Smart Reading:跟美国学生同步练阅读(英文原版)(同步导学 Grade 1)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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Smart Reading:跟美国学生同步练阅读(英文原版)(同步导学 Grade 1)

Smart Reading:跟美国学生同步练阅读(英文原版)(同步导学 Grade 1)试读:

版权信息书名:Smart Reading:跟美国学生同步练阅读(英文原版)(同步导学 Grade 1)作者:韦恩·埃弗里特排版:Clementine出版社:天津人民出版社出版时间:2016-08-01ISBN:9787201105871本书由北京东方神鸟图书发行有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —前言PREACE

经过近两年的出版策划与编写工作,这套以美国标准教学大纲(Common Core Standards)为蓝本、由加拿大英语教师编写的《Smart Reading》如愿问世了!这是多年前我们出版麦加菲《美国语文读本》时的一个心愿——为国内准备留学的孩子们提供更多优质的现代西方学校教学资源,让他们了解与之同龄的英语国家学生在读些什么、学些什么……出国前多做些同步训练,这样既提升了孩子们的英语语言能力,又加强了对西方课程标准的了解与学习。当他们未来置身差异不小的“洋课堂”时,便会显得更加从容和适应。

在风景优美、充满英式风情的温哥华岛上, 我们的出版愿望一步步得以实现!为中国的未来留学生出版这一系列图书,对我们也是一个挑战。


二是采用什么样的写作标准。西方中小学没有统编教材,但教辅图书也不少。通过对这些图书的收集整理和分析,我们找到了一个较为通用的教学标准——美国现代学校教育使用的“共同核心标准”(Common Core State Standards)。这一标准非常类似于中国的统一教学大纲。因此, 我们新出版的“Common Core”系列,将以这一目前美国学校流行的标准为指导,与现行美国学校的教学标准一致,同时参考了其他英语国家的教学标准与要求,供未来赴所有英语国家留学的孩子们使用。

三是编写内容的现代感。为了提高学生的学习兴趣,我们要求作者紧密结合西方现代生活与新技术广泛应用时代,让读者接触到最时兴的英语素材、在真实世界里学习英语和课程。因此,“Common Core”系列图书,在内容上尽量满足学生对新知的认识与理解。




1. 建立在大量研究与事实基础之上而制定;

2. 标准清晰、易于理解并保持教学的延续性;

3. 结合未来的大学教育与职业发展;

4. 丰富的内容与知识应用,高度训练学生的思考能力;

5. 融汇了各州教学标准的优势;

6. 参考了其他国家的教育优点,让学生未来更好地适应全球化经济与社会。

目前,共同核心标准包括两类课程:一是英语语言艺术(English Language Arts,简称“ELA”),另一门是数学。ELA又包括阅读、写作、听说等各个领域。这些语言能力,也是学习其他科目的关键,如科学、历史与信息技术等。所以它不是一门简单的英语科目。数学大纲,不是重点强调记忆,而是让学生在训练技能的同时,能获取解决数学问题的答案。要求学生运用数学知识和技能,解决真实世界中的问题。因此数学对学生来讲,会变得更加有趣而充满真实感。

围绕“共同核心标准”,Holybird Publishing利用北美的教师资源,策划出版了三个系列:《Smart Reading》、《Smart Math》、《Smart Science》。让中国学生学起来更有目标和参照标准。在完全按照美国“共同核心标准”编写的同时,我们也参考了其他英语国家的教学标准与难度,因此对所有未来在西方留学的孩子都可适用,帮助他们提升英语水平、建立自我学习策略,训练思考能力。夯实了这些基础,未来学习便会游刃有余!Holybird PublishingFor the Well-trained MindIn Victoria, BC, CanadaLesson 1The New Bicycle

Alice has a new bicycle. It is shiny and red.

It was a gift from her aunt. She wanted to surprise Alice.

When Alice saw the bicycle, she jumped for joy. It was what she wanted. She gave her aunt a hug.

Alice loves her new bicycle, and she loves her aunt.

I. Word List

II. Exercise—Think about it

1. Alice’s bicycle is red. What other things are red?

Some apples are red.




2. The bicycle was a gift. What are some other gifts?

A toy can be a gift.




3. Alice can jump. What animals can jump?

Frogs jump.




III. True or False? Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence.

___ 1. Alice’s bicycle is pink.

___ 2. Alice’s aunt gave her the bicycle.

___ 3. Alice loves her aunt.

___ 4. Alice gave her aunt a kiss.

___ 5. Alice gave her aunt a bicycle.

IV. Word Groups—Complete each word group with a word from the story.

1. green, blue             r _ _

2. mother, uncle         a _ _ _

3. present, package   g _ _ _

4. happiness, gladness             j _ _

5. likes very much, adores        l _ _ _ _

 Lesson 2

 The Greedy Dog

One day a big, brown dog found a nice stick in the park. A little dog saw the big dog’s stick, and wanted to play with him. However, the big dog did not want to share. He picked up his stick and ran away. The little dog was sad, but he found another friend to play with.

