英国下院议员”。

3.There are News Corporation investors who believe that at the age of 80, it might now be time for Rupert Murdoch to hand over the executive reins of the global media empire he created, and his performance today probably won’t dissuade them that the moment may have come.本句为复合句。and连接两个并列分句;第一个分句中who引导定语从句,修饰News Corporation investors;其中that引导宾语从句,作believe的宾语;he created是省略了that的定语从句,修饰the global media empire;第二个分句中,that the moment may have come是that引导的宾语从句,作dissuade的宾语。News Item3 默多克决定关闭《世界新闻报》News Background新闻背景《世界新闻报》是有着168年历史的老牌星期天报纸,是英国《太阳报》(The Sun)的周日版,在英国的销量很高。2011年7月,《世界新闻报》陷入窃听丑闻,詹姆斯•默多克决定关闭《世界新闻报》。该报将在2011年7月11日出版它的最后一期,随后将关闭。News Transcript BBC新闻现场

The mettle of a company’s managers is only truly tested during a crisis.So what does Rupert Murdoch’s decision to close down the British newspaper, the News of the World tell us about the management of his global media empire and about the crisis that engulfs it?

It’s certainly a bold move.The News of the World is Britain’s best-selling Sunday paper and generates healthy profits-a very rare quality in the newspaper business these days.

But the paper’s practice of tapping into the mobile phones of anyone it was remotely interested in has become a huge international scandal after it was revealed that journalists had targeted murdered children and the families of British soldiers killed in action.It comes at a particularly sensitive time for News Corp, Murdoch’s global media conglomerate.News Corp is in the process of trying to take full control of the UK satellite broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting.So is this another example of the Murdoch family’s audacious business acumen or is it a measure of the depth of the trouble their global business is in? I’m joined by Charlie Beckett, who teaches international journalism and society at the London School of Economics.

“So how bold a step is this in business terms?”


mettle n.


engulf v.


bold adj.


remotely adv.


conglomerate n.


audacious adj.


acumen n.




real estate


upmarket adj.


tabloid n.


altar n.


“In business terms, I think it is quite remarkable and pretty unprecedented.This is, this is a very profitable piece of real estate that he has decided to dump.It makes a lot of money, which is unusual for newspapers.And it also makes money with quite upmarket people.It’s a tabloid newspaper, but it has more AB1 readers than its stable mate-The Sunday Times.So this was an extraordinary brand to sacrifice on the altar of his reputation.”Listening Comprehension听力理解

1.The News of the World is Britain’s __________Sunday paper and generates healthy profits-a ________________in the newspaper business these days.

2.It is very __________________for Murdoch to close down the News of the World.

A.bold and wise B.constrained

C.weak and incompetent   D.powerless and helpless

3.Which statement is not true?

A.The News of the World is Britain’s best-selling Sunday paper.

B.The paper’s practice of tapping into the mobile phones of anyone has become a huge international scandal.

C.Journalists had targeted murdered children and the families of British soldiers killed in action.

D.News Corp is in the process of trying to take part control of the UK satellite broadcaster.Key 1.best-selling, very rare quality2.A 3.DTranslation 新闻译文

一个公司管理层的勇气只有在危机时才能得到真正的检验。鲁伯特• 默多克关于关闭《世界新闻报》的决定向我们透露了哪些关于他对他传媒帝国的管理和其所陷入的危机呢?


然而该报的“窃听门”丑闻在国际上引起轩然大波。据称,该报记者窃听一切他们感兴趣的目标,甚至包括被谋杀的儿童和在执行任务中牺牲的英国士兵的家庭成员。目前,默多克新闻集团正准备完全控股英国天空广播公司。对于该国际传媒大公司来说,在这一极度敏感时期,这一消息来得真是不巧。那么,这一举措能否成为默多克家族在商界的又一大胆明智的举措呢?抑或是仅仅昭示着该国际集团在危机中越陷越深?让我们来听听伦敦经济学院社会国际新闻学教授查理•贝克特的看法。“从商业角度看,这一举措到底有多么大胆?”“从商业角度看,我认为这样的决定非同一般,前所未有。他决定抛弃的是一块非常值钱的不动产。《世界新闻报》盈利数目可观,这在报业是非常不寻常的。此外,它也靠报道热点知名人物赚钱。这本是份小报,可它却比同属默多克麾下的《周日泰晤士报》拥有更多的ABl(一种液晶显示器)读者。在默多克的名誉圣坛上,这份报纸可以算是顶级祭品了。”Helpful Tips 听力点拨

1.So what does Rupert Murdoch’s decision to close down the British newspaper, the News of the World tell us about the management of his global media empire and about the crisis that engulfs it? 本句为复合句。to close down the British newspaper, the News of the World是不定式短语作后置定语,修饰decision;其中the News of the World是the British newspaper的同位语;后半句中的and连接两个并列介词结构,作tell的宾语;that engulfs it是that引导的定语从句,修饰the crisis。

2.But the paper’s practice of tapping into the mobile phones of anyone it was remotely interested in has become a huge international scandal after it was revealed that journalists had targeted murdered children and the families of British soldiers killed in action.本句为复合句。of tapping into the mobile phones of anyone it was remotely interested in是介词结构作后置定语,修饰practice;其中tap into the mobile phones本义是“利用电话”,这里引申为“窃听”,用作贬义;it was remotely interested in是省略了that的定语从句,修饰anyone;after引导时间状语从句;从句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的名词性从句;killed in action是过去分词结构作后置定语,修饰British soldiers。News Item4 默多克听证会遇袭邓文迪救夫成主角News Background新闻背景

2011年7月20日,在英国议会就《世界新闻报》窃听丑闻质询默多克父子时,一名男子突然从听众席窜起,手拿餐盘,跨过默多克旁边的人对其袭击。默多克身后的妻子邓文迪迅速跃起,第一时间给袭击者一巴掌。袭击者随后被警方带走。现场秩序一片混乱。十几分钟后,默多克回到了现场继续回答议员的提问。News Transcript BBC新闻现场

After nearly two and a half hours of dry technical questioning by those MPs, there was a moment of drama.A man lunging towards Rupert Murdoch and his wife Wendi, who was sitting behind him leaping up and appearing to wallop the assailant with her right arm.So what do we learn from the committee hearing? The question I put to Fraser Nelson, the political editor of the UK’s Spectator magazine.

