艺术类大学英语听说教程 2(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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艺术类大学英语听说教程 2

艺术类大学英语听说教程 2试读:



● 艺术类大学英语语言技能提高系列分为《艺术类大学英语听说教程》(1-4册)和《艺术类大学英语读写教程》(1-4册),分别与“艺术类大学英语系列教材”(综合教材) 1-4册对应。

● 语言技能提高系列教材的编写以提高学生听、说、读、写四个方面的语言基本技能为原则,继续坚持综合教材中“以文化为导向,突出艺术领域的通识文化”的特色。

● 语言技能提高系列教材的单元数量与综合教材一致,主题与综合教材相呼应,便于教师同步教学;选材依然贴合“艺术通识”这个特色,起到对综合教材各单元主题的延伸、拓展的作用,教师也可根据授课需要灵活选择组合。

● 语言技能提高系列教材难度适中,贴近艺术类大学生的实际英语水平。1-4册的难度循序渐进,各分册的难度略大于所对应的综合教材,以此引导学生加强语言技能训练,并在练习中逐步提高英语运用的综合能力。

● 语言技能提高系列教材的部分练习形式与大学英语四六级考试的题型相仿,兼顾部分教师和学生应试的需要。《艺术类大学英语听说教程》围绕听说技能的提高这一中心,依据上述编写原则,秉承综合教材的编写宗旨,坚持以文化为导向,突出艺术领域的通识文化,以最新原版英语听力资料为载体,配合综合教材进一步拓展学生在艺术领域的视野,系统地训练听力技能与口语技巧,强调浸入式的英语语言学习环境,以“听”带“说”,提高学生的语言表达能力和篇章演讲能力。本系列教程主要有以下特点:

● 在教材内容方面,首先保持与主干教材主题的一致性。在充分考虑艺术类学生专业兴趣的前提下,尽量拓展各类艺术专业相关的文化背景,突出艺术教育的通识文化知识,充分挖掘相关的艺术史和社会题材,便于学生加深对艺术主题更深刻的认识和理解。

● 就选材而言,所选资料针对性强。本教材以学生的专业通识知识为基础,力求有效地把语言学习、文化交流和艺术背景融为一体。音频资料均来自国外相关艺术领域工作者的演说、讲座、访谈等,涵盖美术、音乐、舞蹈、表演等多个领域,与艺术专业相匹配。听力材料涉及很多学生耳熟能详的艺术人物和作品,使得学生在学习中更容易接受并展开讨论,吸引他们更好地学习。

● 所选材料难度适中,贴近艺术类专业学生的实际英语基础。对于较长的材料,编者均根据发言的小主题、子话题以及听力任务(Task)的设计分割为相对独立的片段,以不致疲劳为限。1-4册的材料主题由浅入深,从简单的描述作家作品逐渐过渡到探讨艺术对社会与人生的意义,保持了本系列教材1-4册的梯度。

● 在教学设计方面,本教程遵循controlled—semi-controlled—free的顺序设计教学活动。在Pre-listening部分,以图片引入各单元话题,激发学生兴趣;在Listening in Depth部分,学生进行精听+泛听练习,提高听力综合能力;Following-up训练学生的听力技能,并在此基础上运用听力中学到的词汇和表达方式练习口语。每个单元也设计了一些模拟大学英语四六级考试的练习,提高他们的应试能力。

● 针对听说技能,本系列教程鼓励学生在模仿音频标准发音、运用听力资料词汇和句型的基础上练习口语,听力与口语相互交融,借助音频内容陈述的逻辑框架结构,进行相似主题的陈述和表达,口语练习包含对话、主题介绍、观点论述等多种形式,提高学生在日常对话及正式发言中的表达能力。


听说技能提高系列教程结构安排合理,既适合教师在课堂上使用,也可以用于学生课外自主学习。我们恳切希望使用本教材的广大师生不吝赐教,以便我们不断改进教材的编写,进一步提高教材质量。编者2015年8月Unit 1Music A Universal LanguageI. Pre-listeningTask 1 Building a Context

Work with a partner and discuss the following questions.

1. Can you please name some of the music styles and what style is your favorite?

2. Do you believe music can alleviate your pain when you are suffering from something bad?

3. What are the roles that music can play in our society?Task 2 Vocabulary

The words in Column A are all connected with music. Match each of them with the appropriate Chinese meaning in Column B.II. Listening in DepthPart OneTask 1 Identifying the Main Idea

Listen to Part One of the talk and choose the right answers to the questions below.

1. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Western music.

B. The common features of music.

C. The role that music plays in human society.

2. What do the talk refer to by saying music is an “universal language”?

A. Music that people enjoy in the city actually is the same to that of the tribes in Africa.

B. Western music can provoke calm and excitement, while music in the tribes makes people sad.

C. Music can emotionally affect different groups in precisely the same way.tribal /traɪbəl/ adj. 部落的isolated /ˈaɪsəˌleɪtɪd/ adj. 隔离的,孤立的provoke / prəˈvəʊk / v. 引起:使…出现;招致Mendelssohn / ˈmɛndlsən / 门德尔松(德国作曲家)Liszt / li:zt / 李斯特(匈牙利作曲家)Brahms / bra:mz / 勃拉姆斯(德国作曲家)

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 2 Checking the Facts

Listen to Part One of the talk again and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

[ ]1. The researchers aims to find out how an isolated group in Congo responded to western music.

[ ]2. The western music that researchers are using to test people are mainly movies' music.

[ ]3. The tribal music in Congo are performed in ceremonies for hunting, funerals and so on.

[ ]4. Latest techniques are used to check how people respond physically to different types of music.

[ ]5. Music whether classical or local can arouse largely similar emotions and reactions in people.

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Part TwoCambridge stage 哈佛大学校内剧场humanity / hjuːˈmænəti / n. 人性,博爱,仁慈reassuring /ˌriːəˈʃʊərɪŋ/ adj. 令人安心的,可靠的coincide / ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd / v. 同时发生Task 3 Listening for Detail

Listen to Part Two of this talk and answer the following questions.

1. What did the Harvard President Drew Faust say in her report of the Arts Task Force project ?


2. Why did YoYo Ma moved his Silk Road Project to Harvard last year ?


3. When did contemporary composer John Adams create his landmark opera “Nixon in China”?


4. How did Diane Paulus' s opera “The Gershwins' Porgy and Bess” manage to the Broadway ?


Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 4 Spot Dictation

Look at this extract from Part Two. Before you listen again, try to fill in the gaps with words you think make sense. Then check your answers after listening to the recording.“For me, the__________ is music, ” Paulus said during a discussion last year with some lyricists and . “When you are doing theater, ” she__________,“you want to__________ every possible means of the theatrical event. And, for that, music is__________.”

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Part Threeincorporate / ɪnˈkɔː(r)pəreɪt / v. 结合,混合,加入soothing/ˈsuːðɪŋ/ adj. 抚慰的,使人宽心的beat / biːt / n. 节拍,拍子Task 5 Note-taking at Speed

Listen to Part Three of the talk in which you will hear how to nurture kids with music. Check (√) the correct methods for each different groups of kids.

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 6 Listening and Understanding

Listen to Part Three of the talk again and correct the sentences according to the recording.

1. Getting to know music at a young age enhances the children' s physical growth.


2. Caregivers can do good to the children by incorporating physical movement and teaching kids how to play the instrument into a child' s life.


3. Older preschool children can understand music as a form of verbal communication as they begin to tell stories and express their feelings through body movements.


4. Infants should be encouraged to make their own music by shouting and crying.


5. Young children quickly realize that music communicates a variety of things, including health and growth.

___________________________________________________________________________________________III. Following-upHINTS ON LISTENINGAmerican and British AccentGenerally, there are notable differences in British English and American English, especially in the pronunciation. They may differ in the following ways:◆RhoticityWhere American accents pronounces /r/ before a consonant and at the end of an utterance, British English has nothing ( as in bare and bar, world and word ).◆Trap-bath SplitBritish English having “broad a” / a: / where general American accent has “flat a” /æ/ (e.g. pass, laugh)◆Contrast of LengthBritish English has a marked degree of contrast of length between“short” and “long”vowels ( The long vowels being the diphthongs, and /i:/, /u:/, /ɜ:/, /ɔ:/, /a:/ ). In American accent this contrast is much less evident, and its IPA length symbol ( : ) is often omitted.Task 1 Recognizing Accents

Listen to the recording and choose the word that is read in British accent.You may hear both American and British accents while Listening.

1. □word




2. □pass




3. □key

□ hate



4. □gush



□hotTask 2 Read Aloud

Please try to read the following long sentences aloud by using different techniques for British and American pronunciation.

● Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

● When you' re a 20 something, you know you need to be mature because you' ve grown up. You' re seen as an adult, not a kid any more. It' s reality, and you really should face it. The faster you learn the most difficult life lessons, the sooner you can lead a great and successful life.

● Protect your joy. Nothing is easier to lose by over-thinking, over-analyzing, and second-guessing. On the other hand, always consider the long-term consequences of your choices:stupid decisions made in the moment can rob you of years of joy and happiness.

● The truth is that the vast majority of us will not be employed in a job that is both our lifelong passion and a world-changer; that' s just not the way our global economy is. So it' s ok to set your sights just a tad below occupational ecstasy. Just find a job that you like. Use that job to help you have a full life with lots of good things and pleasure and helping others and stuff. A great life is pretty good, even if it' s not perfect.Task 3 Describing

In pairs, use the following outline to describe your reviews on one of the songs or music works you have ever listened to. The expressions and structures below are here to help you.

The most… music I ever heard is… It in my mind is…, because… What is peculiar about it is that it…, while at the same time it calms me down when I… I just cannot live without…Unit 2Painting A Colorful Language of Conveying 3D InformationI. Pre-listeningTask 1 Building a Context

Work with a partner and discuss the following questions.

1. Which drawing style you like most ?

2. Who is your favorite painter ? And talk about his / her works.

3. What is your opinion on the art of street painting ?Task 2 Vocabulary

The words in Column A are all connected with the talk you will listen. Match each of them with the appropriate Chinese meaning in Column B.II. Listening in DepthPart OneTask 1 Identifying the Main Idea

Listen to Part One of the talk and choose the right answers to the questions below.

1. What is this talk mainly about ?

A. A painting.

B. A painter.

C. A form of art.

2. What does Kurt Wenner invent ?

A. Street painting.

B. 3D pavement art.

C. Anamorphic perspective.anamorphic /' ænə' mɔrfɪk/ adj. 变形的illustrator / ' ɪləstretɚ / n. 插图画家

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 2 Checking the Facts

Listen to Part One of the talk again and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

[ ] 1. Kurt Wenner worked in NASA as an illustrator for a period.

[ ] 2. In Rome, Wenner studied sculpture and gave up painting.

[ ] 3. Wenner traveled throughout Europe in order to get work opportunities.

[ ] 4. He started to create chalk paintings on streets of US in his youth.

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Part Twoanamorphism / ' ænə' mɔrfɪzəm / n. 合成变质hyperbolic/' haɪpɚ' bɑlɪk/ adj. 双曲线的;夸张的Task 3 Listening for Detail

Listen to Part Two of this talk and answer the following questions.

1. What award did Wenner receive for his contribution to art education?


2. What is the name of the art form Wenner invented?


3. Where does Wenner draw his 3D paintings ?


Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 4 Spot Dictation

Look at this extract from Part Two. Before you listen again, try to fill in the gaps with words you think make sense. Then check your answers after listening to the recording.As a firm__________ in arts education, Wenner taught thousands of students over a 10-year period and received the Kennedy Center Medallion__________ his outstanding contribution to arts education.__________ teaching, he has conducted __________for organizations ranging from the National Gallery of Art and many other institutions.

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Part ThreeSacred Art / ' sekrɪd ɑrt / 圣化艺术Task 5 Note-taking at Speed

Listen to Part Three of the talk in which mentions some works Wenner has done. Check (√) the correct box.

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 6 Listening and Understanding

Listen to Part Three of the talk again and correct the sentences according to the recording.

1. Wenner' s geometry along with the success of the National Geographic documentary inspired many communities to copy other street painting festivals.


2. Over the past twenty years, few of people worldwide have seen a live street painting event, whether in person or broadcast on television or on the Internet.


3. When Pope John Paul II arrived in Mantua, Italy, Wenner was commissioned to create a cooperative composition for a 15' ×75' street painting based on the Last Judgment.


4. On the last day the Pope signed a paper thus officially sanctioning pavement art as an official form of Sacred Art.


5. After lived in Rome for twenty-five years, Wenner returned to the United Kingdom.

___________________________________________________________________________________________III. Following-upHINTS ON LISTENINGHow to Read Long NumbersWhen we write a long number, we usually use commas to separate periods. Periods are simply groups of three numbers which help make long numbers more readable. For example,134,345,021,649,430,567,204The following list breaks this number down into periods.This list helps you read the number. Begin all the way to the left and read, “One hundred thirty-four quintillion, three hundred forty-five quadrillion, twenty-one trillion, six hundred forty-nine billion, four hundred thirty million, five hundred sixty-seven thousand, two hundred four.Task 1 Read Long Numbers

In pairs, read the given numbers to your partner, let he / she write them down. Check the written numbers together.