On his way home, the big dog walked next to a pond. He looked in the pond and saw another dog. That dog also had a big stick! The big dog wanted to take the stick from the other dog, so he opened his mouth wide. The stick dropped into the pond!

So the big, brown dog had no stick and no friends to play with.

I. Word List

greedy: wanting many things only for oneself, not others

 stick: a long piece of wood

 pond: a very small lake

II. Opposites—Find words in the story that mean the opposite to these words.

For example: happy—sad

1. small—_ _ _ 3. closed—_ _ _ _ _ _

2. old—_ _ _   4. give—_ _ _ _

III. True or False? Write T if the sentence is true, or F if the sentence is false.

___ 1. The big, brown dog found a sock in the park.

___ 2. The big dog wanted to play with the small dog.

___ 3. The small dog played with the big dog.

___ 4. The big dog went swimming in the pond.

___ 5. The big dog dropped his stick in the pond.

IV. Answer these questions with a partner.

1. Why is this story called The Greedy Dog?


2. Why was the small dog sad?


3. How did the big dog lose his stick?


 Lesson 3Look at the Sky

Sometimes, on a nice day, my friend and I like to lie on the grass and look up at the sky. We can see birds and airplanes and clouds.

Some clouds are soft and fluffy. Some are thin and wispy. Some clouds float away on the wind. Some clouds grow bigger when we watch them.

We think we can see big ships and whales. Then we close our eyes. When we open our eyes we see kittens and puppies. We watch the kittens and puppies run away. Looking at clouds is a lot of fun!

I. Word List

 grass: a small, green plant that people often grow in their yard

 fluffy: very soft

   wispy: very thin

 float: to move slowly and lightly in the air

II. Word Groups—Find these words in the reading.

   1. things that fly: b _ _ _ _     a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

   2. things in the ocean: s _ _ _ _     w _ _ _ _ _

   3. animals: k _ _ _ _ _ _     p _ _ _ _ _ _

III. Friends—Answer these questions about friends.

1. The writer likes to look at clouds with a friend. What do you like to do with your friends?


2. What is your best friend’s name? Why do you like him or her?


3. Why are friends important?


IV. Words that Rhyme—Choose the word that rhymes with these words from the story.

For example: nice     a) rice     b) nuts     c) nine The answer is a) rice.

1. grassa) greenb) passc) plant

2. skya) pieb) seec) scorea) thickb) skinc) that

3. thin

4. biga) bagb) bearc) piga) runb) fanc) free

5. funLesson 4 Our Chores

Every morning my sister and I clean our rooms. When we are finished, we go downstairs and have breakfast with our parents. Next, we help wash and dry the breakfast dishes before we go to school.

We have a dog. His name is Rex. Every morning and every night, my sister and I take Rex for a walk with our mom or dad. We also give him food and water.

On the weekend, we help mom and dad vacuum the house. We like to help keep the house clean.

I. Word List

chores: housework

 vacuum: use a machine to clean the floor, stairs, etc.

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What chores do the writer and her sister have?


2. What is the name of their dog?


3. Do you have chores? What are they?


4. What chores do you not like doing? Why?


5. Why is it important to do chores?


III. True or False? Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence.

___ 1. The writer and her sister don’t like chores.

___ 2. The writer and her sister vacuum on the weekend.

___ 3. The writer and her sister have a cat.

___ 4. The writer and her sister do chores everyday.

___ 5. The writer and her sister walk with Rex four times a day.

IV. Circle the things the writer and her sister do.

clean their rooms            wash the dog

wash the dishes             go to school

vacuum the house          walk with the dog

make breakfast  clean the bathroomLesson 5 


(Lessons 1- 4)