“Well, not so much actually, other than the fact that Rupert Murdoch’s wife has got a very good left punch.We didn’t hear very much more about the hacking scandal than we did know already.There were little bits being revolved.Rebekah Brooks, for example, claims that George Osborne was the one who hired Andy Coulson to be David Cameron’s spin doctor-relatively small parts of the on-going soap opera, which we’ve been treated to in Britain over the last couple of years.”

If we didn’t learn very much, whose fault was that? Was that because of a certain evasiveness on the part of the Murdochs and Rebekah Brooks, or was it because of an inadequate, if you’d like, line of questioning from the MPs?

“I was pretty unimpressed by the calibre of questioning from the MPs on that committee.A lot of them didn’t seem to know the brief very well.They seem to be asking questions to try to get some dramatic advantage out of, I think, Rupert Murdoch there, rather than asking him relative straight questions that, for example, a lawyer might have asked him.I suspect that even Rupert Murdoch left there thinking he’d had a relatively easy ride.”


lung v.


wallop v.


assailant n.


punch v.


evasiveness n.


inadequate adj.


calibre n.

质量Listening Comprehension听力理解

1.A man ________________towards Rupert Murdoch and his wife Wendi, who was sitting behind him ______________and appearing to wallop the assailant with her right arm.

2.Why didn’t they learn very much from the committee hearing?

A.Murdoch’s wife Wendi walloped the assailant with her right arm.

B.Because of a certain evasiveness on the part of the Murdochs and Rebekah Brooks

C.Because of an inadequate line of questioning from the MPs.

D.It was not told exactly in the text.

3.According to the news, we can know that ______________.

A.the committee hearing is serious and exciting

B.we hear very much more about the hacking scandal in the committee hearing

C.it is unimpressed by the calibre of questioning from the MPs on that committee

D.Rupert Murdoch left there thinking he’d had a relatively easy rideKey 1.lunging, leaping up2.D. 3.CTranslation 新闻译文


如果我们得不到什么信息,那么是谁的错呢?是因为默多克和丽贝卡•布鲁克斯相互推脱,还是像你想象的那样,因为议员质询缺乏力度?“我对委员会议员的质询力度没什么印象。他们很多人似乎连事情原委都不太清楚。问问题的目的似乎在于想从鲁伯特•默多克那儿捞到点好处,而不是像律师那样问些更加直接的问题。我怀疑甚至鲁伯特•默多克离开时都觉得听证会相对有点轻松了。”Helpful Tips 听力点拨

1.A man lunging towards Rupert Murdoch and his wife Wendi, who was sitting behind him leaping up and appearing to wallop the assailant with her right arm.本句为复合句。本句中的第一个and连接两个并列分句,表示承接;后一个分句中,who was sitting behind him是一个who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰his wife Wendi。

2.other than 短语,意思是“除了”。例:You can’t get there other than by boat.除了坐船, 你无法去那里。

3.spin doctor中doctor的本义是“医生;博士”,这里与spin连用,指的是“为丑闻辩解的公关人员”,也可理解为“政治顾问”。News Item5 国际社会对利比亚发动联合军事行动News Background新闻背景

联合国安理会于2011年3月17日授权对利比亚领导人卡扎菲军队采取军事行动,还同意在其领空设立“禁飞区”,从而为未来几天欧洲及美国空袭利比亚铺平道路。随后,美国、英国和法国等西方国家对利比亚实施了军事打击。3月20日利比亚政府开始向普通民众发放枪支弹药。国际社会对军事打击利比亚反应不一。News Transcript BBC新闻现场

An international military operation is underway in Libya to enforce a United Nations, resolution to prevent Colonel Gaddafi’s forces attacking civilians.The United States said American and British naval forces have fired more than 100 cruise missiles at around 0 military targets in Libya.

Within the last few minutes, the director of the US military’s joint staff, Vice Admiral William Gortney, has given more details about what he described as the first phase of a multi-phased operation.He said 0 cruise missiles had been fired against Libya’s air defence and missile systems.This phase he said was all about creating conditions for coalition partners to patrol the no-fly zone established by UN Security Council Resolution 1973.

State TV in Libya said civilian targets had been hit.Earlier, French warplanes destroyed a number of pro-Gaddafi tanks and armoured vehicles near the rebelheld city of Benghazi.President Obama says the United States is part of a broad coalition to answer the calls of a threatened people in Libya, but he reiterated that the US would not deploy troops on the ground.

“I want the American people to know that the use of force is not our first choice, and it’s not a choice that I make lightly.But we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy, and his forces step up their assaults on cities like Benghazi and Misrata.”

The French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe has said that the attacks will continue over the next few days until the Libyan government complies with the UN resolution.Russia said it regrets the decision by Western powers to take military action in Libya.


civilian n.


naval adj.


cruise n.


missile n.


phase n.


patrol v.


resolution n.


armoured adj.


coalition n.


reiterate v.






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