● 735,328

● 257,403,763

● 35,776,510,034

● 3,230,187,302,000

Can you also say the numbers in Chinese?Task 2 Listen and Calculate

Listen to the recording and try to fill in the gaps with words and numbers you hear. Work out the answers, and check them with partner.

1. The college cafeteria goes through a lot of _____ _____ _____peanut butter. Currently, they have a total of _____ _____of peanut butter in stock. If they have _____ _____of crunchy peanut butter, how many grams of regular peanut butter do they have ?


2. A fruit store sold _____ _____, _____ _____ _____, and _____ _____. How many pieces of fruit did the store sell in all ?


3. Harry and Dorothy already had _____ _____in their shell collection. Then they went to the beach to collect even more. Harry found 6 limpet shells,_____ _____ _____,and 3 conch shells. Dorothy found _____ _____ _____than Harry did. How many shells do the pair have all together ?


4. In David' s desk drawer there are _____ _____ _____. There are _____ _____ _____ _____than yellow highlighters, and there are _____ _____ _____ _____than pink highlighters. How many highlighters are in David' s desk drawer in all ?

Key:__________Task 3 Describing

In pairs, use the following outline to describe a painting you like. The expressions and structures below are here to help you.(Name of the painting)… is a series of approximately…(form of the painting)by… The paintings depict…and were the main focus of … artistic production during…Unit 3Cinema An Entire World on ScreenI. Pre-listeningTask 1 Building a Context

Work with a partner and discuss the following questions.

1.Have you watched the film The Truman Show(1998)? If you do, tell your partner anything you know about the film.

2. Do you know Jim Carrey ? Can you talk about some of his films ?

3. Have you remarked on any films ? If you do, tell your partner about your remarks.Task 2 Vocabulary

The words in Column A are all connected with the film—The Truman Show.Match each of them with the appropriate Chinese meaning in Column B.II. Listening in DepthPart OneTask 1 Identifying the Main Idea

Listen to Part One of the talk and choose the right answers to the questions below.

1. Which film is this talk mainly about ?

A.The Thirteenth Floor.

B.Dark City.

C.The Truman Show.

2. According to this talk, which one is correct?

A.The Truman Show is an American comedy-drama film directed by Jim Carrey.

B. Producer Scott Rudin purchased the script.

C. The majority of filming took place at New York.preoccupied with / pri' ɑkjə' paɪd / 沉浸在...millennial/mɪ' lɛnɪəl/ adj. 一千年的

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 2 Checking the Facts

Listen to Part One of the talk again and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

[ ]1.The Truman Show has not received any nomination but only a financial success.

[ ] 2. As the director, Peter Weir had Jim Carrey and Scott Rudin as the leading roles.

[ ] 3. Paramount Pictures is the distribution company.

[ ]4.Andrew Niccol wrote the script of The Truman Show.

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Part Twoidyllic/aɪ' dɪlɪk/ adj. 悠闲的Task 3 Listening for Detail

Listen to Part Two of this talk and answer the following questions.

1. Who is Truman Burbank?


2. When does Christof start to film Truman as the star of his TV live show?


3. What is Truman' s choice at the end of the film?


Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 4 Spot Dictation

Look at this extract from Part Two. Before you listen again, try to fill in the gaps with words you think make sense. Then check your answers after listening to the recording.In fact, the entire island of Seahaven is manmade; a __________set surrounded by a dome that __________to mimic the sky, weather, and temperature of the real world. The dome is run by staff hidden just beyond its and managed by the Director, Christof. Christof has filmed Truman since his birth and sees the project as a way to truthfully __________a person' s life nonstop.

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Part Threeunderstated/' ʌndɚ' stetɪd/ adj. 低调的Task 5 Note-taking at Speed

Listen to Part Three of the talk in which four film critics remarks on The Truman Show.Check(√)the correct box.

Check your answers in pairs and listen again if you want to. Check your answers with the rest of the class.Task 6 Listening and Understanding

Listen to Part Three of the talk again and correct the sentences according to the recording.

1.Based on 111 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, The Truman Show received an average 84% overall “Certified Fresh” approval rating.


2.Roger Ebert compared The Truman Show to Forrest.


3.Kenneth Turan wrote The Truman Show get numerous tears.





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