I. What’s the word? Choose the correct word from lessons 1-4.

1. My mother’s sister is my a _ _ _.

2. There is a p _ _ _ in our yard. It looks like a small lake.

3. Those clouds look so soft! They are f _ _ _ _ _.

4. My house is not dirty. It is t _ _ _.

5. We wash dishes in the s _ _ _.

6. At home, my c _ _ _ _ _ are washing the dishes and cleaning my room.

7. Day and night are very different. They are o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

8. When we feel j _ _, we feel very happy.

II. Vocabulary in use—Answer the following questions about new vocabulary words.

1. Is there a shelf in your bedroom? What is on it?


2. Dogs sometimes chase sticks. What are some other things we can do with sticks?


3. Do you keep your bedroom tidy? Why or why not?


4. Do you like greedy people? Why or why no?


5. Do you sometimes hug some people? Who do you hug?


6. Metal is shiny. What are some other shiny things?


III. Word groups—Choose words from lessons 1-4.

1. animals—d _ _     k _ _ _ _ _ _     w _ _ _ _ _      s _ _ _ _

2. things that move—b _ _ _ _ _ _      s _ _ _ _

3. green things—g _ _ _ _      p _ _ _ _ _

4. people in our family—M _ _      D _ _      a _ _ _Lesson 6The Giant Turnip

One day a poor farmer wanted to plant a vegetable garden. He liked turnips, but his wife and children did not. His wife liked peas. His son liked beans. His daughter liked carrots. So they played a game of cards to find a winner. The farmer won.

The farmer planted a turnip. He watered it everyday. The turnip became very big.

At the end of the summer, it was time to pull the turnip out of the soil. The farmer pulled and pulled, but the turnip was so big that it would not come out. His wife and son came to help him, but the turnip would not come out.

Finally, the little girl came out to help. They all pulled together. The giant turnip came out of the ground. They carried the turnip home and cooked turnip soup. Everyone loved it!

I. Word List

turnip: a round, white vegetable

 peas: very small, round, green vegetables

 soil: dirt for growing vegetables

II. Answer these questions with a partner.

1. Everyone in the family liked a different vegetable. What kind of vegetable do you like?


2. Why did the turnip come out when the little girl helped?


3. What are some things that you and your family do together?


III. Fill in the blanks—Read the sentences carefully and fill in the correct words from the story.

1. The little girl liked ______________.

2. The turnip was very ____________.

3. The farmer was the winner of the _________.

4. They cooked ________________.

5. They had to _________ the turnip out of the ground.

IV. Words that rhyme—Find words in the story that rhyme with these words.

For example: dinner–winner. These words rhyme.

1. boil—s _ _ _       3. pig—b _ _             5. hoop—s _ _ _

2. won—s _ _         4. bull—p _ _ _         6. dome—h _ _ _Lesson 7My First Trip to the Dentist

Today I went to see the dentist. It was my first time. I was a little scared, but the dentist was very kind. He told me to sit down in a big chair. We watched a cartoon about a mouse having his teeth checked. It was funny.

Then the dentist showed me some of his tools. Later, I pressed a button and some water went into a drinking cup.

After that, the dentist told me to lie back and open my mouth. He counted my teeth. Then he checked them carefully. He said my teeth looked nice. He showed me how to brush them correctly. When I was leaving, he gave me a new toothbrush.

I like my dentist. I am going to see him again in six months.

I. Word List

kind: nice, friendly

scared: fearful, afraid

cartoon: a short, funny movie

brush: clean

II. What do you think? Give your opinion about these questions.

1. Why was the writer scared to go to the dentist?


2. Are you scared to go to the dentist? Why or why not?


3. What things make you feel scared?


4. How did the writer feel after seeing the dentist?


III. What’s the word? Choose the correct word from the story.

1. the opposite of front: b _ _ _

2. you use it to brush your teeth: t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. the opposite of close is o _ _ _

4. another word for frightened is s _ _ _ _ _

5. large and b _ _ mean the same

6. you use a c _ _ to drink water

IV. True or False—Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false.

___ 1. The dentist was frightened.

___ 2. The writer’s teeth looked nice.

___ 3. The writer got a new toothbrush.

___ 4. The dentist opened his mouth.

___ 5. The writer watched a cartoon.Lesson 8 A Day with Grandpa

I like it when Grandpa comes to visit. He always does amazing things with us. Today he said he was going to make a bird feeder!

First, Grandpa took out a pine cone and a bag of birdseed. He told me to get some peanut butter and put it all over the pine cone. Then he told my sister to roll the pine cone in the birdseed.

Next, Grandpa tied a strong string around the pine cone. We went outside and walked to a tree in the backyard. Grandpa tied the pine cone to a branch.

We waited. Soon a bird came and pecked at the pine cone! Grandpa said it was a sparrow. Later, a beautiful blue bird came to get some seeds. Grandpa said it was a blue jay. It was exciting. We like watching birds with Grandpa.

I. Word List

amazing: great, wonderful, hard to believe

pine cone: a cone-shaped fruit from the pine tree

string: long, thin material for tying things together

pecked: hit or bite with a beak

II. Who did it? Tell which person did these things in the story.

1. __________ took out a bag of birdseed.

2. __________ got some peanut butter.

3. __________ rolled the pine cone in the birdseed.

4. __________ tied a strong string around the pine cone.

5. __________ said the bird was a blue jay.

III. How about you? Answer these questions about yourself.

1. The writer likes doing with his/her Grandpa. Is there a relative you like to do things with? Who is it?


2. Do you sometimes see birds near your home? Do you know what kind of birds they are?


3. Would you like to try making a bird feeder? Why or why not?


4. Tell about something you made at home with someone in your family.


IV. Words that rhyme—Find words in the story that rhyme with these words.

1. word—b _ _ _   4. true—b _ _ _

2. mine—p _ _ _   5. weeds—s _ _ _ _

3. bring—s _ _ _ _ _           6. free—t _ _ _Lesson 9 The Sun and the Wind

One day the Sun and the Wind were watching a man walk in the park. He was wearing a big, heavy coat.

“I’m so strong,” said the Wind. “I can make that coat come off the man.”

The Sun smiled. “Go ahead. Show me,” said the Sun.

The wind began to blow. It blew and blew. It was so hard for the man to walk in the wind, but the Wind could not blow the coat off the man’s body.

“Watch me,” said the Sun.

The Sun shone bright and hot. Soon the man stopped walking. He wiped his forehead with his handkerchief. Then he took of his coat.

I. Word List

blew: past tense of blow

forehead: the front part of a person’s head

handkerchief: a square of cotton or linen carried in the pocket and used for wiping one’s nose or forehead

II. Wrong spelling—Help the wind blow the wrong letters away from the misspelled words. Write the correct spellings on the lines.

1. heravy _________________

2. stroing _________________

3. ksmiled ________________

4. brigheht ________________

5. fporehead _______________

III. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. The man was in the ______.

    a. park     b. school     c. backyard

2. The man was wearing a ______.

    a. thin coat      b. heavy jumper      c. heavy coat

3. It was ______.

    a. silly      b. hard      c. fun to walk in the wind.

4. The man wiped his forehead with his ______.

    a. coat      b. hand      c. handkerchief

IV. Answer these questions with a partner.

1. Who was stronger, the Sun or the Wind? Why?


2. Which do you like better, strong sun or strong wind? Why?


3. Sun and wind are two kinds of weather. What are some other kinds of weather that you know?


4. What is your favourite kind of weather? Why?


5. Do you think the Sun and the Wind are friends? Why or why not?

___________________________________________________________.Lesson 10


(Lessons 6-9)

I. Fill in the blanks—Choose the correct word from lessons 6-9.

1. Vegetables grow in s _ _ _.

2. She is a k _ _ _ lady. She never gets angry.

3. The bird p _ _ _ _ _ at the birdseed.

4. Some people carry a h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to wipe their nose or forehead.

5. Some of the things she does are a _ _ _ _ _ _! I can not believe it!

II. Word scramble—Read the clues and unscramble the answer.

1. the front of your head—eafreaoh _________

2. small, green vegetables—aspe _________

3. material used for tying things—tnrsig _________

4. the fruit from a pine tree—niep oenc _________

III. Complete the sentences.

1. An amazing thing I have seen someone do is _________________.

2. A kind person I know is _______________.

3. A cartoon I like is ______________.

4. Peas and turnips are kinds of ______________.

5. Good soil is important because _______________________.

6. When the wind blew very strongly, I felt ____________________.Lesson 11Snow Day

There was a big snowstorm last night. When I woke up this morning, there was lots of snow everywhere. My Mom turned on the radio, and it said that schools were closed! My Mom is a teacher, so she stayed home with me and my dog, Choco.

This is a list of the things we did today:

— build a snowman

— play with Choco

— make chocolate chip cookies

— phone my grandparents

I like snow days, but I will be happy to go back to school tomorrow.

I. Word List

snowstorm: a heavy fall of snow, usually with high wind

snowman: a figure made of snow that resembles a person

II. True or False—Write T (true) or F (false) for the following sentences.

___ 1. The writer went to school today.

___ 2. The writer made a snowman.

___ 3. The writer wants to go back to school tomorrow.

___ 4. The writer has a cat.

___ 5. The TV said that schools were closed.

III. Fill in the blanks—Choose the correct words from the story.

1. The writer has a dog named ___________.

2. The writer phoned his ______________.

3. The writer and his Mom made _______________ cookies.

4. There was a big __________ last night.

IV. All about you! Complete the sentences so that they are true about you!

1. When it snows a lot, I like to _______________________.

2. When school is closed, I like to ____________________.

3. On the radio, I listen to ______________________.

4. A kind of food I like to make is _________________.

5. Sometimes I talk to ___________________ on the phone.

6. Yesterday I did these things: _____________, ________________, and __________________.





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